His Proposition For That Virgin

Babysitting surprise

“Ahhh,” I yawned stretching my arms into the air. I was exhausted. After school, I had to go to my guitar lesson, than I had two hours of homework plus a paper to do and now, well, now I was babysitting my little brother Will while my Dad was out. Thank God will was asleep. Now I could go take a shower.

Just as I was about to undress for my shower, I heard a banging noise coming from Will’s room across the hall. I figured he was just getting up to go get some water, but than I heard another noise. “Will?” I asked peering out the door, into his room. “Will,” I sang out. “You’re supposed to be in bed,” I warned walking into his room, no Will. Net I checked under his bed, still no Will, next I checked his closet, once again, no Will. Now I was beginning to get scared. “Will, please come out,” I begged.

Than I herd a noise from the hall closet. “William James Baker,” I scolded. “What did I tell you about sneaking out of bed?” I said throwing the door open.

I screamed.

A man stood in the hall closet; he was about 45 or so, with a buzz cut and rough stubble on his pointed chin. He was average height and he held my brother (who was bound with rope and had his mouth taped over) with a strong hand. Oh, and I forgot to mention, he was also my best friend’s Dad.

"Umm, Mr. Seemer,” I stuttered stumbling backwards. “Wha-what are you doing here?"

“Well,” he said stepping forward, his breath reeking of alcohol. “I just thought you could maybe help me,” He said his hands lingering towards my breasts. “See, my wife kicked me out, and well, you’re so pretty, and I wanted to tell you that I like you,” He paused “a lot.”

“Uhh…..” I said dumbstruck. “Mr. Seemer, I think your drunk.”

"Of course I’m drunk!” he exclaimed. “But you like it,” he mashed his lips to mine.

“HEY! Get off of my sister you Creep,” Will said trying to rush to my rescue.

“Get off me you little shit,” he spat pushing Will back into the closet and slamming the door. He won’t be able to get out, I thought, but at lest he’ll be safe.

Once again Mr. Seemer turned to me “Now, where we?” He asked.

“I was about to go get you help,” I said.

“No, I don’t think that’s it,” he said mashing his lips to mine, this time swishing his tongue in my mouth.

“Please,” I said pulling his hands off of me. “Stop!”

He said nothing; instead he kissed me again to shut me up, unbuttoning my shirt as he did so.

I squirmed trying to escape his grip, but he was too strong. I was helpless.

He threw my shirt down the hall, and started working on my pants. I begged and I pleaded, but he wouldn’t stop. I tried to scream, but he just put his hand over my mouth. “Shhh,” he said tossing my pants in the general direction he threw my shirt.

He than pinned me to the ground, taking off his shirt hastily, and unbuttoning his pants as well. Now all that was left was our underwear.

I squirmed again, yes; I had gotten away from his grip. I ran down the hall as fast as I could, but he caught me. Pinning me to the ground once again he pulled off our reaming clothes. “Don’t worry,” he assured me. “This’ll be over before you know it,” I tried once again to scream, but he kissed me hard. He straddled me, and I knew what was coming next. I braced myself for the pain, because I could do nothing more. He placed his hand over my mouth and thrust himself into me.

“Son of a bitch!” I yelled through his hand. I had been a virgin, so this hurt more than anything.

“Shh,” he said again, pulling in and out of me as he did so.

I could do nothing, but let him finish, he kept on moving, in and out, harder and faster each time. I grimaced in pain. This wasn’t exactly how I had pictured my first time.

Finally he gave a few last thrusts, coming as he did so, before he pulled out.

“Now, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” he asked, pulling on his clothes.

I scrambled to get a blanket to cover my naked body. “Leave,” I said.

“Excuse me?” he asked somewhat surprised.

“I said leave. You got what you wanted, now leave!”

“Oh, that was only part of what I wanted,” he said in a blasé’ tone .

“What is it? Money? Well I got none of that,”

“Are you sassing me?” he said grabbing a fistful of my hair.

I didn’t answer.

“Well, are you?!” he spat, yanking my hair hard.

But I still didn’t answer.

“Stupid bitch”, he growled smacking me so hard I fell to the floor. “Well, if you don’t have any money than go get me something valuable.”

I quickly stumbled, down the hall, to my parent’s room, and grabbed the phone, I was just about to dial 911 when Mr. Seemer came in.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he yelled lunging toward me and knocking me onto the bed, ripping the phone from my hands and throwing it through the window. Glass shattering on the floor with a violent crash.

He grasped my wrists tightly “Now, go get the valuables like a good little girl, and than I’ll be on my way,” He said throwing me to the floor where I scrambled to the closet, where the safe was.

“Put it in the bag,” He demanded holding out a sac in front of him. I complied putting as many things as I could carry into the bag. Finally, he said “if you tell anyone, I’ll come back for you, and I will kill you, and your family. Maybe not right away, but it’ll happen. So you just keep your mouth shut. I didn’t rob your house, some other guy did. You understand?”
I nodded fear in my eyes.

“Good Girl,” he said giving my face a few rewarding smacks .on the face, and with that he left.

I was in shock. I just sat there, not knowing what to do. And than I remembered, “Will!”
I ran to the hall closet where I found him. He had freed himself of his bindings and was trying to pick the lock with a needle he found in the sewing kit.

“Oh, Will!” I said hugging him tightly. “Thank God you’re safe,” I sobbed stroking his hair.

“Janie, who was that? And where are your clothes?” he asked innocently.

I didn’t answer him. He was only 10 he wouldn’t know what rape was. It was too complex a situation for him to handle. Hell, I was 15 and I was having a hard time with it.
Thank God Will didn’t know Mr Seemer, now we could just go with the story he gave us, and it’d all be over with.

-----Two Weeks Later-----

I stared down at the little plus sign. I couldn’t believe it. This wasn’t happening to me. I looked again to make sure it was real, and than I took a second test. “No Fucking way,” I said. “I’m pregnant"
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I wrote this like two weeks ago, but was too lazy to type it up. i hope you like it!