Status: Active c:

We Only Come out at Night

I Long For The One I Know I Can't Have

I ate my scrambled eggs and toast, since Chris could tell I wasn't eating like a normal person so he made me something small. I've liked Chris ever since I first met him. I hate being with TJ, speaking of which I jumped when he was calling me and since if I ignored the call, he'd beat me more.

"H-hello?" I asked nervously into the phone.

"Hey baby, where the fuck are you? I went to your house and your mom said you hadn't been home all night" He said, anger lacing his voice.

"I-I stayed with an old friend last night TJ" I said, causing the guys to whip their heads toward me. I was pretty sure Chris had told them about TJ, which was okay with me.

"You better get your fat ugly ass home right fucking now!" he started screaming into the phone.

"O-okay, I'll leave soon. I'm sorry for worrying you TJ" I said looking down, Chris coming behind me and putting his jacket back on my shoulders.

"Okay I'll be expecting you in about an hour Ricky" TJ said before hanging up.

I hung up the phone and started crying lightly causing Chris to hold me close.

"I-I'm sorry guys...I-I have to be home in an hour or TJ will beat me more severely" I said nervously.

"It's okay Ricky, c'mon I'll walk you to the car" Chris said, letting the guys hug me lightly.

We started walking to the car when we stopped and Chris pinning me against a tree. I started to get worried that he'd hurt me like TJ would but I knew he would never hurt me.

"Ricky, I want you to leave TJ and live with us" Chris said, trailing off. I nodded as he said that, pure worry in his voice.

"I want to Chrissy..I just don't know how to though"

"I can pick you up tonight and we can cancel your phone number, get you a new number and start all over Rick" Chris said holding me close to him.
I got home 20 minutes later and went up to TJ kissing him lightly.

"Do I get punished babe?" I asked him, scared.

TJ thought for a minute or 2. "No, you're early so you don't get a punishment today"

TJ took me to his house and we watched movies all day. It was about 8pm when Chris texted me, telling me to go home and that he's there. I asked TJ to take me home because my mom wanted me home tonight. Which he oddly understood, driving me home.

I got out of his car, smoking a cigarette waiting for him to leave. After he left I put my cancer stick out and got into Chris' car, driving us to the Verizon store. I went in and changed my number and came out with my new number on a piece of paper, getting in the car again.
About an hour later, we got back to Chris' house after picking some clothes and extra stuff so I could move into Chris' room. We aren't dating but he's been doing a shit ton of nice stuff for me. I like him so much but I have no clue how to tell him or if he even feels the same about me.

I guess we'll just have to see what happens.
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So...I hope this is longer and I just made this up as I go :3

42 readers and 14 subs :D so I'm pretty happy now :3.

See ya in the next chapter, I'll try updating tomorrow night.