The Boy Next Door and the Girl Who Knocked

Chapter One

The summer vacation of my senior year, a new boy moved next door to my family and I. I hadn't caught a glimpse of the boys face, but he had curly, brown hair, was probably about 6'0" foot, and he was most likely going to go to my high school, unless he had already graduated. I didn't have the guts to walk over to his house and introduce myself, but my mom did, and she got some information about the boy. His name was Ryan, he was nineteen, which meant he was a little over a year older than me, and he had moved from a small town in Florida. She said he was wearing a mask, so she didn't actually get to see what he looked like. I just shrugged it off, wondering about the boy that was living next to my family and I.

Through-out the rest of my summer vacation, I spied on the boy as often as I could. He seemed to really like electronics, since I found out that he had an x-box 360, playstation 3 and probably a 4, I had just missed it, a fancy looking camera for who knows what, and a computer. He also had other miscellaneous things, such as a t.v. and couch and a bed, but those weren't what stuck out to me. He was a nineteen her old boy, living by himself, with as many of those electronics, there had to be something up.

My mother went over to talk to him again, and she found out that he was graduated from high school, but not continuing into college, which she didn't agree with. Ryan said that he was more into certain "things" to do with electronics, which didn't offer college classes. My mom said that she had tried to argue with him, but he had just sighed and said that he had something to do and politely asked her to leave. Mom said that she still hadn't actually seen his face, however, she said he had really green eyes. That was, so far, all the information that I had on him.

I had decided that my last day of summer vacation was going to be the day that I would finally meet the man with the mask. School started back up on the seventh of August, so I forced myself to walk over to his white double-wide home with the blue roof and shutters and knock on his door on the sixth of August. Well, in this case, ring his doorbell. Once I had made it to his porch, I felt my heart begin to pound in my chest. I was getting nervous and was actually thinking about turning around and heading back to my house, but I was already this close. I took a deep breath and rung the doorbell, holding my breath this time, and waiting for an answer.

"Hold on a second, I'll be right there." I heard a mans voice, figuring it was Ryan.

I exhailed the breath I had been holding and smiled, proud of myself that I was finally going to meet the guy who had moved next to me. He opened the door, his mask slightly crooked, which made me believe that he hadn't been wearing it when I knocked. I smiled at him and tried to think of a good way to introduce myself, but I couldn't, so I went with the old fashioned way.

"Hi, I'm Mia. I live next door to you. My mom has come over a few times and attempted to have a chat with you, but the way she describes the chats, well, are a bit of a fail. Kind of like this one is going to be." I say, extending my hand while I jabber about my mother and their chats.

I could see that he had a smirk on his face, because the mask had slightly moved with his smile. I looked up into his eyes, waiting for a reply. Mom was right, he did have really green eyes and they were really pretty, as well.

"Your mom has mentioned you in our failed conversations. Hi, I'm Ryan, and it's nice to meet you." He says, grabbing my hand and shaking it.

I bit my lip, not sure of what to say, so I waited for him to ask me a question. When about a minute passed I had to think up something to say, and it had to be quick.

"It's nice to meet you, too. How are you today?" I ask, mentally face-palming myself for asking yet another one of the oldest questions in the book.

"I'm actually doing pretty good. How about yourself?" He asks, with another smirk on his face.

"I'm doing ok. I mean I was great until I came over and tried to speak with you, which I have wanted to do all summer since you've moved here, but I couldn't get over my shyness until today, and all I'm doing is blabbering my mouth away and embarrassing myself by telling you this. I think I'm going to leave." I say, without even taking a breath to catch up with all I had just said.

"Well Mia, I think it's nice that you have wanted to talk to me all summer, but why did you wait until the last day of vacation to tell me all this, other than over you being shy?" He asks, curiosity in his green eyes.

I scratch my head, trying to come up with something to say that didn't sound too creepy.

"I'm just not good at talking to guys." I mumble, feeling my cheeks redden from embarrassment.

"That is perfectly alright, because I'm not very good when it comes to talking to girls. Looks like we are both in the same boat. Would you like to come inside and discuss what other things we have in common?" He suggests.

I nod my head and walk into his home, smiling because the guy I have wanted to talk to all summer, has invited me into his house.