Status: Transferring over from my previous inactive account

It's Magic, My Dear

Strange and Stranger Tides

I could see Jane falling deeper and deeper with emotion for Thor and as I sat across the café table from them in a spot next to Erik and Darcy, I smiled at them. It seemed that Thor was too feeling some affection for my sister and that warmed my heart.
Sure Jane was going to shuffle me, us all, off to the side in way of a new love interest but I only shrugged my shoulders. It must have been just something else to have a God on Earth and knowing they didn’t have to go anywhere else.

“So you’re really not going to tell us what happened to your face?” Darcy asked as she fiddled with her phone.

After much deliberation I had decided that I wasn’t going to tell any of them about my deal, thinking it best for them to know as little as possible. Even though I knew less than that. “Nope.”

“Come on, we’ll find whoever gave you that knockout shiner and beat their ass!” Exclaimed Darcy with a little too much enthusiasm.

“Yes! We shall seek them out and wage a terrible battle upon them.” Thor joined in with a face that said he enjoyed a good fight.

I chuckled and waved my hands in front of them. “No. No fighting. It was nothing.”

Jane eyed me up and down with a cocked brow. “You know we’ll find out eventually.”

My sore lips grinned. “I bet you won’t.”

Erik looked over at me with that same glance he had given me before and I knew that talk was coming up and soon. “Tiggie, could I have a word with you?” He began to rise from the table and I nodded following his lead to the corner of the counter.

“What can I do ya for, Doc?” I glanced around to make sure no one was eavesdropping and caught Jane’s confused expression but shook my head and gave her a small smile.

“Thor. There is something not right about him being here…” Erik looked at me with raised brows as he got right to his point and shared his worries with me.

I nodded slowly. Understandable it was a bit odd and even odder still to Erik who had wanted to believe that Asgard was just a myth. “Sure. I guess it’s a bit off that a Norse God gets the heave-ho from Asgard to here…but come on Erik, everything seems okay?” I glanced back around and noticed Thor re-telling a tale that had Darcy in a fit of giggles and had Jane’s undivided attention.

“Okay? I think not, Tiggie. I fear that something else is at play here. You know those legends better than us. Don’t you feel the same?” It seemed that Erik was trying to grab at something, an idea that wasn’t yet fully developed.

I stopped for a moment before replying but still I shook my head. All I could think about was the deal I had cut the day before. “No. Erik, I don’t.”

He sighed. “Well I think there is.”

“Or maybe you feel threatened by him.” I shrugged my shoulders. “Jane is swaying towards Thor and you’re worried he is going to carry her off to some far off realm.”

“Don’t be stupid.” He spat and shook his head. “This isn’t about me.”

“No, Erik, Don’t you be stupid. Why must something be terribly wrong? Can’t things just be as they are?” I felt frustration begin to rise and bit back my tongue before I said something I would end up wishing I hadn’t.
I could see the cold fear in Erik’s eyes. Maybe there was something bigger going on and we were just blind to it? I sighed. “Alright. If there is something more, what do you think it is?”

He shrugged with a deflating weight. “I…I don’t know.”

“Right. Well let’s think about this logically.” I rested my hands over my hips and began to thumb the belt loops on my jeans. “Thor is banished to Earth from Asgard. Leaving him to live here as human and Odin, the All Father is de-“ My eyes began to widen and my heart race as my mind began to pull the pieces together so fast that my lips were unable to keep up. “Loki.”
Of course I knew. Buried somewhere deep in the back of my brain I knew that something was up. All the tales and legends I had learnt…it made so much sense.

“Loki?” Erik’s face rumpled. “Thor’s brother?”

I nodded. “Yes. He…I-“

“Okay that’s enough chatty secret chatty, it’s time to leave.” I felt Darcy’s hand on my shoulder. “Jane is getting all crazy impatient and wants to get back down to research.”

Turning to face her, my face was pale and filled with a terrible knowledge. “Erik, you’re right. Something terrible is going to happen.”

And that’s when we heard it. The almighty ripping sound of the world opening up and spitting out a force that was going to throw us into a world of chaos.