Hold My Hand.

You're happy again and I love it

-Alex's POV-

'Come in?' I call when I hear a knock at my bedroom door,
'Hey.' Jack smiles when he walks in,
'Hi babe, gimme a sec.' I chuckle and finish sorting my insulin pump out and finish the bottle of fruit shoot,
'Everything okay?' Jack asks and I nod, standing up and hugging him,
'S'fine, I slept through my alarm and woke up low.' I shrug,
'You have an alarm on the weekend?' he asks,
'Have to. I need to get up at 7 every morning to check. I can sleep more after that though. But today I only woke up like 40 minutes ago.' I laugh and he chuckles, 'anyway, what are you doing here?' I ask,
'I missed you.' he mumbles, blushing,
'I love you, you're so cute.' I laugh and kiss his cheek,
'If you have stuff to do, I can go or help you, but I just thought it'd be nice to spend the day together doing fuck all.' he shrugs,
'Sure babe, I have nothing to do.' I smile.


Jack pulls away from my lips and I smile at him, he blushes and shuffles off my lap, sitting next to me, 'Whats wrong?' I ask and he sighs,
'My mum said I should tell you something...' he whispers,
'What is it baby?' i ask and he takes a shaky breath,
'I thought you were dead Alex... and I... I was prepared to join you... I tried... I was so upset Alex. People called it depression but I don't think it was. I was just in desperate need of my best friend.' He says unsteadily,
'B-baby, fuck, baby, did you try to kill yourself?' he whimpers and I nod, lifting my sleeve up and slowing him the healing scar on my wrist, a sob escapes his lips as he pulls me into his arms and hugs me tightly, 'I'm so fucking sorry for everything I did to you sweetie, oh my god.' He cries, I can tell he's nearing a panic attack. He used to get them all the time.
'Alex, don't panic on me, please.' i whisper, stroking his hair,
'I love you.' He whimpers.

(a few weeks later)

'Jacky, can you get me a tab out my bag?' Alex asks,
'Yeah, you okay baby?' I ask, grabbing his bag and getting the little packet out and handing a tab to him,
'Yeah, just don't wanna run low while we're out... Speaking of which, where's Rian?' he asks Zack,
'He'll be here in a few minutes, he had to turn back for whatever Jack asked for.' Zack shrugs,
'What did you ask for?' Alex asks me,
'A hoodie. It's cold.' I laugh,
'Silly. Told you to bring a hoodie.' Alex smirks and kisses my cheek,
'I wore long sleeves, i thought I'd be fine.' i whine,
'You always wear long sleeves, you should know by now that it doesn't keep you warm.' He laughs and Zack's head snaps up,
'Does he know?' he whispers and i nod, Alex sighs and leans against me, 'oh, okay then. Good. We kept him safe Lex. We wouldn't let him go.' he adds quietly,
'Thank you. I really, really appreciate it.' Alex whispers, squeezing my hand,
'I love you.' I mumble, kiss his hair,
'Love you too.' He whispers.


'That was shit.' Alex laughs as we walk out the cinema complex,
'A pile of dog crap.' Rian agrees,
'It might of been. But Zac Efron has got it going on.' I shrug and Alex pouts at me, 'but he's no where near as hot as you baby.' I smile, grabbing his hand,
'You two are sickenly cute.' Zack chuckles, putting an arm around Rian's waist,
'Deal with it. I had to deal with you.' I laugh,
'I don't care bro, you're happy again and I love it.' Zack smiles at me and rubs my back.