Sequel: LLH Storylines
Status: (all work is copyrite of me. Reproduction of my work is not permitted)

Seven Minutes in Heaven: Legend of the Legendary Heroes

Sion Astal x Reader

Extending the bag out to you, Sion nodded for you to take your turn. Placing your hand in, you grabbed a small item that had caught against your finger. Drawing it out, it was a signet ring. You held it up to Sion. “I believe this is yours, Your Highness.”

Smiling at you, he gingerly took the ring. “That it is. I see this means it is my turn to be locked in the closet.”

Waving a hand at Luke, Sion escorted you into the closet where Luke locked the two of you inside. It was a small space, just large enough for two people to stand abreast. There were many useable objects on the floor, and on top of everything, it was pitch black. Hitting your foot against something, you tripped. Sion caught you as you stumbled, making your heart pound wildly.

“Are you alright?” He held onto you firmly, waiting for confirmation.

“Y-yes,” you stuttered, finding your breath.

Chuckling, Sion sank down to the floor with you in his arms. “I do hope you can forgive me for anything done here. Under the circumstances, we are to be as lovers for the few brief moments we are held captive.”

Your face was hot and your heart beat out of control, you wondered if Sion could feel it. “There is no need for any forgiveness. I am content with what you do with me.”

A smile crossed Sion’s face. Entangling his fingers in your hair, Sion kissed you, sweetly. Your breath was taken from you as he continued his findings, kissing your lips, your face, your neck. There was a release you could feel coming from him, as if he had bent up emotions and he was relieving himself of them now, his lips covering every inch of exposed skin, his hands tracing the curves of your spine.

Without warning, light shown itself on the two of you.

“I see someone knows how to handle himself with the ladies.” Luke held the door wide open and everyone was staring inside.

Detaching himself from you, Sion helped you to your feet. His face was just as red as yours. “I am sorry if I did anything distasteful; a king should always have his head on straight, and I am afraid I did not quite have it within there.”

You held up a hand to his lips. “Don’t say anything. You are fine as can be.”

Everyone had their eyes on you, waiting for the next move. Pulling you back into his arms, Sion kissed you passionately. His lips moved to your ear and he whispered, “Meet me out in the garden later on them.”