Mr. Perfect

Chapter 1

**Megan's POV**
I can't believe that I graduated 2 months ago and i still don't have a job. But all i ever want to do is watch hockey. I wish i could get a job for the Pittsburgh Penguins. Well maybe i could get a job for them.
"Hey Alexis, do you think that i should put an application in for the Penguins?" said Megan
"Well all you ever do is watch hockey so i think it would be a great idea" Megan's roommate Alexis said
"OK maybe i will then" said Megan
So then she logged into her laptop and made an application and emailed it the Pittsburgh Penguins Organization.
"Alright, now all i have to do is wait" Megan told Alexis
"Fingers crossed" Alexis replied

**2 weeks later**
I should probably check my Email, I haven't checked it in weeks.
Dear Megan Westly,
Thank you for your application. You seem like a very accomplished doctor. We would be delighted to have you on you staff. We would like you as a medic that helps the men before, during, and after the game. so please respond to this Email saying that you accept.
Thank you and we hope to she you soon,
GM Ray Shero
OH MY GOODNESS! I can't believe this. I'm gonna work for the NHL!!! I have to reply.
Dear Mr. Shero
Thank you for this amazing opportunity! I would be honored to you work for you and the Pittsburgh Penguins. I'm very excited to see you soon.
Thanks again,
Megan Westly
I have to text Alexis
Megan: Guess what. I got an Email from Ray Shero i have a job for the Pittsburgh Penguins!
Alexis: Thats great! I'm sooo happy for you. We can talk more when i get home. TTYL
** The next day**
I have to check my Email hopefully i got another Email from Ray Shero.
Dear Megan Westly,
I am very happy that you will be apart of you staff. I would love you you to come in tomorrow and get everything ready. Also you will meet Coach Bylsma and the team.
Hope to see you soon,
GM Ray Shero
Oh My Gosh! i can't wait. I am going to meet the Pittsburgh Penguins!
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