Strange Maze What Is This Place?

I'm Gonna Break Down These Walls

"I'm going to sleep" mumbled Jack as he slumped his way towards the bunks in the tour bus, he didn't particularly like seeing the guy he loves stick his tongue down Tay's throat.

Jack pulled his curtain closed and squeezed his eyes shut in an attempt to hold the tears back, after the tortures time that Jack tried to stifle the tears, his throat ached to just let them out, Jack had managed to fall asleep.

The loud moaning and groaning from the bunk opposite woke Jack and made his heart clench as he head Tay yell out while Alex was grunting, snatching his blankets and pillows he made his way towards the front of the bus where Rian and Zach were playing video games, flopping down onto the sofa Jack pulled his blanket over his head attempting to drown out the loud noises from the bunks to no avail.

Jack wanted to cry. He wanted to scream, but.. He knew he couldn't and it hurt him all over again.

Alex had long stopped talking to Jack, ever since Tay came on the scene Alex had no time for him anymore and that hurt Jack the most because him and Alex were supposed to be best friends and they always had been since they met in high school, but obviously Alex had enough of Jack, a single tear slipped from Jacks tear ducks just as Tay let out the loudest scream of all.

Jack jumped up and scrambled to pull his jeans and shirt back on a second later the bus door slammed shut as Jack took off down the street, tears flowing freely down his face as he let out a sob, he pulled his hood over his head as he broke down behind a large tree, resting his head back as he swallowed the lump in his throat.

After sitting behind the tree for a few hours he decide to make his way back towards the bus, everyone is sleeping so he quickly slips into the bathroom flicking the lock as he frantically search through his locked drawer, feeling around for the small piece of metal, pulling it out of the draw just to place the cold sharp metal against his wrist slowly dragging it across my wrist.

One. I'm worthless.

Two. Alex would never go for me.

Three. He loves Tay.

Making a few more cuts Jack quickly put the blade back in the drawer pulling out antiseptic cream and a bandage, slowly cleaning the cuts before wrapping the bandage around his arm, making his way back towards his bunk, He slips in and lays awake for a few hours just.. Thinking about Alex, swallowing hard to keep the tears at bay, he eventually found sleep and let it consume him.

He didn't want to wake up, it hurt so much.