Sequel: Second Chance
Status: Completed.

I'm with You


"Fuckin' bitch." The unknown voice growled before kicking me hard in the ribs. Pain shot through me and I tried to scream, but nothing came out.

I needed a plan to get this fucking asshole away from me. I quickly thought through ideas in my head. I was laying only a few feet from the front of the Camaro. The alarm was still on, but I didn't know if making it go off was the best idea. The alarm would attract walkers this way, and I was in no shape to get up at the moment. I had my pocket knife in my back pocket, but he would notice me if I tried to grab for it. The gun and other knife were somewhere on the floor by the door. My bag had been jerked off of me and thrown to the side, so couldn't get weapons from it. The only option I really had was to set off the car alarm. Using all of my strength I had, I hit the car as hard as I could hoping that the alarm would go off. I flinched when the loud siren went off right near my ear and headlights began flashing.

"The fuck you do?" The voice yelled over the alarm. I ignored him as I tried to breathe properly.

Instead of running like I hoped he would, he grabbed me by my tangled hair and jerked me up so that I was standing. He threw my back against the hood of the car and hit me in the face.

"Make that goddamn alarm stop!" The rough voice shouted at me before shoving me down with his left hand.

"Fuck you." I managed to mutter which earned another punch in the face.

The man had his body pressed close to mine as he held me down with his hands around my neck and began trying to suffocate me. I clawed at his hands, trying to get them off of my neck. My eyes filled with more tears as he choked me.

"Get away from 'er." The last voice I expected to hear spoke from the doorway.

This distracted the man who was now holding me with both hands on my shoulders so I was flat against the hood of the car. I knew this was my chance to get him away as I kneed him in the groin. The man let go of me as he hunched over in pain. Daryl grabbed him by the back of his shirt and pulled him away from me. I slid down the hood of the car before sitting on the ground gasping for air. The alarm was still going off loudly behind me, but I ignored it.

"Turn that damn thing off!" Daryl shouted before taking the man outside.

I remembered that I had the keys to the car in my pocket. I took them out before hitting the button on the remote to turn the alarm off. The siren still filled my ears even though it was now dead silent and dark in the garage. I knew I needed to leave since every walker probably heard the alarm and were heading this way. I was in too much shock and pain to move. I sat there staring straight ahead at the wall as I began breathing normally. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Daryl pick up the items I had dropped as well as my bag the man threw, before walking over to me.

"Ya alright?" Daryl asked concerned. I didn't answer or move. It didn't go through my mind that Daryl was the one who saved me. "Liz?" He moved his hand in front of my face trying to snap me out of it. "We need'a go. Walkers are headin' our way."

I knew I had to go. I didn't want to die or turn into one of them. I snapped out if it before slowly getting up. Pain shot through all directions of my body. I had my hands balled into fists as I tried to ignore the pain the best I could. I hit the unlock doors button on the remote to the car before limping over to the driver's door. I got in and was about to shut the door when Daryl held out the items I had dropped. I almost forgot about them, but took them from his hands and threw them into the passenger seat.

"You gonna move?" I asked after he stayed blocking the way for me to close the door.

"Ya need'a come back to the group." Daryl spoke as he stared at me.

"I didn't leave the group, the fuckin' group left me." I muttered before starting the car. "Now move the fuck outta the way."

"It's my fault they left ya. I convinced Rick that ya were bad fer the group." Daryl confessed.

"No shit." I muttered, getting slightly annoyed with Daryl. Walkers were probably outside the garage and he wanted to fucking talk.

"Lemme make it up to ya. The group wants ya back. We came lookin' for ya, but ya were already gone." Daryl spoke.

"I was kinda aware that you came lookin' for me." I told him. "I was watching you. Now move and I might go back."

"Ain't movin' 'til ya promise to go back." Daryl decided.

"I promise ya that I will kill you if you don't fucking move!" I groaned loudly, wondering if I should just back up and let the car door hit him.

Daryl stared at me for a second. "Follow me." He closed the car door before walking behind the car to open the garage door, something that I forgot about.

Once Daryl opened the garage door all the way and moved, I began backing up. When I backed out into the street, I saw all the walkers coming towards us in the rear-view mirror. Daryl was on his motorcycle driving in front of me. I followed him only because I wasn't going towards the walkers.