Sequel: From Where You Are.

I Will Always Love You.


'Hail Sabin'

Chris Sabin's newest theme song echoed through the arena as it repeated the words 'Hail Sabin' over and over again. We walked out hand in hand as the crowd cheered loudly. The crowd absolutely loved the Motorcity Machine Guns so why wouldn't they love Chris Sabin as a singles competitor? He was an amazing athlete and even though he and Alex Shelley were such a great team, I believe he will be amazing without him. I then heard Christy Hemme's voice over the speakers.
'This match is set for one fall, introducing first being accompanied to the ring by Velvet Sky, from Detroit, Michigan, Chris Sabin!'
The crowd roared even more as she announced his name. Josh fed on to this and let go of my hand putting his hands out to his sides as if he were telling everyone to cheer louder. They did. I smiled seeing it work and I clapped for him. He smiled and grabbed my hand again as we approached the ring. He then put his foot down on the step leading the the floor near the barriers which kept the fans from being able to get too close. He led me down the stairs then went and got into the ring getting up on the top turnbuckle and doing his signature point to his hand as if he were pointing to Detroit on a map of the state of Michigan.
I then heard music come on. Great, his competition was him. Bobby Roode. Bobby and I had been together when I was trying to get into this business. We were pretty close but I just never saw it working between he and I. We were on two completely different levels. Bobby was a bit of an egotistical jackass. He still tried getting with me years after and I have always turned him down. Christy's voice came over the microphone once again.
'And his opponent from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, he is one third of Extraordinary Gentleman's Organization, Bobby Roode!'
Bobby made his way into the ring and got up on the turnbuckle as the fans cheered. He then looked down at me and winked which sent chills down my spine. He urked me. He always thought he was God's gift to women and all that and a bag of chips, which he wasn't . As he got down from the turnbuckle he took off his shirt and tossed it towards me. I moved so it wouldn't touch me. He smirked at me. Josh saw it all and it pissed him off, I could tell.
As the bell rang, I could tell that Josh took this a bit more personal than he was supposed to and he went after Bobby not showing him any mercy. He really was taking a toll on him as he held him against the turnbuckle taking shot after shot as well as making some chest slaps which I could tell do to the sound that radiated through the arena and the way that Bobby's chest was turning as red as a tomato. He then backed off when he saw the pain on Bobby's face and Bobby then fell to the floor. Josh looked over at me and I looked back at him seeing that he really was mad.
When Bobby got up, he went after Josh like a bat outta hell. Josh didn't back down though, he fought back like hell. This started to become more like a street fight than a wrestling match, but the fans loved it. Next thing I knew Josh and Bobby landed out onto the floor beside the ring. Oh God! I ran over to make sure they were okay. They were both laying on the floor. Josh holding his head and Bobby holding his leg.
"Are you okay?" I asked Josh. I saw him make a face of pain but then he gave me a small smile and wink letting me know he was a little hurt but not hurt as he was making himself out to be for the fans. Bobby got up and went over grabbing Josh by the hair.
"Watch the hair." said the ref and Bobby let go putting his arms up.
Josh then came up behind him and grabbed him tossing him into the ring. He got up onto the side of the ring as Bobby laid there and ran, kicking him in the face. Bobby then had blood escaping his nose everywhere in the ring. He quickly got up and grabbed his t-shirt soaking up his blood.
"You good to go on?" The ref asked. Bobby nodded and threw down his shirt. Josh took that distraction and met him with a kick to the gut and made him go down to the floor. He then climbed to the top turnbuckle and jumped on Bobby as he grabbed his leg. The ref was down for the count.
"1....2....3! Ring the bell!" He said. Christy came over the mic once again.
"Here is your winner...Chris Sabin!" She said as Josh put up his arms in victory. I climbed into the ring with him and smiled as I hugged him. He then did what was in the script and grabbed my face kissing me. I couldn't help but melt at this gesture. Oh my God. This was pure perfection. His lips meeting with mine felt like heaven. I could feel fireworks all around me and it was like we were the only two people in the whole world. He broke from it and smiled then waved to all of his fans.
We headed backstage where he was greeted by alot of wrestlers who congratulated him. He talked to and gave handshakes to alot of the guys as he passed by.When we got back to the locker room Ashley was sitting on the couch with her arms crossed looking pissed as ever. Josh grabbed a towel from the table and looked at her as he closed the door behind us.
"What's wrong with you?" He said wiping the sweat off his face.
"You two kissed." She said lightening up some and I saw tears fall down my best friend's face. Josh sighed and dropped his towel sitting by her and taking her into his arms.
"Baby, c'mon. I'm so sorry. It was part of the script. You know I only have eyes for you, beautiful. You're my girl. Nobody else. I promise. I love you." He said as she looked up at him and smiled. "And soon enough our beautiful baby girl will be here and our love will shine even brighter because that's what our love created. You and me created that." He smiled as he rubbed her stomach. She smiled and kissed him. This sent a pain into my chest. I could feel the jealousy come over me like it never has before. I was so happy that they were happy, but he was supposed to be mine.
Maybe I should just try and move on?