My Little Rainbow

Kiss the night life in the shadows

Same place where he once was; out in the street again. Stupid Sesshomaru and his over sexed mind set. That man always seemed suspicous and he knew why. What the normal always gossiped about the rich was true: money, violence and sex. That kiss, it was so hot and craved for him but, they only knew each other as arrogant man and past neko prince. It was too soon to engage in activities of lovers and hated Sesshomaru. Deep in his heart, earlier this evening, his tears makes him want to cry too. Pain: no matter how severe; no matter how moderate, it was all the same and was depended on how someone would handle it. Though, no matter how hard his pain was, it always stabbed him deeply and gave him many burning scars that seemed to have never worn off. All those years of misfortune, especially on his birthday would never go away but, Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru seemed to heals his pain with that smile and how he always had his back to his crack addicted father who always had to pick pocket him. Maybe he should have stayed and accepted to have sex with him even if it would put his mind to shame surrendering his body to a human. Maybe he should have asked Sesshomaru to take him in so this pain could be over with now and be used to the fact that Sesshomaru hated him for the rest of his life.

What if he hurt him? So many questions spoiled his mind that he could not sleep. Damn, his only happiness in that box was left at Sesshomaru's house, under the bed that was for him. His box would have confort him. That smiling picture of his mother would once again give him happy tears. He wished he knew where he was going but, all he could do was bleed out rain of depression here. *Slash* His razor ran down his arm and bled on the side walk. Many people walked passed by suprised to see such a beautiful man depressed out in the middle of the street. Well, out in the real world, anything could happen without out anyone knowing.

"Sephiroth." Sesshomaru walked inside Sephiroth's room and sat on the plushy bed that belonged to him. He remembered under his bed there was a box that he hid under his bed. He pulled out the plastic box and found many photos and pictures of his past kingdom. He saw his journal and looked through out it of the many past years he suffered. Tears dripped down his eyes of the true pain that looked extravegant compared to his. No one of such beauty deserves the pain of losing his mother and the many years of cursed birthdays but, it was something that had to happen.