Sequel: Second Chance
Status: Completed.

I'm with You


I sat on the tree branch watching the sunrise. It was so peaceful. There were no moans, no gunshots, and not even a chirp of a bird. I enjoyed the quiet, but it also scared me. For all I knew, Jakob and I were the only ones alive in the world. For weeks we have been running and hiding wherever we could. I haven't even seen another person alive, other than Jake, since all this started. It didn't take us long to realize what we had to do to survive.

"Hey," Jake spoke, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Find anything to eat?" I asked as I glanced down to the ground where he was standing.

"Not a thing." I watched as Jake frowned. We hadn't eaten in two days.

I grab my gun and climb down the tree branch by branch until my feet safely hit the ground. Jakob pulled me into a hug before kissing my lips gently. We then grabbed our bags before walking deeper into the woods. I listened to leaves crunch and sticks break as we walked. Jake was holding my hand with his left hand and his gun was in his right hand. I knew he wanted me to be safe. It's one of the reasons why he always left me high in a tree while he looked for food at night. He would tell me to sleep and everything would be fine. I never really slept though. I'm sure he knew. I was always worried about him. I worried that he wouldn't come back. Then I would have no idea to what I should do.

I quickly turned around when I heard a crunching sound from behind me. Not even thinking, I hit the zombie right in the head. Jake took his knife and stabbed it in the head before kicking it backwards. He grabbed my hand once again after putting the knife back into his pocket. Nothing needed to be said as we continued walking in silence.

We soon found a dirt road. We began following it, hoping that it lead to a house. After walking for a few minutes, I finally saw what I wanted to see. I grinned widely. This house had to have food and water. It would make a great shelter too. There were no zombies around at all. Hopefully none were inside either.

"Stay here." Jake glanced over at me before letting go of my hand and approaching the house.

I pushed my hair back behind my ear before glancing around to make sure there were no zombies. I turned to look behind me then back towards the house. Jake had been in the house for a few moments now. I haven't heard any movement from within the house, but then again I was quite a few yards from the house. I thought I heard a noise, so I glanced behind me once again. I turned back around when I heard Jake call out my name. He was standing in the doorway motioning for me to come in. I quickly made my way to the front door. Once inside, Jake closed the door and moved a chair in front of it.

"Should be safe here, most of the food is gone or no good now though." Jake told me before kissing my lips.

"Thank God. I was tired of trying to sleep in trees. Maybe I can sleep in a bed for once." I sighed before putting my bag down on the floor.

"First we need to find anything that can be useful to us, Liz. And we also need to eat." Jake frowned as he noticed how wore out I looked.

"Alright, alright, I will check the bedrooms." I sighed as I walked through the hall to the bedrooms.

I went into the first bedroom and found it pretty empty. I guess it was a guest room. I checked the drawers, but found nothing useful. I opened the closet door and just found a few blankets. It was the dead middle of summer and we didn't need blankets right now, but they would be good enough to lay on, so I grabbed them. I went to the next bedroom and realized that it was a kid's room. I checked the whole room including the closet, but found nothing. I left that room and into the last bedroom. I knew it had to be the parent's room. Looking around, I figured that I would find nothing. Most of everything was gone, unlike the child's room which had toys and clothes scattered everywhere. I was about to leave when I noticed something under the bed. I dropped to my knees and looked under. I found another gun. It didn't have any bullets, but we did need another gun for backup. I got back up and took the blankets and gun to the living room.

"This is all I found." I placed the few items onto the couch.

"Not much, but it will do. I grabbed all the good food and a few kitchen knives. We are running low on bullets. We are going to have to find some soon or start throwing knives or something." Jakob sighed.

I knew he was worried about us being trapped and having a bunch of zombies around us. Low on ammo wouldn't really do us any good. Throwing knives wouldn't be the best option. I knew we would probably leave in the morning in search of more guns and ammo.

I sat down next to Jakob on the couch and he gave me a package of chips. I opened the bag and slowly ate them. I knew we could only eat very little a day until we found more food. A little of food a day was better than none.

"So, what else did you find to eat?" I asked Jakob as he ate from his bag of chips.

"Just three bags of chips, can of beans, and a few cans of soup." Jakob shrugged before he continued eating.

"Nothing to drink?" I questioned.

"Nope; Water doesn't even run in the sink. There has to be a river or lake somewhere around here. We will get water soon. I promise." Jakob gave me a small smile.

"Did you check the bathroom for anything?" I knew he probably didn't, since all he had was food and knives.

"Shit, no. I saw these chips and they looked so tasty." I laughed as he frowned.

I shoved a few more chips into my mouth before placing the bag down next to me. I got up and walked to the bathroom. I opened the cabinets to find only a couple of toothbrushes and bars of soap. I grabbed the bars of soap since it wasn't opened. I glanced around to find anything else that could be useful. I finally laid my eyes on the sink. I turned it on hoping that some water would come out, but none did. I gave up and went back to the living room.

"Well, at least we can be clean." I threw the bars of soap into my bag. I went ahead and put one of the blankets in it too. My bag was now full, so everything else had to go in Jakob's bag.

"Just think of it this way. We at least we got some useful stuff, and we got to eat for the first time in a couple of days." Jake smiled at me and I smiled back. "You can sleep if you want. I will keep watch."

"In a bed?" I asked hoping that he would say yes.

"If you want to, just leave the door open and close the others. I will yell for you if we have to go." I smiled as I kissed Jake before going back down the hallway to the guest room. I closed the other doors and then went in to sleep on a comfortable bed.
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I haven't written in a while, so sorry if it sucks. This is my first story in a couple years to be posted on here. (this story will also be on quotev) Thanks to everyone who reads and subscribes.

Note: first few chapters are about Lizzie and Jakob only.
