Brothers on a Hotel Bed

Mikey and his brother Gerard is going to see a concert in NY, but they have some troubles on the way there..

okay- this is now officially a story.
includes alot of waycest.

  1. Hotel bella muerte
    " What the *** Gerard?" Mikey pointed at the windows. " Iron bars?"
  2. The key
    " A brick wall??!! There was no brick wall outside the hotel when we got here! " Gerard said and looked frightened.
  3. Flashback
    I felt disgusting and sick, but i couldn't help smiling. And moaning.
  4. The flashback continues
    " I mean.. if it's okay.. i mean.. I'm not.. you know.. as beautiful as you. " He looked at the wall with a sad face.
  5. Under the white sheet
    " And i see you have a brother. Michael. Oh, and he's here too? "
  6. I'm afraid of the dark, Gerard.
    Yes. I saw the table next to him. Filled with bloody rusty surgical tools. But i ignored it.
  7. Surgical tools.
    " Don't worry, this will only hurt a little." He smirked.
  8. Behind closed doors.
    " If you close the drapes, I'll lock the door. "