Status: Fetus. [Highschool cripples my abilities to update regularly.]

Know Me by Name.


Casey Meredith, otherwise known as "Green Eyes" or "Emerald", lives a high end life. Almost every night, she charges men for her services as an escort. She's in love with the thousands of dollars that she makes - Nearly every single night. Her downtown loft has been her home for almost three years. The twenty five year old can't find a single problem with her lifestyle.


Matthew - Matt - Sanders is a successful stockbroker on Wallstreet with a wife, acres of lush green grass, numerous housemaids and butlers, his own stockbroking company with hundreds of employees, and an million dollar extravagant home. He's cheated his way to the top. Countless FBI investigations - Each case being overturned because of a "lack of sufficient evidence". On top of everything, he has cocaine and countless pills to thank for his success - Not alcohol, surprisingly. The twenty nine year old can't find a single problem with his lifestyle.