Status: Slowly but surely

A New Life

My First Supernatural Date

“You know what?” Edward asked and I sighed.

“Never mind,” I said looking at Paul, “Get my number from Jake.”

“Will do,” Paul said, “It was fun hanging out today.”

“It was,” I said, “See you next weekend.”

“See you next weekend,” Paul said and kissed my cheek.

Paul then smirked at Edward and got into his truck. Paul drove off and I turned around to see Edward giving me an emotionless stare. I sighed and closed my eyes.

“He asked me out on a date Saturday night,” I said.

Edward didn’t say anything but turned around and headed to his car and got in. I sighed and closed my eyes as he drove off. I then looked up at the sky and could feel the tears starting to fall. I had been here a week had to boys ask me on a date and they both hate each other. I walked into the house, thankful that my mom was still out and just went straight to bed and let myself be miserable. The next morning I woke up to feeling like shit because I was completely tired from tossing and turning last night. I had a dream that I was forced to choose between Edward and Paul and every time I tried to choose both ended up dying in front of my eyes because according to the head person making me choose I took too long. I sighed rolling out of bed and throwing on clothes. I put my hair into a messy bun again and walked upstairs to find my mom already gone for work. I grabbed a poptart and looked out the window to find Bella just pulling up into the driveway. I grabbed my bags and headed out the front door slid into the passenger seat.

“So Paul told us Edward was waiting for you,” she said.

“Yeah,” I sighed, “It was a bit awkward.”

“So are you going to cancel on either one of them?” she asked.

“Nope,” I said, “I think I should give each of them a chance right? Even with what Edward could do with me right?”

“I don’t know,” Bella said, “I guess I would just be wary of it.”

“I highly doubt I’ll go out on that date with Edward though,” I said, “He probably hates me after telling him I knew what he was.”

“He’ll get over it,” she said, “They weren’t too keen on me knowing either but after a week and they find out you’re not going to tell they’ll drop it.”

“I sure hope so,” I sighed as I saw Edward and his family standing around their car.

“Good luck,” Bella said as we got out of the truck and I gave her a small smile.

“Thanks,” I said shutting the door and I could feel the stares of Edward.

I glanced over my shoulder to see him, Jasper, and Alice all staring at me and I gave them a small smile. I then made my way to my locker. I was grabbing some books when I pulled my song book out and noticed that he hadn’t read it. I smiled lightly happy that there were some people who still respected people’s private thoughts. I was closing my locker to see Edward falling into step with me.

“I wanted to apologize for my actions last night,” Edward said, “I was rude.”

“Why are you apologizing,” I said, “I’m kind of a date whore. I’m going on a date with you then going on a date with Paul the next day. I understand if you don’t want to talk to me.”

“Wait,” he said and I looked at him, “You think I don’t want to talk to you?”

“Well I wouldn’t,” I said being honest.

“You’re a strange girl,” Edward said and I just laughed lightly.

“Well I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not but I am pretty weird,” I said as the bell rang and I went to go sit next to Bella and Jessica.

The rest of the day, I could feel Edward just staring at me while everyone just kept asking me about the Cullen’s house and what they were like and it was starting to annoy me. By the time lunch came around, I was searching for the Cullen table and was relieved when I found Edward and Alice sitting at a table and I made a beeline for them. I sat next to Edward who was looking at me shocked and Alice was smirking at me.

“If I sit next you all they’ll stop asking me questions,” I said and Alice just laughed.

“Or they’ll all think you and Edward are dating,” Alice added and I just groaned and put my head on the table.

“No offense Edward,” I said.

“None taken,” Edward said and just propped my head up.

“So explain to me why you’re so calm about this,” Alice asked and I just shrugged my shoulders.

“I don’t know,” I said, “I guess it’s because I have no room to judge people.”

“But we can kill you,” Edward responded quietly.

“And so can the others,” I said, “but neither of you have so why worry?”

“Because we’re unstable,” Jasper responded quietly, “Or at least me.”

“New?” I asked and he nodded his head and I gave him a sheepishly smile.

“Sorry,” I said, “I’m not. . .”

“Understandable,” he said and gave me a small but painful smile.


Today was Friday and it was my date with Edward. My mom was excited that I had a date both tonight and tomorrow and she was trying to help me pick out an outfit since Edward told me he was going to take me to Port Angeles and show me around.

“Mom it’s raining,” I groaned looking outside, “Maybe I should go casual?”

“It’s up to you love,” she said as she pulled out a sweater that said Sweater Weather is Better Weather, “What about this sweater? With your grey jeans and boots?”

“Mom,” I said smiling at her, “You’re the best.”

She just grinned at me and I quickly threw on my clothes since Edward was supposed to be here in an hour and I still had to do my hair and makeup. I was curling my hair and my mom was standing in the doorway.

“So what do you think Edward has planned for you?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” I replied, “I am a bit nervous and excited. I haven’t really been on a date in a while so it’s going to be exciting. Then I have no clue what Paul has planned but all I know is he told me to dress cute. Whatever that means.”

“I’m just glad your mixing well here,” my mother smiled, “I was really worried you were going to not have a lot of friends.”

“Me too,” I replied, “but what about you and Charlie? You two have been spending lots of time together.”

I wiggled my eyebrows at my mom and she just laughed as she came to sit on the toilet. She blushed slightly and shook her head.

“We’re just friends Grace,” my mom replied and I smirked.

“And you want to be more than friends,” I said and she just shook her head.

“You’re crazy,” my mom replied and I just rolled my eyes.

“Mom I know you like Charlie and I’m pretty sure Charlie likes you the same way,” I said, “You’ve been on like multiple dates since moving here with him.”

“We have not,” she replied and I just laughed.

“Mom you’ve cooked for the man multiple times since we’ve moved here a few weeks ago,” I replied, “I think you have the hots for him.”

“Grace!” she exclaimed and I just laughed as she turned a shade of red.

“I’m just stating facts Mom,” I laughed as I finished my hair and my makeup.

I then threw on my beanie and looked at her.

“What do you think?” I asked.

“You look exactly like you Grace,” she smiled, “Beautiful and well put together.”

“Thanks Mom,” I said and hugged her.

Before she could respond the doorbell rang and I looked at my mom and grinned. We both rushed up the stairs and she went to answer the door while I went to go grab my purse and camera before I left.

“Why hello Edward,” my mom said, “She’s just grabbing her purse.”

“Found it!” I exclaimed grabbing it and slipping it on while making my way to the front door.

I then looked up and smiled at Edward who was standing in the foyer with my favorite flowers in his hands. I smiled lightly as Edward grinned.

“You look beautiful,” he said handing me the daisies.

“Thanks,” I smiled noticing for the first time that Edward was wearing jeans and a simple t-shirt under a plaid shirt, “You remembered my favorite flowers.”

“Well I thought you might like them,” he said and I smiled at him, “Should we get going?”

“Of course,” I said as my mom took my flowers from me.

“I’ll have her home at a reasonable time Ms. Potter,” Edward said and I my mom laughed.

“Edward just make sure she’s home before tomorrow morning,” my mom laughed and I just shook my head as we walked out the front door.

Edward opened my door and I got inside. Edward quickly rushed to his side and got in and started the car.

“So are you going to tell me what we are doing Mr. Cullen?” I asked and Edward smirked at me.

“Not a chance,” he replied and I just laughed, “But I will answer any questions you have about me.”

“How do you deal with the. . .ya know?” I asked and I saw him smile.

“We’re what you call vegetarians,” he replied, “We feed on animals.”

“And you miss school when the sun shines because?” I asked.

“Who told you that?” he asked.

“Edward last week Thursday and Friday were sunny and you weren’t in school,” I said, “Everyone told me your parents took you camping.”

“Well I can’t really explain the reason why I miss school when the sun shines,” he said, “I have to show you but to answer your next question the sun does not hurt me.”

“I’ll take your word for it,” I said and he just rolled his eyes.

“So how old do you think I am?” he asked smirking.

“Well with the manners you have and the way you hold yourself,” I started starting the calculations in my head, “You have to have been raised in the very early 1900s so my guess is about one hundred and twelve, one hundred and thirteen.”

“Have you been talking to Alice at all?” Edward asked and I just laughed.

“No,” I laughed, “Am I right?”

“I’m one hundred and thirteen,” he replied and I just grinned laughing even more.

“I’m a genius,” I laughed.

“I highly doubt that,” Edward smiled and I just laughed and played fake hurt.

“I’m very hurt by your words now,” I fake cried, “Pull over now. I’ll just walk home!”

Edward just laughed and I grinned widely. We continued to just talk and I found out a lot about Edward’s lifestyle and how he explained that he had “cousins” in Alaska and that’s where they lived before moving back here. I asked him how he changed and he told me that he was dying of the Spanish flu that had become an epidemic and how his parents begged Carlisle to save him since they were dying as well. I then talked about my life back in Vail and how I missed some of my friends and how I couldn’t wait to go back and visit during the breaks. Before we knew it, Edward had pulled us into a parking of a local diner in Port Angels and I smiled lightly.

“You’re not going to be eating at all are you?” I asked and he just shook his head.

“I really can’t,” he said and I nodded my head.

“So after this fancy dinner where are we going?” I asked.

“Actually I was going to take you to the pier after,” he said, “If you’re up to it of course.”

“I would love to,” I said smiling at Edward, “Now let’s feed the hungry human.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So I have no real good excuse as to why I haven't updated except that school kicked my butt so now I have more time and I am really going to try and update at least once a week! Please let me know what you think!!!!