Resist Him

Going red

"That guy is cute..." Adrianna says as I drop of the order to the kitchen.

"Which one?" I ask.

"The Australian dude.." He is pretty good looking.

"The British one is nice." I say. Adrianna looks over at them.

"Which one is that?" Before I say i see him looking over at me. He seems to do it when Gregg is busy talking. He must be nervous, he always talks when he is nervous.

"The tanned guy.." I whisper.

"He seems to think the same about you. He won't stop looking at you." She says, and winks at me. I ignore her, my boyfriend is sitting right there.

"Well, I'm finishing in half an hour. Drink tonight?" Adrianna asks, sticking out her tongue. I don't finish till a few hours away.

"Sure, where you thinking?"

"I don't know.. Some place different." The bell dings and the food is ready.

"Help me out here would you?" I ask. We grab the plates and place them down in front of Gregg's new friends. I can feel myself going bright red. Am I embarrassed?

I quickly make my way back over to the bar, with Adrianna following me, laughing.

"What's the matter with you?" She asks.

"Nothing.. I just don't like him staring all the time."

"Oh let him look! And there's no harm in appreciating that someone thinks you're attractive."

"Gregg is right there!"

"Who is making no effort to include you!" She adds.

"Well I'm working.."

"Sure..that's the reason."

"Isn't it time for you to go?" I snap.

"Sure is. Have fun! Text you later" she grabs her coat and leaves. It's just me..

After an hour or so Gregg and a few of them walk over to the bar.

"Thanks violet. We are heading out for a drink." Gregg says. "You can join us when you are done?"

"Oh, maybe. I'm not sure." I smile at them, who are looking back at me probably wondering why I'm working here. The man with the white teeth and the Australian are still sitting, talking.

"Have fun." I say and Gregg leaves with his new buddies. I clean a little behind the bar, pour myself an orange juice and pretend to look busy. It's not as busy now. The Australian man stands up, walking towards the men's toilets. The other guy stands and walks towards me at the bar.

"Hi. Can I have another 2 beers please?"

"Sure." I grab two pint glasses.

"So are you on for much longer?" He asks.

"Two hours to go." I say as I pour the pints. "Not as busy at this time."

"I worked in a bar part time years ago. I hated it, hated the shifts."

"Yeah the shifts can vary. It's not my only job, so I'm pretty tired most of the time."

"Yeah Gregg mentioned that you do make up." I place the pints in front of him. He gives me the money, before I get a chance to put the cash in the till he gives me a look.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing. It's just that Gregg is kind of.." I slowly put the cash in the till and wait to hear what he has to say about gregg.

"Kind of...? I ask.

"Well let's put it this way. We've all been asking how the hell he got a girlfriend like you. I'm Theo by the way." He grabs his beer, smiles and walks back over to his table. I don't know how to react like that. Do I say thanks, smile? I don't know..