Status: Updates often :)

Speeding in Clairemont

Chapter 4~


I plopped myself down on the couch at Vic and I's apartment after a long day of working and fixing people's cars that everyone else had turned down because of their complete and utter destruction that was basically almost unfix able. Unless you were me of course, who has been fixing cars since I was 13.

Just as I sat down though, Vic came over and plopped himself onto my lap with a huge grin plastered across his face.

"Guess who's going on a date with a really hot guy on Saturday?" He asked with the grin not faltering one bit.

"You?" I guessed, knowing that he hadn't been on a date in a while, this must be a pretty big deal for him.

"Yeah, and you because I convinced my date to tell your date to text you, so get ready for this shit." He warned, before getting up and skipping off to our kitchen.

"Well..." I muttered under my breath as I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, indicating that I had received a text message from someone.

I pulled my phone out and an unknown number was displayed across my screen, so I clicked on it, reading the message that came along with it.

"Uhm... Hi, it's Tony from the shop earlier, Vic gave me your number..." It read, perhaps showing off how awkward he was a little too much...

Is it bad that I like shy and awkward guys though?

I figured I should reply, so I didn't come off as an asshole. So I typed a quick "Hey, and Vic told me... he likes trying to be a matchmaker." before putting my phone down beside me and flicking on the TV to 'Fantasy Factory'.

I had no fucking clue what I had just flipped to, but apparently Big Black was getting his ass waxed for a doctor's appointment, and they were in the process of doing so just as I changed the channel.

My phone vibrated again as I was trying to get the images off of the screen and out of my head, so I picked my phone up and checked the message trying to forget about the image.

"You might have him off your case for a bit, he has Kellin to worry about now. He's my room mate, they're going on a date Friday if he didn't already tell you that." It read, and I chuckled slightly at the proclamation.

"Yeah, he is pretty hyped about it, whereas I'm going to be spending my Saturday watching Fantasy Factory... even though that show has officially scarred me for life." I texted back, deciding on scrolling through random apps instead of having to stare at a gigantic ass being waxed.

I played a few rounds of Fall Out Bird, almost falling off of the couch when I beat my old high score of thirty-three with my new one of forty-five.

I eventually got a text back from Tony after bout 10 minutes of miscellaneous app surfing., it read "Same here, maybe we can watch together? ;)" and at that I smiled and replied, "Finally coming out of your shell, I see. And, yes. that sounds fun."

After that I got up to brag to Vic that he wasn't the only one that had a hot date on Saturday.

"VICTOR VINCENT FUENTES." I yelled, followed soon after by the sound of Vic opening his door and stomping down the hall.

"What, oh dear brother of mine?" Vic asked me sarcastically, plopping down next to me on the couch with a small smile.... I think he knew what was coming.

"Guess who's staying here for a date with a really hot guy on Saturday?" I mocked his earlier statement, only changing a few words to better fit my situation specifically.

"MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER FUENTES!" He exclaimed, practically trampling me. He engulfed me in the most giant hug I think I have ever received.

"You haven't been on a date in forever." He added on after our miniature hug fest.

"Look who's talking! You haven't even stepped foot near a guy that's peaked your interest in... What? a year and a half?" I pointed out to him, trying to make my love life seem almost not pathetic.

"Yeah, because I've been too busy monitoring your love life and trying to make sure you end up with good people." He pointed out, failing at trying to come up with an excuse.

"Don't blame me for your pathetic excuse for a love life." I countered, earning a laugh from Vic. "It was worth a shot, bro." He said truthfully, along with me chuckling at the statement.

"I forgot to ask where you and this so called 'Kellin' are going for your date." I suddenly remembered, giving Vic my full attention so he could tell me.

"Well you know me, always wanting to make a good first impression... I booked us a spot at this fancy restaurant called 'La Bonne Nourriture' and then we're going to see Bad Grandpa." He said all in one breath, with a stupid grin plastered across his face the whole time.

"As for you, Mister... What are you planning on doing here?" He asked me, and I shrugged.

"We agreed to watch Fantasy Factory together, I'm not an elaborate and fancy date like you." I joked, with a chuckle.

"Oh, young grasshopper... there is much for you to learn." Vic sighed shaking his head.

What the actual fuck did my brother just say to me?

And what do I have to learn?

I'm so confused...
♠ ♠ ♠
This is really fun to write, and I'm really glad that this is getting such positive feedback (on mibba at least..) and I'm loving how it's turning out so far cx

Please keep up with the support because it really encourages us to keep up with this fic!

Also, I'm extremely sorry this took so long!

Love you<3
