‹ Prequel: Remedy

One Mississippi, Two Mississippi

Gasoline And Matches

Callie grumbled as she turned down another aisle, she stopped only long enough to toss another package of diapers into the cart. When she was approaching the end of the aisle she stopped and looked at three shelves full of baby soap, shampoo and creams, she had no idea what she was doing. Kara came out from around the corner with an armful of various baby things. Kara turned to the shelves Callie was looking at, set the stuff she had in her arms in the cart, before she reached forward and grabbed three items and placing them in the cart as well.

Callie raised her eyebrow at her and Kara shrugged and said, “I nannied to pay for school.”

“Jamie and I had a fight about that the other day actually.” Callie said as they continued to the next aisle.

“About nanny's?”

“Yeah. He's dead set against it, says we don't need one, but I don't know... I wouldn't mind being able to go back to work, or even just get some time to myself.” Callie explained, grabbing a pack of baby wipes.

“I don't know... I mean I think I'd have to really trust the person to let them do that, not just because of my kid.” Kara said, making Callie raise her eyebrow at her. She shrugged once again and told her, “just... a lot of the other nannies I knew slept with the husbands, and I don't mean they came onto the husbands, other way around. Apparently it's pretty common.”

Callie's face paled slightly and she said, “note to self, no nannies.”

Kara laughed at that, and couldn't help but grab a Stars onsie she spotted, throwing it in the cart and saying, “I'm buying that. Jamie will thank me.”

Callie rolled her eyes and couldn't help but say, “sorry I dragged you with me.”

“It's not a big deal Cal, I had nothing to do other than sit on the couch and watch CSI reruns.” Kara told her as they made their way out of the baby section and slowly toward the check out. Kara couldn't help but notice Callie could barely walk, which she instantly commented on, “you okay? You look like you're drop.”

“My feet are swollen, and they hurt, and I could barely get my shoes on. Don't ever get pregnant, seriously. I just want to hibernate.” Callie mumbled, slowing her pace quite a bit. She couldn't help but mutter, “and it wasn't me that was supposed to have to go and do this, but god forbid something comes between a team get together.”

Kara didn't say anything immediately, she wasn't sure what to say, and it wasn't until they were unloading the cart for the cashier that Kara asked, “how about I come over tomorrow with ice cream and we just hang out watching movies all day?”

Callie smiled, “I'd love that. Actually, how are you building skills?”

“Not bad, if there's instructions.” Kara told her, putting a divider between her and Callie's things before she asked, “why?”

“Because the crib and changing table are still sitting in their boxes in the nursery.”

Kara stared at her, blinking slowly, “seriously? You're due in like two and a half weeks, which basically means any time.”

“Yeah, well Jamie is too busy, and when he gets home he's too tired, and he won't let me do it myself. He keeps thinking that we have so much time, but I mean, we're a week into the season and he's gone all day and he gets home, eats and goes to bed pretty much. I don't know, I'm just bitching.” Callie told her as they walked out side by side to Kara's vehicle.

“Well I will definitely be over tomorrow, and we will have everything done by the time Jamie gets home.” Kara told her as they got in the vehicle.

- - - -

Callie struggled up the stairs, three bags in her hand, and made her way to the nursery beside her bedroom. She couldn't help but let out a sigh at the boxes of stuff that were in there, she put the bags down in the chair and left them there, she didn't have the energy to put things away. She made her way downstairs and into the kitchen, where a mess was left from someone earlier. It only made her sigh again as she started to clean up.

“Hey sunshine, I come bringing contraband in the form of Lucky Charms and ice cream.” Kelly said as she walked into the kitchen, she set her items on the counter and then informed Callie, “Jamie and Jordie are here too.”

Callie nodded but stayed silent as she moved around the kitchen and put things away. She heard the door open and close, and Jamie and Jordie's voices. When they came into the kitchen she turned to them and said, “I'm not cooking tonight, so either one of you three are or we're ordering out.”

She moved past them, stopped long enough to grab a bag of ice from the freezer before she went upstairs. She sat on the bed, pulled her feet up and placed the ice on them as Jamie poked his head in the door and asked, “is it safe to proceed?”

Callie nearly rolled her eyes but instead she simply said, “at your own risk.”

Jamie smiled and closed the door behind him, sitting down beside her he asked, “pizza sound okay? Kelly's idea.”

Callie nodded and picked at her fingers nails, “okay.”

“What'd you do today?” Jamie asked, trying to make conversation, which hadn't really been happening lately between the two of them.

“Went with Kara to get some last minute stuff.”

He sighed and said, “Cal, I said I'd do that tomorrow.”

She shook her head, “it's fine, you were busy so I went. And I'm sorry to say it Jamie but lately, tomorrow means two weeks for you, and we don't have two weeks. This baby could come at any time and we don't have the crib set up, we don't even have the car seat in the car.”

Jamie got up from the bed wordlessly and left the room, Callie slowly got up and followed him, nearly rolling her eyes as he moved the box for the crib and ripped the cardboard open, pulling it out before he looked up and said, “fine, I'll put it together right now if it will make you happy.”

“I'm so sick of this, we can't even have a fucking conversation anymore, you just flip out over the littlest things.” Callie told him, making him roll his eyes.

“I'm so sick of you constantly nagging about shit. We can't have a conversation because every time we try you make me feel like I'm not doing anything which is bullshit.” Jamie told her, his voice slightly raised.

Callie nearly told him to keep his voice down, she didn't want Kelly and his brother to have to listen to yet another fight. But instead she shook her head gently at him and told him, “I'm sorry that I'm freaking out that things aren't done but you don't get it, we might technically have two weeks but that doesn't mean anything, I could go into labor tomorrow and then what? We're gonna have no crib, no car seat, absolutely nothing done. So yeah, I'm so sorry that I want to be prepared and that not being makes me nervous.”

She didn't stay to listen to his response, she turned around and made her way back to the bedroom, closing the door slightly louder than usual, not hesitating to turn the lock on the door knob. She went back to the bed, put the ice back on her feet, and crossed her arms over her chest as she heard Jamie moving things around in the room next to theirs.

She heard the doorbell ring, and five minutes later there was a knock on the door and Jordie said, “I brought you some pizza.”

Callie muttered to herself and got up, unlocking the door. Jordie stood awkwardly outside, handing the plate to her, she smiled to him and said, “thanks.” He nodded and made his way downstairs without so much as a word, and Callie closed the door and locked it again.

It was nearly three hours later when the door knob wiggled and she heard Jamie sigh in frustration from outside before he asked, “really Callie?”

“You can sleep in the guest room.” Was all she told him as she moved the pillows around on the bed and pulled the blankets back.

She was making her way to the dresser to get pyjamas out when she heard Jamie say from the other side of the door, “seriously? You're really gonna kick me out of our room for that fight?”

Callie changed quickly and got into bed before she told him, “I need you to give me some space for the night, can you please just do that for me?”

All she was met with was, “fine, whatever.”

She heard the guest room door close and she let out a breath of air, wiping at her cheeks as her phone buzzed. She looked over to the nightstand where her phone was, unlocking it and reading the text from Jordie. 'He's trying.'
♠ ♠ ♠
Update whooo.
also, this will unfortunately not be the last of their fights :(
sorry in advance.
but happier times are ahead... for a while :)