Between the Sword and the Wall

Life changing offer

- Oh madam do you fell okay? – Mark quickly brought a chair so Elizabeth could sit – We are so sorry we didn’t mean to scare you
- It’s okay, Andrew honey I think we need to go
- Why? – He was totally confused by her reaction.
- Mrs Collins please we just want him to film the last episode of our season, it would be just a couple scenes not that much
- I’m sorry I’m not her legal tutor, I can’t make any decision and we have to go – He grabbed Andrew by the hand and left – Thanks for the offer, have a good evening gentleman
Everybody was shocked by her reaction, like if the old lady saw a ghost, the ghost of her daughter’s past.
- Granny why can’t I act? – He said disappointed – Honey I don’t think your mom it’s going to like these, the tour is over we should go. Oh! Looks there’s your mom’s car – Andrew got in the car very disappointed.
- Hi mom – Alaina hugged her – What’s the matter with Andrew? He looks sad – Elizabeth told her what just happened, Alaina could not believe it.
- No, no way I checked several times he is in New Zealand
- Well he’s not, he is in the studio a couple meters from us and he just met your son, his son
- No! Andrew is not his son; he has no right to say that!
- Mrs Collins!
- Oh dear lord, it’s Mark one of the producers of Sherlock
- Mrs Collins please wait! – He caught the women, he was gasping for all the run he did – Mark Gatiss, with how I have the pleasure?
- Alaina Collins, Andrew’s mother – She was still overwhelmed by the news.
- Alaina nice to meet you, I think you are already aware of the news
- Yes I am but I’m not interested
- But your son is
- Well I know what is better for him
- Mrs Collins please think about it, it would be just a couple scenes it won’t affect his normal life
- Yeah but I’m not interested
- Please give it a chance, it’s an amazing experience for your son, he has a great talent and looks a lot like our protagonist
- I know but I don’t want him in the TV business so early
- Miss Collins give your son chance to show his talents - Alaina freeze when she heard that deep voice, Elizabeth couldn’t stand any more the situation and went back to the car.
- How do you know I’m not married?
- You are not wearing any wedding ring, you have no mark and your son told me you’re just 28, single mother – Alaina looked him with hate – But I’m not here to discuss that. Do we know each other?
- No, I barely know you – She said with and ice cold voice
- Benedict Cumberbatch - He stretched his hand and Alaina looked at it for a couple seconds.
- Alaina Collins – Said in a slow voice responding to his greeting.
- I’m pretty sure I heard that name before…
- We don’t know each other Mr Cumberbatch
- Then how you remember my last name so well? It’s a hard name to remember
- I’m not going to discuss that I’m leaving – Alaina got in the car but Mark insisted in negotiate, she opened the window.
- Miss Collins please think about it, please call me before a week pass – Mark said giving her a card.
- Mom please I really want to be in the show – Andrew looked at her with pleading eyes, Alaina took a deep breath and received the card.
- Fine, but I promise nothing – She said no more and left
- Wow that woman is too sour for her age – Said Mark to Benedict once Alaina left.
- Yeah… I still think I have met her before
- Just leave it Ben, I almost loose her because of that, she doesn’t like you
- I know, what a weird thing – Mark laughed and the two men went back to work.
The way home was silent and awkward, Alaina and Elizabeth were worried about what could happen and Andrew was really confused.
- Mommy are you mad?
- No baby, I’m not mad with you, sorry this ended up so bad honey
- I’ll call your brother, we really need to talk about this – said Alaina’s mother silently.
- I don’t want to talk about this
- We have to
- Mom! I don’t want to talk about this
- So I guess you already figure out what to do huh? – Alaina stood in silent, her eyes where watery – You need us honey
Ten minutes after Alaina and Elizabeth arrived to the house Jared was there, Alaina send his son to play with the neighbour how had a child of his age and Elizabeth told what happened that morning to Jared.
- Crap, this is big problem. Do you think he suspects something?
- I don’t think so, he barely recognised me, but I denied any previous meeting
- But everybody was surprised by the similitude of Andrew and Benedict
- And now he wants to act in Sherlock more than anything else – Alaina covered her face with her hands, she tried to think about a solution but none of them seemed the right one – Maybe if I move to Singapore everything could be back in order
- Things were never in order Alaina, you hided a son from his father
- He never answered me!
- I know! That’s why I supported you
- You don’t seem to support me now
- Okay stop fighting like little children I’m too old for hear you two fighting , Alaina you have to decide whether you let Andrew act in that TV show or not
- I don’t want him to do it
- That would leave him very disappointed, you’ll actually close him a very good opportunity for his future and in the worst case Benedict might want to know why you are not letting him act
- Why would he do that Jared?
- Because he’s definitely interested in Andrew honey, I saw how both of them talked
- And if I say yes?
- The worst thing that could happen is that he discovers that Andrew is his son
- Yeah not a big deal – Said Alaina with sarcasm
- Alaina you knew this could happen, maybe Andrew is not interested now but he’ll look for answers once he grow up, he doesn’t even know his father’s name
- He never cared about me why would he care now
- I know but a kid changes everything, you talk about him like he was dead
- He’s dead to me! My son was born without a father and he is fine with that
- Okay, enough Jared, we could discuss the whole day about this, Alaina you have to make a decision, soon.
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Okay so things are getting pretty messy, you'll more of Benedict soon.
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