Start Something Volume 1 The Legend Begins

You won't like this version of me!

I'm Lorrie. I live in a mansion and i was until about three months ago, a snotty plastic and daddy's little princess.... But times change and so did i.

So i threw out my pink clothes and now i have the most weird wardrobe ever... my current favourite is my black jeans, red, star studded belt and Top with zips on it... okay so its red and black, a far cry from my pink and pastels, and my parents hate me now, i really feel comfortable with the way i am... at long last.

"Fuck," I said as scraped my hands on the brick wall as i hopped between the houses. I was on the run and man could i run.
Fabien, pretty boy extraodinaire, and slight mentalist, just wouldn't accept that i broke up with him and now i was so done with all that 'let's make out on the couch' shit that made people think i was a slut. I was out on one of my night walks... okay i was out at a club, and i walked straight into this cute guy, he said he had to meet someone and did i want to come with.. i had my numbchucks so i wasn't worried or anything so i went. Turns out, he went to meet Fabien. Who went crazy and started begging me to take him back an so i ran and er, well he chased me.

"Lorrie, come back to me, you know we were made for each other, i love you i'll make it up to you, i swear it!!!!!!" Blah blah blah i've heard it before... just go away. I made a sharp left turn into unknown territory, but still i kept going.

"I'll kill him if i get raped, bloody men, why can't they move on!" i muttered breathlessly, gritting my teeth and pulling out my 'chucks.

Then i stopped and turned, just standing there. You could see my breath in the air and i was just a silhouette. That's when Fabien rounded the corner...

"Jesus, Lor,why'd you run like that? Let's just kiss n make up yeah?" He said leaning over, placing his hands on his knees. "What the hell are they???" He shouted when he noticed the numbchucks.

"You don't know me anymore Fabien, you don't love this version of me!" I growled.

I walked towards him and swung at him with the chucks... it knocked him out cold. that was gonna hurt in the morning.

I dragged my sorry ass home and pretended to be asleep. It was 6am when i got in, which is when i usually get up anyway. My mum likes to check i'm in at around half past so i wriggled down under the covers. She came and went and i hopped out of bed and went for coffee... nothin like a fix first thing!

"Where the bloody hell have you been?" The voice sent shivers down my spine, it belonged to a guy i had become to loathe.

"Nathaniel, what do you want and... why are you awake?" I spat. He was a visitor to my family, some family friend three times removed and so on...arrogant and irritating.

"Waiting for you to get back from that new rave club you trekked to on your own... in the middle of the night." He said quietly, one eyebrow raised in amusement.

"I was..." Think, think! "Buying some new jeans." i made up quickly.

"Jeans? In a club? Don't make me laugh. Who were you meeting?" He grinned, he really could have been such a good friend. Shame about him being a cocky shit.

"No one, i was just checkin it out, i had my numbchucks so i was fine!" I said getting bored of his little lecture.

"YOU HAVE NUMBCHUCKS????" He yelled.

"Keep your bloody voice down you prat! i got them ages ago!" i hissed at him, clamping his gob shut with my hand.

"Fine," He said pushing my hand away. "Just, if you wanna go out at night, make sure i'm with you." He said, looking at the floor.

OMG! "Why???" i blurted out unable to contain my surprise.

"Because, as crap as you have treated me, i admire your defiance to conform to what your parents want you to be and i actually quite like you, Lorrie. I think we'd make a good team, strictly as mates of course!" He said, a look of mischief and amusement playing around in his eyes....

On second thoughts... this guy might not be as bad as i first thought.... this could, in actual fact be very very interesting and fun.
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um, comments... anyone?