Status: In progress ...

Commotion on the Gurney Again

Pete's verdict

Kates P.O.V

I waited in the waiting room for about 45 minutes, absentmindedly flicking through the pages of countless magazines. The receptionist gave me occasional smiles but mostly stayed glued to her screen tapping away on the keyboard. The phone rang a couple of times but they were just mainly about new bands who I hadn't heard of yet.

Finally I heard the shuffle of footsteps gradually getting louder. When they came into view Pete was in front with the boys traipsing behind. Brendon was sweating slightly and Spencer's and Jon's cheeks were slightly flushed. Ryan stood there looking as pale as ever. None of them looked to happy, my stomach dropped. They came into view and stood behind the receptionist's desk. They kept their eyes on the floor while Pete whispered to the girl who simply nodded and presumably typed what Pete had just said. Slowly getting up, I walked over to them all to give them hugs. Pete saw, nodded at them all and stepped back.

'So, how did it go?' I asked trying to hide the hint of concern in my voice.

They all looked art each other before turning to me.

'Well, we performed, and we gave it all we could' Jon said

'Which is why,' Ryan continued, 'WE GOT A RECORD DEAL!' With that they all started jumping round, hugging me and hugging each other. They had obviously wanted to save all their energy till they came out so not to give anything away.

My mind was going a million miles a minute. They had done it, all their hard work had paid off, they had got themselves a record deal!

'OH MY GOD!' I screamed, earning me a laugh from both Pete and the receptionist. 'Guys that’s fantastic! I knew you'd do it!'

'They were just what I was looking for in a band, good energy, well composed songs, and the bond between them is just what they need to continue in this business.' Pete said, looking at the boys with pride, sort if like a father.

After thanking Pete and saying goodbye to the receptionist, we all made out way out to the car laughing and joking about the things that they'd get up to on tour.

'Right, tell me how it all went on' I asked when we were all in the car and heading home.

'We got in the studio and Pete said he wanted to see about our stage presence or something like that, and so we just did what we always did' Ryan spoke up.

I knew what they meant, after watching them in rehearsals in the basement I knew how the set would go. They started with a slow song to get into the flow, then Brendon would start dancing and getting Ryan and Jon involved while allowing Spencer to get recognition in his drum solos.

'And then where we finished Pete asked us questions about what we wanted to do and how we wanted the band to continue, when would we be able to start recording and out current jobs.'

'Did you mention me at all?'

'Yeah we did, Pete asked actually'

My mouth dropped open in shock, why would Pete Wentz ask about me?

'Wait, wh-what did he ask?' My voice cracked sending Spencer into fits of giggles but Brendon's eyes darkened, and he avoided my gaze in the rear view window.

'He asked if you helped us at all writing any of the music or any of the songs, and we said you helped with some of the lyrics and some of the chords.' Jon replied, as if it was the most casual thing in existence.

'He asked if you were single as well' Ryan said before turning up the radio, leaving me to my thoughts and the rest of the guys staring out the window.