Sequel: Second Chance
Status: Completed.

I'm with You


Looking out the window I watched as everything we passed was a blur. Jake was going at least twice as fast as the speed limit was, or at least over one hundred miles per hours. It didn't really scare me as it should be. I trusted Jake with my life, so that made a big difference.

"How was the group?" Jake asked, breaking the silence in the car.

"Alright I guess. Got use to them pretty quick. I missed you so much." I replied honestly.

Jake put his hand on mine. "I went back for you, but you were gone as well as the stuff. I knew someone from the group got you. They were all speeding away from the farm in different directions. I saw a car go towards your direction and figured they got you. I had tried to wave down a truck, but they didn't see me. I don't know who it was they saw get bit, but it wasn't me. I never even got close to the house. I stayed right inside the woods and watched. I wanted to help them, but there were too many walkers."

It was silent again as I took in everything Jake just told me. Of course he was alive, I should have known so. A part of me had still believed that he was dead, that Daryl and Carol saw him get bit. They wouldn't just lie about it, especially Carol.

"We need to get back to that group." Jake told me.

"What? Why?" I asked, confused to why he would want to go back to them. "I thought it would just be the two of us?"

"Liz, look at your ankle. You need a doctor, and they have one. Hershel helped us before." Jake took a glance at me as if he suddenly realized something. "He's still alive, right?"

"Yeah. The group consists of Rick, Lori, Carl, Hershel, Maggie, Beth, Glenn, Carol, T-Dog, and Daryl. I know a few didn't make it, but don't know who they were." I told Jake since he probably wanted to know. "Lori's also pregnant." I added, wondering if it really made a difference.

"Pregnant?" Jake asked. I thought about having some kind of smart ass response, but knew that it really wasn't the time.

"Yeah, I just learned that recently." I shrugged.

"Why would you wanna have a baby in this shitty world?" Jake questioned.

"Accidents do happen." I murmured, trying to defend Lori some. I did have to agree with Jake though.

"So, do you have any clue to where they went?" Jake asked again as he ignored what I said.

"Nope, guess we just have to search for them. I've done that before." I let out a small sigh.

Jake didn't say anything else, so I decided that I would try and sleep.

I woke up a few hours later when the sun was just starting to rise. I wasn't in any pain until I moved and accidentally hit my foot against the center console.

"Shit!" I cried out causing Jake to immediately look over at me.

"You okay?" he asked before turning his attention back to the road.

"Uh huh." I managed to get out before gritting my teeth from the pain.

Pain killers would be great to have right now. I saw my bag and remembered the aspirin. It was better than nothing. Grabbing the bag, I quickly took out the small bottle of aspirin. Jake was watching from the corner of his eye as I took three of the small pills. I knew it wasn't going to do much good, but I had to at least try.

We were soon in a small town. A few walkers were nearby as Jake stopped the car in front of a pharmacy. I knew what he was going in to get, or at least try to find. I was told to lock the doors and wait in the car. Jake took his knife and got out before quietly closing the door. He didn't want to attract the nearby walkers and then have to deal with them. I locked the car doors as he went inside the abandoned brick building.

I carefully placed my right foot onto the dashboard, so that I could take a look at my ankle. A pain shot up through my leg causing me to bite my bottom lip hard. After tasting blood in my mouth, I knew I had busted my lip open again. I ignored it and looked at my ankle. The sun was high enough up so that I had enough light to see. My ankle looked a bit worse than it did last night. More of it had turned black and blue. The swelling made my foot look twice as big. I needed ice, but where the hell was I going to get that at anytime soon. Unless it rained then got below freezing, I wasn't going to get any ice.

A knock on the window caused me to jump a little in my seat. After seeing Jake standing there with his hands full, I hit the unlock button, unlocking both doors, before opening my door.

"This is all I could find." Jake told me as he gave me a bag filled with bottles of medicine.

"No crutches?" I asked even though the answer was pretty clear. Jake shook his head before closing my door and walking around the car.

The walkers had finally noticed us, but Jake got in the car and left before they could get to us. I took out the medicine and read the names. I had no clue what majority of the medicine was for, but none of them were names of painkillers.

"Jake, I can't take these." I let out a small sigh.

"Why?" he asked.

"I don't know what they are for. Most of them I have never heard of and the few that I have heard of are for depression. I'm not exactly depressed, I'm more like in pain," I explained to him.

I knew Jake didn't like that I was hurt and in pain, but there really wasn't anything he could do about it for now. The only choice we really had was to find the group and talk to Hershel.
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this is 2nd out of the 4 chapters im posting tonight. i don't want to get into a habit of writing 4 a day, but i've been in a writing mood and i have quite a few ideas. plus it's only 12:30 am and i'm not tired.
