Status: Shitty.



’ Im kissing this girl with red hair, we were both sitting in bed . I dont know who she is but I dont like her, Stop it Vic dammit!.. Why cant I stop kissing her? God damn it I need to stop this before it gets out of hand and I might do something I’ll regret later on.. I must be stupid cause instead of stopping I actually laid her in bed and placed myself on top of her never breaking the kiss. We were making out for a good ten minutes or so when I heard the door open. Shit I must’ve forgot to lock it.

"Oh my fuck!" I heard him say. I immediately pulled away from the kiss to look at him he looked shocked.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE VIC? " He yelled with an expression of hurt and anger in his face.

"FUCKING GET OUT!" he yelled at the red head. She shot up from the bed and immediatley fled the scene that was about to happen.

"I-I can explain." I said hoping he would take it.

"what you did was pretty self- explanatory Vic " he said trying to muffle his cries.

"Babe please" I say as I try to pull him in to me.

"Dont you Fucking Babe please me" He pushed me away before locking himself into the bathroom.

I sighed, this is going to be a long night. I made my way into the bathroom and rested my head to the door before knocking.
"Please just hear me out."
I could hear him cry loudly over there, what did I just do? I hurt him and it breaks my heart knowing that I did that to him.

"You....cheated.. on me.... Vic... and with.... a.. girl... " he said through sobs.

"I know. I fucked up and Im sorry..." I said. "I Love You K-- please don’t leave me." I begged.

"Then why... did you .. do it?" he sniffed.

"I dont know... You just seemed so busy with your Job, I felt like I was being pushed aside.." I admitted tears were starting to spill from my eyes. I just cheated on him. He was my boyfriend and I screwed it up by making out with some girl.

"I love you K--" I broke down.

"I love you too Vic" that made me feel a bit better.

"But I cant... Right now" He sniffed.

I just laid down and rested my back to the bathroom door. Why did I just have to go and cheat on him? This is all my fault.’

I woke up teary-eyed today because of that dream I had. This dreams are getting a bit more vivid every single time. Im starting to believe that I have a special relationship here with this boy and that I shouldn't mess with that.

Ever since Tay and I became a thing Im getting more and more of that ’you cheated’ dreams, well in my past dreams its just me and this redhead girl kissing but this time its different, I got caught. maybe I shouldnt date Tay because I have a boyfriend in dreamworld? .. Yeah I’ve been watching to much fantasies, but seriously I feel really really guilty dating Tay when I have this guy?! am I really believing this boyfriend in dreamland shit? Yes I am, but I am trying to unbelieve it cause this is crazy stuff so that’s kinda one of the major reasons why I date her.

My phone vibrated which broke me out of my reverie. I got a message from Tay.

’Hey babe wanna go shopping with me? We could even call the guys :)’

I think I needed a pretty good distraction so that I wont have to think of that guy and that dream I had.

’sure. See you at 1’ I replied.


"Oooh. Lets go to that store there" Tay excitedly said. We’ve been shopping for a good three hours now or something. Im tired I just wanna sit. I decided I dont really like shopping.

"Excuse me a minute, I think I need to tinkle." Jaime said.

"wait I need to go too." I said anything to escape from Tay. She just rolled her eyes before nodding and Jaime and I started to walk off.

"So you and that Tay chick.. eh?" Jaime smiled.

"Yeah.." I sighed.

"What’s wrong?" Jaime asked.

"nothing she just.. kinda annoys me sometimes" we chuckled as we opened the restroom

"are you cool doing it here?" I just made sure cause it will feel awkward exposing my self in the open urinals.

"Dude its cool its not like we’re gonna do something weird... just gonna tinkle.." Jaime sang the last part... We just laughed some more

"So you up for a movie later?" Jaime asked.

"Im all in." I say anything to distract myself..

(A/N : forgive me, I dont know what movies are showing... cause I live in a cave. ok back to ze story.)

"so what movie? Like you wanna watch the hobbit? Or that Frozen? I heard its really good." I said.

"yeah. I think Frozen"

"really man? " I looked at Jaime. He just shrugged. "Eh."

While we were washing our hands, Jaime and I looked at each other and looking at the occupied cubicle as we notice the guy peeing waterfalls and every time we talk the sound stops and goes back again after me and Himes stops talking almost like this dude is listening to us. We muffled out our laughs as best as we could, this is really funny.

"woaah is their a hose in there?!" Jaime ask while knocking at the door lightly. I cant help it I just bursted out of laughter, Jaime did too.

The dude inside didnt even respond, maybe he got embarassed.

"Are you okay there buddy?" I ask.

"uuhh-- I- Im fine" he said and dammit! That voice sounds like the guy in my dream but maybe its just me being all crazy and all.

"Sure you are." Jaime chuckled and with that we headed out of the restrooms. This is really wierd part of me just wanted to wait and see who that dude in the stalls were but some part of me didnt cause Im kinda scared, we had a fight in my last dream and I dont know what to say but then again this is crazy talk again Vic. He’s just a figment of your imagination. I shouldnt be thinking to much of this I mean hey that’s why I’m here right to get distaracted.

"Earth to Vic." Jaime waved his hand infront of my face.

"Huh? what?"

"Are you okay? You zoned out. Anyway, I said Im gonna go buy some strings. You coming?"

"Nah. I think I need to go get coffee" I said. I need to stay awake maybe this is sleepy me hallucinating about that boy again!! Aahh.. I just really need to not feel his presence.

I went to Starbucks and after I got my coffee I just went to go explore the mall for a while before deciding to head back to Tay and the guys, they must be looking for me now. I turned to my left and I caught a glimpse of the guys I started heading my way their but I didnt see someone on the way so I bump into that guy making me spill my coffee all over to him.

"ouch" he hissed in pain. Shit this is so stupid of me.

"Oh my gosh. Im so sorry. I wasnt looking. Fuck!. Here let me help you with that" I practically panicked, I couldnt imagine how that must’ve hurt. I quickly wipe the damage I made with a tissue before it makes anymore damage.

"Its ok. Really." He said almost faintly. I feel so sorry for him.

"I practically burned you there. Im really sorry. Really really really sorry" I apologized some more while still wiping the stain off of his shirt.

He placed his soft hand on mine indicating me to stop and I did, but the crazy thing happened, I felt like electricity came all over me and its almost like I felt that hand before, I recognized the hand to be-- Oh no, Fucking no.. Im going crazy. I look up from his stained shirt to see who this dude was and I saw his features, Fucking similar to his, alright Vic calm down, all I need to
see now is his eyes that’’ll confirm everything. He finally look up to meet my gaze and shit was I crazy. It’s the same blueish-greenish eyes of his but the life in his eyes were dead. The love and the warmth inside of them is nowhere to be found, his face was pale almost as good as dead and it looks like he was about to cry.

"Vic?" If I were’nt paying focus attention I would’nt have heard him called my name. How did he know my name?.. He’s real, or maybe this is me sleeping... I wish, He’s fucking real but I think Im going crazy... Is he mad at me for cheating? Gosh I cant be with him right now but fuck was he even cuter in person. I didnt know what to do I still am in panic mode but what I did next
surprised me

"FUCKING HELL! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE? GET AWAY FROM ME!!." I gripped tightly on his shirt that I was still holding, he held my hand tighter telling me to let go but I pushed him away causing him to stumble backwards, he lose his balance and fell flat on his bum. He close his eyes and started forming breathing patterns possibly to stop himself from crying or something like that, which failed cause tears were quickly escaping from his eyes. Fuck did I make him cry? No. No. Vic you shouldnt care, he’s not real. I need to stop this.

"LOOK I DONT KNOW WHAT YOURE DOING HERE, I MEAN YOU CANT BE HERE. JUST GET AWAY FROM ME. STAY AWAY. STOP MESSING WITH MY HEAD!" I told him loud and clear. I didnt even care for the people who were starting to look at us or me for that matter, I think Im seeing things, he cant be here, he’s not real.

"Who the fuck gave you permission to speak to him like that? " some guy pop out of no where; he was tall and lanky and pretty intimidating with all the tattoos covering he’s arm. He immediately rushed to the boy’s side.

"why the hell did you ran away like that? I’ve been looking for you" He told him. He didnt even look at me. Oh so he is real? Fuck did I messed up big time, but he looks just like him and he knows my name. I cant believe what a big dick I was.

This is it Im really gonna get hit now. I turned my gaze down to my shoes. God I feel so ashamed I cause a scene and I didnt even know what I was saying.

"Hey man why the fuck would you do that to him?" I didnt respond, well to be honest? I dont even know why I did that. I was just shock. I taught I was seeing things but he turned out real.. Should I say that? No.

"I asked you a god damn question." He spatted.

"Mike that’s enough" the guy interrupted. Oh this one’s Mike. Why do I have a feeling I’ve heard that name before. Eh there’s a lot of Mikes out there.

"No. Kellin. You dont take shit from some random guy okay?! " He said furiously. I should be scared right now but instead a smile crept into my face. He’s name is Kellin, thats a really pretty name. Wait Kellin? As in K? In my dream? Thats the only lead I had in finding out his name, so K means Kellin huh?

Kellin. I could say that name forever and not get tired of it.
Wait what? Shut up Vic. You’re not gay.

"Why are you sitting there? Did he pushed you? Cause I swear I’ll hit this prick really hard you just say it" he said as he help the little guy get up.

"Im fine Mike, lets just go" he said with sadness in his tone. So he’s just gonna let me off the hook? No way I deserved to be hit.

"I dont understand why you defend him this guy is a dick. He even spilled coffee at you" Mike scolded.

"it was an accident" Kellin defended.

"Oh C’mon Kell just let me hit this prick Once" he said.

"god dammit Mike" this Kellin guy snapped. I dont understand why he doesnt want me to take a punch.

"alright go on. Go face him, lemme see you hit his face" Kellin taunted.

"oh you bet I will." and with that I could feel Mike making his way over to me, I started to tense up I feel scared. I looked up to see him standing next to me. I saw this guy before, in one of my dreams. This is fucking messed up, his angry face started to soften. Too soft that I notice he was about to cry.

"its you. I cant believe it. Of course its you. Its you Vic right?" he rambled. How did he knew my name to?

"Do I know you?" I asked. Raising my eyebrow. A tear fell from his eyes and soon enough it was followed by a cry.

Ok so I made a tough guy cry? What the hell is going on?

He tried to gain composure before saying

"Oh c’mon Vic drop the act. Its you right?"

I wish I was this Vic he was talking about but I really dont know.

"I t-think you got the wrong guy" I said. I started walking away from the scene when this Mike guy grab my arm and yanked me back in there. He hugged me tightly. I felt tense at first but then I found myself hugging back. He felt so close to my heart, almost like he was family. He was crying the whole time and then we pulled away from the hug.

"look, I dont wanna cause enough trouble as it is. So why dont you and your little boyfriend run along." I said. If he was Kellin’s boyfriend.. Well I dont want him to be.

"Boyfriend? He’s not my boyfriend. If anything he’s your b-... Ouch" was all Mike said when Kellin punched him in the shoulder.

"Ok.. He’s not my boyfriend. We’re just friends." I tried to hide my smile.

"Hey Babe!" Tay called out as she and and Jenna walk towards me.

"Hi" I said when they got there. She kissed me on the cheek and I swear I saw a tear roll down on Kellin’s face before he put his head down facing the ground.

"Who the fuck is this?" Mike said with attitude.

"she’s my girlfriend" I said. Mike just scoff.

"Is there a problem here?" Tay asked them.

"None at all. We were just leaving" Mike said as he nudged Kellin’s shoulders. Kellin who was still looking down just nodded and then they started walking away.

"Vic do you know them?" Jenna asked me with concern on her tone.

"I uhmm.. not really" I said. I wish I did but I just dont, but I do know them.. In my dream.. Ugh. Its complicated.

"Alright why dont you and Tay go somewhere while I go do some stuff" she said urgently and then she rushed to somewhere.

"so what just happened back there?" Tay asked.

"Uhmm I dont really know" I said.

I kept my eyes at Jenna from afar she is now talking to Mike and Kellin. What were they talking about?? I need to know, just then Mike and Jenna started switching phones. Oh okay, so they were just probably gonna hook up or something like that. Oookay that was awkwardly weird but whatever. I look at Kellin who looked even sadder than before. I just wanna jump into him and make him happy but Im not really sure with what Im feeling right now.
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I don't even know what to say.. okay .. tell me what ya'll think about this.