Sequel: Second Chance
Status: Completed.

I'm with You


As soon as one walker was shot, another two would appear. Rick and I were no longer the only ones shooting at them. Several gunshots rang out during each flash of lightning. I knew we couldn't keep this up for long since we didn't have much ammo. I was now only shooting walkers if they got close to me, since only three bullets remained in my gun.

"We need to leave now!" I heard Rick shout from behind me.

I could hear car doors slam and vehicles start. Headlights shined past me before they turned and left the motel. Where the fuck was Daryl? I hadn't even realized until now that I haven't seen him since before it starting raining.

"Daryl!" I screamed as loud as I could. Walkers were already coming my way, so it didn't matter if I was quiet or not.

Everyone else had left. I was now alone, scared, soaked and shivering from standing in the rain, three bullets in my gun, and around twenty walkers heading towards me that I could see. The voice inside my head told me to run, but my feet were glued to the ground. A walker was getting close, so I shot it. Now there were only two bullets left. A hand touched my shoulder and I screamed as I turned around ready to shoot who or whatever was touching me. Lightning lit up the sky and I saw Daryl. He motioned to his motorcycle and I got on after him. I threw the wet blanket onto the ground before wrapping my arms around him. My gun was still in my right hand, and I was careful to not shoot it. We drove off just in time as a walker grabbed for me, but only grabbed air.

Riding on the back of the motorcycle wet made me colder than I already was. I'm sure Daryl felt my body tremble against him. The rain had let up some, but it was still coming down pretty good. We began slowing down once we were out of the town. I had no clue to where the others went. I don't think Daryl knew either. It was all his fault though, and I was going to let him know that once we stopped.

Daryl used one of his hands to take off his crossbow before handing back to me. I quickly grabbed it with my left hand. I didn't realize how heavy it was until I almost dropped it. Not knowing what to do with it, I placed it somewhat between us and held it there. My right hand was still holding my gun which I don't think Daryl knew. I was making sure to keep my finger away from the trigger. Last thing I wanted to happen is shooting him by accident. I thought about telling him, but knew that would most likely be a bad idea.

We soon found a cabin to stay at. We were at least an hour from the town we just left. No walkers were around this area yet. Daryl scoped out the place on the motorcycle before stopping. I quickly removed my hand, hoping that he didn't realize that my gun had been in my hand. He took his crossbow and walked to the cabin door with me right behind him. He kicked the door open before moving to the side and pulling me behind him. Nothing came out after a few minutes, so we went inside. Daryl used a lighter for light as he looked around the cabin. I stayed by the door and watched him. He confirmed that the cabin was empty from any walkers, so I closed the door.

I let out a sigh of relief to be inside and out of the rain. I was still shivering from being wet and cold. The room had a warm glow when Daryl found a candle and lit it with the lighter. I found where the couch was and sat down. I put the safety back on for my gun then placed it next to me.

"Where the hell were you?" I asked angrily.

He turned to face me. "Don't matter."

"The hell it doesn't!" I couldn't control my anger and began shouting at him. "I could have been killed! Everyone else is now gone!"

"Coulda ran," he muttered.

I groaned in frustration. Arguing with him was pointless. He didn't give a shit about me. He probably didn't even give a shit about the group. He was always away from everyone else like we had a disease or something.

"Fuck you!" I mumbled.

I laid my gun on the floor before sprawling out across the couch. I closed my eyes and ignored Daryl. He was the last person in the group that I wanted to be stuck with, yet here I was.

I listened to the thunder as it got more and more distant. The rain was lightly falling and hitting the roof. Daryl was pacing around the room. Every little noise was beginning to annoy me. All I wanted at the moment was silence, warm, dry clothes, and to be with the rest of the group. Was it too much to ask for? It's not like I was asking for the world to be back to normal, even though that would be nice.

"Sorry," Daryl mumbled causing me to open my brown eyes.

"What?" I questioned, wondering if I heard right or if my mind was playing tricks on me.

"I'm sorry," he spoke a little louder.

"What exactly are you sorry for?" I asked harshly. He didn't answer and I rolled my eyes.

I turned and faced the back of the couch before curling up into a ball to stay warm. There were still a few hours until daylight. Hopefully today would be warm and sunny so that my clothes would dry and I would be warm. If it rains the whole day, I am going to be in a very bitchy mood, especially since I am stuck with Daryl.