My Slice of Haven


Poppi could smell Duke's aftershave on her pillows when she woke the next day. Her arm still stung but felt better under the bandages. She stretched and looked around the empty room knowing Duke was still in the house, probably shuffling around down stairs and her father as well. Both of them gave off such strong emotional energy that she didn't have to move from the bed to know they weren't far.
But as her eyes met the clock on the wall looking at her Poppi decided that being in bed past lunch was just laziness even after what she'd been through.

With a stifled yawn Poppi dragged her tender body from the bed and began to pull on her usual dress and cardigan when she decided that the shirt of Duke's on the floor next to her feet looked more comfortable. Slipping it on Poppi teamed it with a worn pair of blue shorts and tied her hair into a messy knot atop her head before coming down the stairs.

"Morning my two favourite boys." Her bare feet made a gentle tapping sound as she entered the kitchen.

"Morning dear." Thomson looked well rested and gave his daughter a kiss on the cheek.

"How'd you sleep?" Duke asked pointing her to a seat where he placed a glass of fresh orange juice in front of her.

The sight of him in the kitchen was something Poppi could see herself becoming accustomed to. "Like a log. How about you two?"

Her dad sat back with a small smile over his face, the grey in his eyes brighter and mind clearer. "The best sleep I have had in a long time." He leaned forward and clasped his hands together. "And now you're awake I can discuss a few things with you."

Duke looked over already knowing what Thomson was going to eventually say. It had taken him by surprise that morning when he had wanted to have a chat with Duke.

Poppi was looking at both the men in her life with speculation in her eyes. "It feels like I am the last to know about whatever you're going to say."

Taking the seat next to her Duke placed his hand over hers. "It's not that, we just had to discuss a few things first."

Thomson nodded more to him but looked towards Poppi. "I can never repay you for what you did for me, you saved me. Poppi I never thought I would see you again but here you are and I want to correct the mistakes I made with you. It was the wrong move to send you away from Haven when I did and while I know I can't make up for that I can at least offer you something.

Haven is somewhere I can no longer stay, it holds too many painful memories but for you it's a new start and a place where you can be safe with your troubles. Around people who care for you," he glanced to Duke, "People who love you. So I want you to have this house, it's your home. It was then and is now."

For a moment Poppi was staring into the space in front of her getting mixed feelings from Thomson. "You're going to leave, where to?"

"Nebraska, there is a little farm out there with my name and down deposit on it. Before going to that island I had made plans to move out there. Vince was to find you and give you this place on my behalf...guess I am doing it for myself though." Thomson studied Poppi's face through crinkled eyes. "The paperwork is done already."

Fresh tears prickled her eyes and wit her free hand Poppi reached across the table and took her father's hand. " know when I was in that school night after night I would pray to whoever would listen that you would come and take me away. Bring me back home. There were so many things I missed out on and a life I could have had, one that I wanted more than anything." Drawing back from both the men she wrapped her arms around her waist, knee jigging as she thought. "And it turns out that eventually you were going to see me back here." Her face broke into a smile and she rushed from her spot into her father's arms.

Thomson taken by both surprise and relief wrapped his arms around Poppi. "There is also something else."

Pulling back Poppi wiped tears from her cheeks. "What is it?"

He nodded towards Duke. "You and Duke, it was my own hate and fear of the Crocker's that had you both too scared to tell me but when Duke eventually did I lied." He sighed. "Another one of my mistakes, but I can see he isn't his father and that Duke here only cares for you. So as late as it is I give you both...the green light...blessings is a little old fashioned to say don't you think?" Thomson chuckled as Poppi blushed.

"Thank you dad." She said stroking the side of his face.

There was a sheepish smile on Duke's face, all he'd ever wanted was for Poppi's dad to accept them and now he was. "I think this calls for a drink. I have a great vintage red sitting on the Cape Rogue if anyone fancies a day trip?"