These Bedroom Walls

Chapter Five.

"Alright so what if I told you that I don't really like playing guitar?" I asked Vic. We were actually at Guitar Center this practice, I felt like getting out of the house for once. I decided I was spending too much time at home and Vic mind didn't having practices there.

"I would tell you, you're crazy." Vic quickly pressed his lips against mine. I smiled into the kiss. I pushed him away remembering I came here to learn how to play the guitar, not make out with the instructor.

"Crazy for you." I replied. Vic smiled and blushed a little.

"So if you don't like it why do you still take lessons?" Vic had asked curiously.

"The more instruments I learn the better it will look on my college applications and the better chance I will get a scholar ship." I explained. I had money to pay for college, it's just that since I had Copeland, I would rather spend it all on her. Plus it would help my mom out too.

"So, how many school activities do you do then?" Vic had handed me a guitar and I grabbed it with ease.

"Well, I play football, soccer, and I run in track." I replied with a smirk. I was really athletic, I could do any sport easily. It was just, a natural talent to me. I was thankful for it, but it was also frustrating because everyone seemed to depend on me. They never had faith in themselves, only me.

"And what about you Vic?" I asked back. Surely he had to do sports, he had muscle and he just looked fit all around.

"Soccer is love, soccer is life." Vic said quickly. It sounded like a quote that he used often, he said it without thinking. I smiled hugely before he even finished his sentence. Out of all the sports I loved soccer the most. It was difficult to play and you would be sore days after one game, but it was so worth it.

"I agree completely. Number twenty-three on the field but number one in your heart." I added a wink at the end of my sentence.

"And how many times have you used that?" Vic asked. I thought about it for a second.

"One person, but she's insignificant to me as of right now." I became annoyed instantly. The thought of her had made me sick. She was scum to me.

"Oh I see." Vic became quiet and started messing with his guitar. I began watching him. I noticed he started playing a song that I never heard. He seemed deep in concentration and he was biting his lip. I suppose that's something he does when he's trying to focus? His fingers were moving pretty fast. It sounded like a Spanish song. It was well written and you could tell Vic loved to play it.

"That's really good." I interrupted him.

Vic looked up at me and smiled, "Thank you, I wrote it one night when I was bored."

I nodded, "You always put feeling behind your playing, I love it."

Vic touched his chest, "Heart and soul baby. That's one of the biggest lessons my dad had taught me when I was first learning. He made me say it everyday before we actually started a lesson. It was so important to him, it became important to me too. My brother wants to get it tattooed on him, but I think he's crazy."

"Do you want any tattoos?" I asked curiously. I could imagine Vic sleeved up, getting tons of tattoo's. But to my surprise he shook his head instantly.

"Tattoos aren't for me. I don't know, it's just a big commitment and I don't want to regret what I get. But maybe, maybe I can tattoo your name on my butt." Vic joked. I blushed instantly.

"Wouldn't it be the other way around?" I asked looking down. I heard Vic laugh and I looked back up at him. He was already looking at me and smiling. "I won't stop you darling." He replied in a low voice.

I smiled and I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I groaned instantly. I dug it out and groaned even more when I saw who it was, "What do you want?" I said as I answered.

"Kellin, get Copeland I have a date in 10 minutes and you have to watch her." I heard her annoying voice say. I rolled my eyes and hung up.

"Well Vic, Satan called me and I have to pick up Copeland." I explained. Vic looked disappointed and I instantly felt sorry.

"It's okay, we can continue this lesson another day." Vic said trying to be optimistic. I smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Hasta Manana!" I blew him a kiss as I walked out of the practice rooms.
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yo guess who's back.

it's short but i mean at least i'm back yoooo.