Status: Get ready for one wild summer

Atonement Retreat

Adrienne Rockwood

Rian still couldn’t believe that Dylan had seen her in nothing but panties and a bra, and had probably had dozens of sex dreams about it since. She couldn’t even bear to look at him, knowing she’d just blush and want to slap him across the face again. But what bothered her most was the way he had looked at her just before she’d slapped him. This big brown eyes had been open in awe, his cheeks tinted the slightest shade of pink and a small smile on his face. It was a total love drunk look, and she didn’t like it one bit.

She knew the campers could tell that something had happened as they looked between the two campers, Dylan trying desperately to get her to pay attention to him, or at least just look at him. But she instead kept her head propped up on her hand, looking over at Tori, a handsome male counselor who made up for his feminine name by leaving girls unable to walk after they spent the night with him. He caught her looking and winked, blowing her a small kiss.

Dylan felt his skin crawl as he saw that meathead making eyes at Rian. What bothered him even more was that she was making eyes right back. He leaned over, making eye contact with the guy and shaking his head, his eyes narrowed in a glare. The blonde chuckled, standing and walking over towards their table before stopping right next to Rian, making sure his crotch was lined up with her face.

“You guys wouldn’t be happening to go to the sports fields today, are you?” He asked, his bright eyes locked only on Rian as Dylan seethed beside her.

“You know what? We have some free time right after this,” She said before turning to the campers. “Do you guys want to go play on the sports fields after lunch?” She was answered by thunderous roars of approval from the kids, even the girls getting excited. Rian then turned back to Tori, smirking. “I guess that’s a yes.”

“Perfect.” He cooed. He then leaned down, whispering into her ear and causing her to smirk. Without another word he walked off, waving to the campers as he did so. As Rian got up to clean her plate Dylan pounced, following her as close as humanly possible, his head nearly resting on her shoulder.

“What did he say?” Dylan demanded.

“It’s none of your business Mr. O’Brien.” She answered coldly. “But he told me he thinks I look very nice today.”

“Bull shi-” Dylan stopped himself when he saw that their campers had followed them, their wide eyes watching the exchange. He cleared his throat uncomfortably before turning back to Rian. “I just think the arts and crafts booth would be much more fun then some lousy sports games.”

“NUH UH!” Duncan cried.

“We wanna play soccer!” Louis, another of their campers, agreed.

“Well, it sounds like no one agrees with you Dylan.” Rian said, a fat, smug grin on her lips. “So maybe you can just go by yourself and we’ll meet you later.

“Absolutely not.” Dylan said, his eyes locked on hers. She simply shrugged.


Dylan didn’t get to say another word to her as they herded the kids to the sports fields, Tori and another young guy already waiting for them. Tori immediately made his way over to Rian, smirking. Dylan wanted to punch the smug bastard square in the nose as he looked Rian over like a piece of meat.

“So.” Dylan said, stepping between them. “What are we playing?”

“Well, you guys want to start with some flag football?” Tori asked, turning to the campers with a beaming smile that made Dylan want to light something on fire. The kids cheered and Tori chuckled, not so gently shoving Dylan aside and looking at Rian.

“How about you and I are team captains?” He asked her. She smirked, eyeing him up and down.

“You’re on pretty boy. Boys versus girls?”

“Oh that’s not fair, look at all these gorgeous girls.” He looked at the girls in the group, shaking his head. “All us guys are just going to watch when you run the ball into the end zone.”

“That’s the plan, right girls?” Rian asked, smiling. The girls cheered, clapping their hands in excitement.

“Alright then, girls in yellow, boys in red. The flags being pulled off is the same as a tackle, I don’t want anybody getting hurt.” Tori said, looking at everyone.

“If anybody tackles anyone else, they have to go do arts and crafts with Dylan!” Rian continued. The kids laughed as Dylan blushed, huffing loudly.

“Rude.” He muttered.

The two teams quickly broke up, the girls getting the ball first and huddling up. Dylan could see this Tori guy staring at Rian’s ass as she was bent over and punched him in the arm. He immediately regretted his decision when the hulking man turned around, his blue eyes narrowed. “Yes?” He growled.

“There are kids here man, keep your eyes in the right spots.” Dylan muttered. Tori looked at him for a moment before smirking, his eyes going straight back to Rian’s ass.

“Whatever Hollywood.” He chuckled. Dylan narrowed his eyes at him again as they stoop in a defensive position, watching as the girls broke up their huddle, and it was obvious that Rian was going to play running back. The ball was hiked, and just like Dylan suspected, he saw Rian hiding the ball as she took off. He raced after her, intending to leap and grab her flags, but pushed off too hard and slammed right into her.

He heard cheers as his eyes opened, looking to see Rian was beside him, and had no ball. He sat up, seeing Maria dancing in the end zone. He had to admit it had been a beautiful fake, and he’d gotten to be on top of Rian, even if by accident. But as she groaned, grabbing her stomach, his breath hitched.

“Are you okay?” He asked. He say tears in her eyes that she tried to hide and felt like the worst kind of person. He started to reach for her, but felt a hand on the back of his shirt rip him to his feet.

“What part of no tackling do you not understand?” Tori demanded. He shoved Dylan aside before kneeling beside Rian, helping he sit up. “You okay babe?”

“Don’t call me that.” She chuckled weakly. “And I’m good, he just knocked the wind out of me.” She was struggling to catch her breath as Tori supported her, his blue eyes narrowed in a glare at Dylan. But all Dylan saw was Rian, struggling not to hint at how much pain she was in.

“I’ll take her to the nurse.” He volunteered.

“No, you will stay right here.” Tori snapped. “Ron will help you watch the campers and I will take her to the nurse.”

“No.” Dylan growled, stepping closer. “I hurt her, I have to make it right.”

“Both of you shut up.” Rian groaned, struggling to stand. “I don’t need to see the nurse, I’m fine.” The girls on her team swarmed her, hugging her tightly upon seeing she was really okay. She then looked up at Dylan and Tori, smirking. “So you two can stop with the Mexican standoff.”

“But-” Dylan started, but she just held up her hand.

“Come on girls, let’s see how many touchdowns we can beat these guys by.” She laughed. The girls took off, the boys close behind. But as Rian started back Tori grabbed her arm, whispering in her ear loudly enough to make Dylan know he was supposed to hear.

“So, you’ll still be alright for tonight, right?” He purred. She smirked, her eyes meeting Dylan’s for the briefest moment before returning her attention to Tori.

“Definitely.” She promised. But as they took the field again, Rian couldn’t get Dylan’s look of betrayal out of her head.
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww, Rian why do you have to make Dylan sad?
Thank you so much for reading!
Haley is coming at you next with some more Izzie and Tyler
And we'd love to hear your thoughts!
And because I got bored, here's Tori
