Status: Completed.

The Moment I Knew.

Chapter 1

When I woke at 2am to find an empty right side of the bed, I was initially concerned. Not by the lack of body next to me, but the chill in the sheets, she had been up for a while.
I slipped out of bed and down the stairs in nothing but my red boxers and black cami. When I entered the kitchen it took a second for my eyes to adjust, but as my pupils dilated I felt a twist in my gut and the breath rush out of my lungs - almost like first date jitters - she looked stunning. Sitting on top of the counter with crossed legs, she was wearing my purple slouch pants which were three sizes too large for her slender frame, a cut up Muse shirt (her favourite band) and her mouse brown hair was falling slightly in front of her face as she led a spoonful of cheerios to her mouth. Lit only by the stove light and moon cast from the window to her left, I reiterate: she was stunning. She looked up and gave me a soft smile. "Want some?" she asked, shaking the box of cereal. "Sure." I said as I grabbed a bowl and climbed up next to her.

The silence was beautiful, broken only by the soft crunch of us chewing and the rattle of the tea kettle which was heating up on the stove top. "Couldn't sleep?" I eventually asked. "Just couldn't get comfy," she shrugged "so I thought a snack and cup of tea would help." Almost as if planned she let out a small yawn followed by a giggle. "It would appear to be working." I observed. She shook her head in agreement.
As she chewed another bite of cereal, I watched her soft, pink lips. Lips I had kissed a thousand times before but never really noticed.
I reached over and ran my fingers through her hair, I loved the way it felt between my fingers, then my hands found their way to her neck, rubbing my thumb over the freckle that I had long since called my favourite. It was the perfect size, shape and colour, and in the perfect location. It was adorable. She looked at me with a spark in her eyes as she leaned in and pressed those perfect lips against mine.
And in that moment, in the midst of a kiss that should have been routine, a fire lit in my stomach, a whole new breed of butterflies that I had never experienced before. My whole body tingled at her touch and I felt as though my nerves were going to crawl out of my skin. That's when I realized something that I had never felt before. Something that had been missing with every girl prior. And before I had entirely realized what I felt, I was saying it.
The words came out as a hushed whisper, almost as though I was sharing with her my deepest secret, and in a way I was.

"I love you." I breathed on her lips. At that she pulled away and slid off the counter. Then she took my hand and leaned her lips to my ear "I love you too." she whispered, and with that we went back to bed for the best... Sleep of our lives.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ah ok so I was tired and wrote this at about 3am last night. I don't know why but it just jumped in my head and I felt the need to write it out ASAP, I actually wrote it in pen and paper because my laptop was downstairs.
So I'm a huge believer that words have power and the 'L' word should not be shared in a romantic relationship unless they are truly felt. For me, this is how I have felt in the past when coming to that point, and I think the most simple moments can be the most beautiful. So there you go, the thought behind that story. Hope you guys liked it. I will continue to post randomly as the inspiration hits. xo