Freeing Penelope

That Type of Party

School always started the same way.

What'd you do over the summer?

Did you meet someone?

Tell me all the details!

Everyone would compare their stories and share experiences, reminisce on the good times and console one another when they talked about the bad. Penelope never minded any, and she was frequently the one who was listened to the most, but there was one thing that she felt was always missing from her stories – she never experienced that whirlwind that was a fast-paced summer love.

“What about you, Penny?” Jenny, a bright, longtime friend of Penelope's, questioned. “Meet someone special while you were on vacation?”

Smiling softly, Penelope shook her head. “No, no one.”

Letting out a soft sigh of disappointment, Jenny muttered, “Penny, you have the worst luck. You go to these amazing places and yet you can't even find one guy to have fun with. I mean, you went to freaking Paris this year and that place is just exploding with feels.”

Penelope laughed at her best friend's reaction. “I know, I know, Jen, no need to remind me.”

After dismissing the topic of a summer fling, or lack thereof, Jenny continued to rave about her friend's summer vacation. “You're so lucky that your step-dad's a pilot. You get to go everywhere for free! I would kill to be able to go to Paris.”

Penny had to agree on that. “Even though there wasn't a guy for me, you could just stand anywhere and feel the love in the air. It was so magical. And I am lucky to have him as a step-dad, but not just because of his job. David's a nice guy and he makes my mom happy so I'm happy.”

“True,” Jenny nodded her head and her brunette locks of hair gently swayed, her hazel eyes soon lighting up with a sudden realization. “Isn't it going to be their fifth wedding anniversary in a week?”

“Yeah, I can't wait. They're going to Maui to celebrate and they're going to renew their vows right on the beach.”

“I really hate you, you know? You're so lucky to be going with them!”

Penelope's brow furrowed as she shook her head. “I'm not going with them.” She stated. “It's just going to be the two of them. Mom doesn't want me missing school when it's just barely started and I kinda want this to be a thing for themselves.”

“Oh, I see.”

“Yeah, so it's just going to be me, myself, and I for that weekend.”

Smiling wickedly, Jenny leaned in. “I've got an idea,” she sung out softly, biting her lip in anticipation. “Why don't we have a party at your place?”

Nodding, Penny agreed. “Sure, I'll order some pizza and we can make it a movie night with the girls?”

“No, no, no, no, Penny. I mean like... a party party. You know, like the one that Priscilla Abbot threw at the end of junior year last year?”

“Oh, you mean that type of party,” she murmured. “I don't know, Jenny. I've never thrown one like that.”

Chuckling, Jenny began to persuade her friend. “Penny, I know that you're unsure about this, but think about it. You're a senior now. It's the end of high school. You've been a model student, you've been on the honor roll for years, have a ton of friends, and are actually ASB President. You do so much and I think you're going to have fun doing this. Just think of it as one more thing to do before the end of the year. I swear, Pen, it's going to be so much fun!”

“Yeah, but... I wouldn't even know what to do.”

“I'll help you out with that. C'mon, Pen, it's going to be great!”

While she could feel the unease eating away at most of her, Penny knew that Jenny was somewhat right. Penelope had done rather outstanding work while in school, even if she said so herself, and she knew that she had yet to ever step foot onto the party scene. Just like she had never experienced having a summer love, she had never been to one throughout high school and part of her had always wondered what a party like that would be like. What better way to find out by throwing one herself? She never got to have a summer love and she wasn't going to let herself not throw a party.

Besides, she owed it to herself. It was senior year. It was time to have fun – time to let loose.

“Okay. Next weekend we'll throw a party at my place.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This story will be my take on the overused Good Girl/Bad Boy pairing. I hope you'll enjoy this!

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