Written in the Stars

Day Four: On A Date

“What do you think?”

“I think I'm overdressed.”

“What does that matter?”

“Well it’s a little embarrassing.”

“Why would it be embarrassing?”

I frowned, my eyes drifting to the ceiling as I thought, “I don’t know actually. Societal pressures, perhaps.”

“Ah, dull.”

“Very,” I agreed with a sigh, “but I must admit, I am not immune to them as you are.”

“Who says I'm immune?”

I raised an eyebrow, “You don’t care what others think; you just do whatever you want without care for the consequences.”

“Well,” he smirked, “That’s true.”

“Even now you don’t care what people think,” I smiled and shook my head, “While part of me is very aware that we’re having this conversation in the presence of John and Lestrade who are wondering if we realize this is a crime scene.” I looked over at the two men and shrugged. Lestrade forced a smile while John didn’t even bother to hide his annoyance.

Sherlock didn’t take his eyes off me, “You have a strange mind Miss Hooper.”

I looked back at him, “So do you Sherlock. A first date does not usually consist of a double murder.”

“So it is murder then?” Lestrade asked pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Of course,” Sherlock and I answered in unison before I continued. “The stab wound to the girl’s heart is angled down, consistent with your theory of a suicide pact, Detective. He stabs her in the heart as she stabs him and poof they are together forever in oblivion.”

“However the stab to the boy is also angled down,” Sherlock carried on waving his hand over the boy’s body, “Both victims would have had to be taller than each other, impossible. So someone else stabbed both of them and made it look like a suicide pact. They were even kind enough to leave us their name.”
“Their name?”

“It’s in the note,” I smiled retrieving the paper from Lestrade’s hands to read, “’Brian forgive us for what we did to you and know that it is with you in mind we end it all.’ Obvious, Brian is our female victim’s ex-boyfriend and the best friend of the male. These two fell in love while she was dating Brian. He never got over the betrayal.”

“Find Brain,” Sherlock said to Lestrade, as he took the note from me and handed it back to the detective inspector. He turned back to me and offered me an arm, “Shall we?”

I smirked taking it, “I thought you’d never ask.”