Status: coming soon

Into the Woods


Annabeth’s small, blonde head of hair bobbed through the trees, a small, girlish giggle accompanying the golden curls. She then suddenly stopped, her eyes widening at the flash of red. She froze, her hands flying into her chest as she looked timidly into the dark forest. She suddenly remembered all the stories her mother had told her about werewolves and witches and began trembling. “Hello?” She called, her voice shaking.

Another flash of red caught her attention as she spun around, her heart racing inside her chest. She swallowed nervously as she turned to see a strand of dark, curly hair, another sliver of red accompanying it. She swallowed her fears, slowly approaching the tree the hair was behind. “I’m not going to hurt you, it’s alright.” As she began creeping closer the hair shrunk back, a small hand grabbing the tree trunk. She crept closer, her eyes peering around the tree trunk only for the dark haired creature to shrink away. “My name’s Annabeth, what’s yours?”

The creature finally stepped closer, her dark eyes wide as Annabeth realized it was another little girl, probably her same age. Her face was nearly hidden by her bright red hood. Her round face was terrified as she looked at Annabeth, a basket on her arm and a bow in the other. On her back was a quiver of arrows, and Annabeth could see a rabbit foot poking out of the basket on her arm. She looked at the dark haired girl in surprise, wondering how she could hunt when there was no way she was a day over twelve.

“What’s your name?” Annabeth repeated, smiling warmly. The dark haired girl’s grip on her bow tightened before she took a deep breath.

“Eleanor Redding.” She whispered. “But everyone calls me Red.” Annabeth smiled at her.

“Red.” She repeated. “That’s pretty, it goes with this.” She picked up Red’s cape, smiling as the silky fabric slipped through her small fingers. “It’s so cool!”

“My grandmother made it for me.” She whispered. “She said it would keep the wolves away.” Annabeth nodded.

“Is it magic?” She asked, her eyes widening with the thought of a magic cape. Red simply shook her head.

“They just don’t like this color, that’s what my grandma says. And she knows all about the woods because she’s lived here forever.”

“Do you live in the woods too?” Annabeth asked. Red simply nodded.

“She and I live in a cottage not too far from here, I just had to catch dinner.” She raised the basket slightly. “Where do you live?”

“I live in the meadow clearing.” Annabeth beamed. “Where it’s sunny all the time, and there are flowers to put in your hair, it’s beautiful.” She then smiled at red, showing off the grin worthy of a princess. “Maybe you can come visit sometime, you and your grandma.”

“Okay.” Red murmured. Annabeth smiled, reaching out to touch Red’s arm. The small girl flinched away at first, but with another reassuring smile from Annabeth, she let the blonde grip her shoulder gently.

“I think we should be friends.” Annabeth said simply with a huge grin. Red’s dark eyes flew open.


“Everyone in the meadow is so boring, they don’t even like coming into the woods unless they have to.” She then beamed again. “You’re different, and I think it’s neat. And maybe you can show me how to hunt and I can show you… something.”

“I like you hair.” Red suggested, pointing to the braid interwoven with different flowers. Annabeth gave her another charming smile.

“I can show you how to do this, no problem.” She promised. Red smiled widely at that, exposing a pair of lopsided dimples that added to the childlike cuteness of her face.

“I’d like that.” She whispered. “So… do we shake on our friendship or…?” Her head fell to one side, her cascade of dark waves following as Annabeth giggled.

“No, but we can pinky promise to stay friends.” She extended her pinky towards Red, watching as the dark eyed girl studied the gesture closely before mimicking it. Annabeth smiled, wrapping her pinky with Reds. “I promise to stay your friend forever and ever, no matter what.”

“No matter what.” Red repeated. The two girls then smiled at each other as Red simply repeated those three, small words again. “No matter what.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I am so excited to be starting this!
I hope you all like it
And have as much fun reading it as Becca and I do writing it
Speaking of Becca, she's here to throw some magic your way!
And I'm sure it'll be amazing
Thanks for reading!
