‹ Prequel: Remedy

One Mississippi, Two Mississippi

Every Mile a Memory

Callie sat cross legged in the middle of the bed, piles of laundry in front of her. She glanced over at Jaron who was fast asleep in the bassinet, before she went back to folding clothes. Jamie was shuffling around in the closet trying to pack for the road trip he was leaving for in the morning. He barely heard her when Callie said, "Maybe we should get a prenup."

In fact the only thing he did hear clearly was the word prenup. It made him pause, holding a sweater in his hands, trying to decide the best way to approach that conversation. This was the first time he had heard her say anything to do with the wedding since the put in on hold months ago. Finally he set his sweater down on top of his bag and made his way out of the closet to face her.

When he found her folding laundry so calm, like nothing had happened, he leaned against the door frame and asked, "What for?"

Callie looked up, startled. She had assumed when he hadn't answered right away that he wasn't going to. Yet there he was, standing across from her with his hands shoved in his pockets waiting for her response. So she fumbled with her words, "I don't know I just thought… I don't even know what I'm thinking anymore."

Jamie pushed off the door frame and made his way over to her. He moved a pile of folded shirts onto the bench at the foot of the bed and sat down across from her before he told her, "You're afraid that getting married means you're gonna lose yourself. I know you better than you think Callie."

"Okay so maybe, but I mean the idea of becoming a Samantha Stephens terrifies me." Callie stated, making Jamie's eyebrows furrow.

"A who?" He asked, and he nearly made her laugh.

"Samantha Stephens, from Bewitched? The show?" Callie asked, and when Jamie shrugged she said, "Okay never mind."

"I know what you mean, but just so you know I only plan on getting married once." Jamie told her, watching as she nodded and picked at her nails.

"I'm not saying I don't think this is gonna last, I just… I don't know anymore." Callie looked up as Jamie got up off the bed and crossed the room to the dresser. He grabbed the back of an envelope to one of the bills Callie had paid early that morning and looked around for a pen. Curiously she asked, "What are you doing?"

With his back to hers, envelope against the wall Jamie began to write on it. After a few minutes he put the pen down and turned to her before reading off the envelope, "Standing date night once a week, I will never leave for a road trip without both of us saying 'I love you', we will never go more than a day without speaking and no more than ten days without seeing each other, and I will always, always send you flowers on your birthday."

"What are you doing?" Callie repeated her previous question when he stopped talking and Jamie simply smiled and sat down beside her on the bed again.

"This is our prenup. Is there anything you want to add?" He asked, placing the paper in her lap.

Callie looked down at it and smiled very gently before she told him, "We talk it out. We don't leave or go to bed angry. We talk."

Jamie scribbled it down quickly, paper against his leg, before he signed the bottom and handed it to Callie, pen included. She rolled her eyes at his cheesiness but signed it anyway, before he put it in the nightstand drawer and told her with a grin, "Hopefully our son gets my brains."

Callie couldn't help but laugh, and Jamie silenced her with a kiss. The force knocked them both backward, and when he pulled back, still on top of her, she joked, "You're heavy."

Jamie moved around, making her laugh, before he looked down at her and said, "You better watch what you say around here."

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?" Callie challenged with a smirk.

Before he could answer there was a knock on the door and Kelly stuck her head in. Upon seeing them she groaned, "We don't need another baby around here."

"The next baby that's gonna share the Benn last name won't be Jamie's." Callie fired back, making Jamie laugh and Kelly gag.

"I don't think so. No babies are coming out of me." Kelly stated with a shake of her head.

Jamie turned to look at her and asked, "What exactly did you barge in here and interrupt us for?"

"Oh right! Me and Jordie are taking Courtney sight seeing and we thought we might take Jaron with us. Give you two the night off…you clearly need it." Kelly said, motioning between the two of them.

Callie let out a laugh and Jamie said, "I think we're good but thanks."

"Uh no, by all means Kelly take him with you. I'm sure we'll survive a few hours off baby duty." Callie said, pushing Jamie off of her before she sat up. She left Jamie in the bedroom and followed Kelly downstairs where Jordie was standing by the door, keys in hand. Courtney came around the corner with Jaron in his car seat, Stars hat on his head. Callie immediately knelt down to tickle his stomach before she kissed his head and told them, "Away with you all, I'd like some time alone."

"Make sure you take his blanket, the green one. Oh and don't wave the monkey toy in his face, he doesn't like that." Jamie called from upstairs.

As he was making his way to them Courtney stated, "Yeah, got it. This isn't my first rodeo here."

"See, speaking like a Texan already, you'll fit in just fine." Kelly stated as they left the house.

Callie immediately let out a sigh and said, "Finally silence."

Jamie smiled and put his hands on her shoulders and kissed the top of her head before telling her, "Oh for an hour or two."

- - -

"It is so not fair that you and Jamie ended up with quite possibly the cutest baby I have ever seen." Kara stated as she took a seat beside Callie at the cafe.

Callie smiled and looked down at Jaron, pulling the blanket up the tiniest bit forward before saying, "Yeah he is pretty cute."

"Pretty cute? I feel bad for you when he's old enough to have serious girlfriends." Kara said, making Callie shake her head.

"My son will not be a womanizer."

"With 'uncle Tyler' around, I don't know if that feat is possible." Kara said, and both of them laughed.

"Uncle Tyler better remember he answers to me when it comes to my son." Callie said before taking a sip of her coffee. Kara laughed, and laughed even harder when Callie let out a quiet moan and said, "Oh how I've missed coffee."

After a few minutes of silence Kara asked Callie, rather tentatively, "So how are you?"

"Exhausted." Callie told her, before she smiled and said, "But happy."

Kara couldn't help but grin, "Yeah?"


Kara took a drink of her tea before she said, "Good because for a while there I was a little worried."

"I know. I went off the deep end for a while, but really I'm good now." Callie told her with a smile and a nod.

Before they could continue on with their conversation Kelly dropped dramatically into their booth and said, slightly out of breath, "Sorry, I got stuck at work."

"Wow…you are right." Kara said, her eyes flickering between Kelly and Callie.

Kelly glanced between them as Callie nodded and then asked, "What? Callie it's so not nice to tell lies about people."

"I said nothing!" Callie stated, crossing her arms over her chest for good measure.

Kelly nodded but made a face that said she definitely didn't believe her, before Kara told her, "She just mentioned that since you and Jordie got together.… you know…you're just always late."

"I am not! Callie is the one that's always late!" Kelly exclaimed, and Callie scoffed.

When Kelly and Kara both shot her a look and Callie pouted before she stated, "I was born late. Sue me."

"Poor Jaron. If that's your excuse it'll become his too." Kelly said, stealing a sip of Callie's drink. She scrunched her nose up in disgust, forced herself to swallow the mouthful of coffee she clearly wasn't expecting before she shook her head and said, "I wasn't expecting coffee. I was so expecting hot chocolate."

"Your fault. Should have asked." Callie stated, taking her cup back.

"You're back to being snarky and sarcastic and I'm not sure I like it." Kelly told her with narrowed eyes.

Callie looked at her, smiled sweetly and then said, "If Jamie can get over it so can you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Happy birthday to Kelly because I know you've been waiting super patently (or rather unpainted) for an update.
So here it is :)
And I hope your day is wonderful

Sorry this took so long to get out, but your thoughts and comments would be greatly appreciated :D