Dear Diary, I'm Dead

Chapter one

Frank Iero found himself on his mother's attic,digging through hundreds of boxes full of old notebooks and photos.

One specific photo caught Frank's eye and he felt a need to take it out of the dusty box.

It was an old photo of him and a black haired girl standing under the big tree.He was so young then,15 probably.He looked at the back side of the photo and smiled when he saw what was written on it.

'My little smashing pumpking sweety-pie and myself,1996.'

He couldn't remember the name of the girl,but he knew she probably meant something for him 15 years ago.

He decided to take that photo with him.Maybe he remembers the name once.

After he went through another few boxes,finaly he found something interesting-his diary.

Frank always had a thing for sharing his secrets with a paper,he thought his diary is the best friend he can have,although he had actual friends too.

They just never looked like someone he could tell everything he has on his heart.

And now,you probably wonder,what the fuhk is Frank Iero,the rythm guitarist of My Chemical Romance doing in his mother's attic,roaming through old boxes and piles of old dusty stuff?

On his 30th birthday,he decided to refresh his childhood memories,and what a better way than to read his 15 year-old diary?

Without any further explanation,he opened the old notebook and started reading.A smile appeared on his face as he found himself,again,in highschool.

31 October,1996

Dear diary

I'm 15!I'm finaly 15!Wtfffffff I'm 15!I still can't believe I'm fucking 15!

Being fourteen years old sucked so bad after Jasmine dumped me.I really miss her tho.She was so pretty and she had that nice blond hair and everything...

Well,she dumped me so fuck her.I'm sure there's a lot of girls that may be dying to be with me.Yeah like no way.I'm lucky enough Jasmine wanted to be with me,although it was for three weeks only and she did it because she wanted to make Toby jelaous.Well,he beat the crap out of me,so I hope she's happy now.

Anywhore,I'm in a band too!We're called Pencey Prep and I can finaly play my beautiful guitar outside of my room.

Well,gotta go.My mum is a reall pain in the ass with that candle blowing shit.

-A very happy Frankie that is finaly 15 years old and acts like a teenage girl..

'I was such a dork!' Frank laughed and flipped another page.He noticed a photo of him on stage,holding his famous Pansy.It was his first performance with Pencey Prep and the first time he saw that black haired girl.But still,he couldn't recall the name.

5 November,1996

Dear motherfucking diary

Tonight was awsome!I have performed with my band for the first time in the local club and everyone loved us!It was a really special feeling to be on the stage and jump around with my Pansy(Yeah I called my beautiful guitar Pansy and if you don't like it you can go fuck yourself diary you mofo).I think that I really wanna do that for living.The performing thing.When I told my mum I wanted to be famous and in some band with a really cool name,she just laughed and said I can do whatever I want when I finish highschool.I kinda hoped she'll support me and let me be a highschool drop-up millionare like Billie Joe Armstrong,but like no she has to bitch around.Ofcourse,I had to wash the dished because I was being a lazy ass dork.What a day right?Buuuuuut,I met this girl that came to our gig and she's really cute.She didn't tell me her name tho.I don't know why.I guess she's acting all misterious shit so she can have me crawling for her.

I think she's doing a good job..whatevs...

-Your lazy ass highschool drop-out wanna be

Another smiled creeped on Frank's face and even a tear of joy rolled down his face.He thought about 15 year-old self and how silly he was.But,his dream did come true.He became a rockstar and completed his number 1 task in life.He played his Pansy for living.

He decided to read a few more pages,after all that was the thing he planed to do all week end.

7 November,1996

Dear Diary

I think I should name you something.Diary sounds so gay.Speaking of,some gay dude hit on me today after lunch.I'm not homophobic,but sorry man I like girls and boobs and stuff...But anyway it was very interesting that a guy likes me.Maybe I'm not so ugly like my five year-old cousin says..I shouldn't listen to her anymore,sometimes she can be very harsh for a 1st grader.Anywhore...That girls from few days ago bumped into me while I was going to the music store.Did I mention I work there for two days now?..Well,I forgot to ask her what's her name(I know I'm such a dork) but she did say she's going to visit me again tomorrow.Remind me to take a shower before I go to work! can't do that you're a fricker notebook for God's sake!

-Your very attractive Frankieehh

'Such a dork..' Frank laughed and flipped another page.Fifteen year-old Frankie was so much better than Thirty year-old one.He wished to have that energy he had while he was a teenager.

'I think that's impossible with this thing on.' He sighed and looked at his cast covered foot.Another reason why he was back in Jersey was because he broke his foot while walking off stage on one his performances with MCR.

My Chemical Romance was truly his dream come true.He didn't know what would he do without Ray,Mikey and Gerarad..

But,no time to think about his present life.Right now,Frank has his antient diary that he has to read.