Status: Updates often :)

Speeding in Clairemont

Chapter 3 ~


I went back out to front desk to get my keys and pay for the damage repair. When I got back out, Vic smiled mischievously.

"So, I have your payments all ready all you have to do, is let me see your insurance card and your credit card and I can get everything written up." He stood up and went over to a printer, grabbing a sheet and a pen, he handed it over to me.

I gave him my cards and signed the papers on the lines he marked. When I was done, I handed him the paperwork and he handed me my cards back.

"Alright, everything is accounted for, so I'll tell them to let your car down and you can leave." Vic smiled and I nodded. "Oh, wait, here. This is our card if you ever have any other problems, give us a call."

I took it and put it in my wallet with the one for Kellin.

"Okay, they're letting your car down now, just go through the doors and Mike will have it ready for you." Vic smiled.


"Yep. If you ever need help with anything else, just give us a call."

"I will." If that meant more time with Mike, most definitely. I went out the doors into the garage and saw my car was parked outside the stall and Mike was leaning against it, smoking a cigarette. Maybe it's stupid, but I thought guys who smoked were hot as fuck. So just another added pro to this whole thing.

I hitched my skinny jeans up a bit and walked over to him. When I got to him he blew out a cloud of smoke and winked. Oh hot damn. He reached into his pocket and tossed me my keys.

"Everything's running fine so you should be good, just come back in a few weeks so I can make sure it stays that way. Sound good?" Mike flicked the ashes off of his cigarette and I nodded. I got awkward around attractive people.

Mike nodded once. "Okay, see you around." As he walked away, he actually smacked my ass. Like, oh hello.

Not knowing what else to do, I got into my car and drove back to my apartment.


I pushed open the door to the apartment I shared with Kellin. "I'm home!"

"Thank God! I've been waiting for an hour! Meet any cute boys?" Kellin yelled. Always on the prowl.

"As a matter of fact, I did, slut!" I hung my keys up on the rack and saw Kellin lean around the corner like a pedophile.


I pulled out my wallet and nodded. "Yep. His name is Vic. He was working at the front desk."

Kellin came in the room and gave me a quick hug. "Oh, the Sexican?"

I just looked at him. Shaking my head, I pulled out the two business cards. "Yeah sure. But he asked about you and he thinks you're hot-" he let out a little squeal and snatched the cards from my hands. "And he wrote his number on the back of one of those."

"Tony, there are two numbers here...who's Mike?!" He ran on his toes back over to me and danced the card around in front of my face. "Who's Mike, Tony? Is he cute? What's he like? Is he tall? Does he have a nice face? Because a nice face is always good." I ripped the card out of his hand and read it. Sure enough, on the back was a little note that said, 'I knew Mike would never give you his number because he's stupid, so here it is. Text him whenever. It's not like he has a girlfriend or anything. ~Vic'

"You have got to be shitting me..." I mumbled.

"What's up, buttercup?" Kellin peered over my shoulder and read it too. "Well, do you like him?"

"Not really. I mean, if I got the chance, hell yeah I'd go on a date with him but-"

Kellin held up a hand. "Then call him. Get to know him. Make sure he's what you're looking for and then make a decision. Jesus, Tony. You're acting like you're gonna marry the guy. Go on a few dates before you decide anything serious. I mean, is he cute?"

"Sexy as hell." And I was being completely serious.

"Is he your type?"



"I don't really know him but seems like it."

"Alright then. Just give him a call or shoot him a text or something. I mean you might find out you really like him. So really just be yourself too. Like you in all your shy awkward ways are perf so he should either accept that or shove it. And if he really does like you, he'll like you for all that stuff. Okay?" Kellin was one of those people who could talk a million miles a minute if he wasn't paying attention and he has the attention span of a squirrel. He wasn't really watching his words because he was too busy burning holes into Vic's number with his eyes but I knew he was being completely serious about what he said.

"Okay." I nodded and he smiled at me and kissed my cheek quickly.

"So, if you'll excuse me...I'm going to call the hot boy that gave me his number. But stay here, I might need an excuse or help." Kellin punched the number in his phone and held it up to his ear. "Hello? Hi, it's Kellin. Yeah...uh-huh...yeah he got it." Kellin looked over at me and gave me a huge smile and a thumbs up. "Am I? No...sure...yeah totally..." He let out this girly little giggle, and I'm sure Vic loved it. "So, Saturday? Of course...sure...yeah duh, okay. Fab. Kay, bye." He slid his phone back into his pocket and took a deep breath before letting out a squeak so loud and high-pitched, I wouldn't be surprised if dolphins covered their ears.

"Guess who has a date with a hot Mexican boy on Saturday?!" Kellin grabbed me by my shirt and shook my back and forth.


"Me!" He squealed and hugged me so hard I felt like my head was going to fall off. "Vic said he wanted to get Mike off his lazy ass and text you but he wouldn't so you should call him. Or text him, whatever." Kellin put his hands on my shoulders and made me look him in his huge lemur eyes. "Take the chance, Tony. It could be so worth it."

"Fine." I gave in.

What was the worst that could happen?
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Uh jk but thanks for the comments guys! They were super sweet and made me smile ^.^ keep up the comments/recs/subs
Love love