Life of a Tease


Hey, if you don’t know me you should and if you do well you know what to hold on tight too!
I’m a teaser. No not a strip-tease but still a tease all the same!
I’m probably a straight girl’s worst nightmare and a gay girl’s sugar. A straight guy’s dream come true and a gay guy’s best friend.
Don’t get me wrong I’m not up myself but it’s basically the truth. Has been since puberty and before that I messed with peoples heads still but in a different way. I mean now I can turn a straight girl gay and a gay guy straight and even those I can’t change still moan at my every touch.
It all started one day after a sleepover at my friend Katie’s house. She woke me up at 5a.m declaring she was about to perform a full body makeover on me. She did my nails, my hair, my makeup, my clothes. Totally boring morning for me but I put up with it (only because she threatened to not give me coffee).
When I came into school I didn’t look (or feel) a thing like myself and apparently people thought this look suited me. Well I’m partially guessing here from the look of the guys faces though I must have looked good.
I sat down next to Ben. Ben seemed more shocked by my appearance than anyone else. He recovered from his shock and said “you look good in those clothes.”
“Uh… thanks” I mumble in response while I stare at him in disbelief.
I then look down at my outfit of a tight white tee and a black mini that Katie had forced me into this morning.
I finish my work quick as ever and pass it over to Ben so he can copy. While Ben struggles to understand my work I notice Katie is finished to and reading her book.
I watch Ben finish his copying before a fiendish idea crosses my mind. Yeah yeah this idea had crossed before but this time I was going to act on it.
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I know it's kinda short but im writing really slow
Sorry if it sucks beyond belief ♥