Start Something Volume 1 The Legend Begins

That was immensely cool!

A few days had been and gone since me and Nathaniel had sat at the kitchen table, the only ones awake, a new friendship blossoming like the rising sun outside.
Now we sat at the table once again, eating dinner, my parents and younger sister at the far end, Nathaniel and i at the other.

"Lauren, could you possibly try to not wear such inappropriate clothes for supper tomorrow night, we have guests visiting from New York." My mother stated matter of factly, breaking the silence and causing Nathaniel to choke on his mouthful of lamb shank. I whacked him on the back a couple of times, trying to keep a straight face.

"Wouldn't it be better if i didn't join you then and ate my food in my room, like most sociable teenagers do?" I said politely, smirking slightly, so that i got a hefty kick from Nat.

"No you cannot eat in your bedroom how dare you even suggest such a thing! You will finish you supper and go to bed early, i want you to look healthy at least tomorrow." She said in her snotty voice.

"Fine then. Goodnight." I said putting my knife and fork down and pushing my chair out from the table.

"Where are you going?" It was my father that spoke this time, while my mother glared at me from her seat.

"I'm finished so i'm goin to bed like mum said." I said loud and clear, standing up. I threw my napkin on the table and exited the room.


I was ready. I spun round in front of the long mirror on my wall. Hell yeah!!! I looked fuckin great! I had on my black jeans and studded jewel belt on, a red sleeved top with my black strapless top over it and i i'd punked up my hair, my make up had gone right for once. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath in.

"Very nice." The voice startled me and i jumped outta my skin. "Going out someplace nice?"

"No." I said as i turned to face Nathaniel. "Actually i'm not, i just fancied dressing up for myself in my room because i can!" I finished.

"Oh good, so have i!!" He said and then i noticed he was actually wearing stuff that my parents would have killed him for. Baggy black jeans, red studded belt and a home made fluorescent paint splatted balck teeshirt.
He laughed when he saw my reaction to his outfit. "Let's go, i found a hot new bar the other day and we're gonna go check it out okay?"

"Okay." I said in a faint voice, nodding meekly. What?? You hadn't seen his shoes! They were custom designed by the guys on miami ink!! I watched them be sprayed about 2 months ago!
"Where the hell did you get those DC's from?" I exclaimed.

"Thought you'd like 'em, i saw you watchin that episode, so i called in a favour..." He walked into my room and put his hands over my eyes. "I got a surprise for you in my room. Come on!" He muttered, guiding me to his room.

"No funny business mate or i'll make you regret it!!!!!" I growled under my breath.

"Okay. Open!" He said removing his hands. My eyes fell instantly to the pair of DC's on his bed. They had roses and numbchucks and stars and all my favourite colours on!! "Oh Nat!! How did you get them? Where did you get them?" I shrieked, throwing my arms around his neck, hugging him before sliding them on my feet. A perfect fit...

"Okay sparky, let's go before we wake everyone up!!!!" He laughed and put an arm round my shoulder leading me back to my room - the easiest to get out of without getting caught.


"This place is freakin mental!!!!!!" I yelled over the pounding music.

"WHAT???????????" Nat yelled back. We were on the dancefloor of the club, rockin out to insanely loud music, it was about 2.30 am and we were just getting started. Then there was an announcement on the speakers that sent me and Nat and most of the club in fact crazy.

"Now with an exclusive performance from the one, the only Iron Maiden!!!!!"

We rocked out all night and when we stumbled outta the club at 4.15 after an immense set from iron maiden, a hug from each band member, and a signed teeshirt.

"That was incredible!!! I can't believe you like Maiden!!!!! And the Chili Peppers are playin next week, we so have to go!!! Please come with me Nat it was so awesome tonight!" I babbled, while Nathaniel just smiled down at me.

"I'm so glad you're happy. You seemed so lost before but i think i found you tonight, i think i'm the first one to find you in all the 17 years you've been on this planet." He said wrapping his arm around my waist again. "And let me tell you, it suits you so don't ever change Lorrie... okay?"

"Okies Nathaniel, Mr secret rocker, who's hiding behind a lie... Just be yourself." I said in return.

"Alright, let's deal. You and me, we'll be ourselves nomatter what, because tonight, we were true to who we are and that Lorrie... That was immensely cool." He said happily as we came in through my bedroom window.

"Deal." I said shaking his hand. "Urgh, i need a shower, and half hour or i'm gonna disappoint the New York New York people!"

He laughed and bent his head to kiss me on the cheek. "Goodnight Lorrie!" He said leaving my room.

What an awesome night.. i thought as i stepped into the running water ten minutes later....
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Only a short one but hopefully you like it... there're more on the way!!!!