Sequel: Second Chance
Status: Completed.

I'm with You


It was early in the evening when we arrived to another town. We didn't stop until we were parked in front of a post office. Rick and Daryl went inside to check it out. The post office was small, could probably only hold ten people at the most. If we stayed here, it was going to be a crowded night. Few minutes later we were being motioned inside by Rick. I grabbed my blankets and pillow before heading inside the chalky white building.

I knew I was correct, this building was really small. It didn't help that the back room where the mail was stored and placed into the small mailboxes was blocked off. All we had was the small area in front of the mailboxes and the area in front of the counter. Maybe even the small area behind the counter.

"We all can't fit in here," Glenn complained to Rick, once he saw how little room we had. Everyone else agreed.

"We have to. Just for tonight. Daryl, T-Dog, and I will be on watch, so that gives some room. We'll search this town in the mornin' and try to find somewhere bigger." Rick explained to us. None of us really liked it, but nobody said anything after that.

We all moved around and tried to get comfortable. Maggie and Glenn climbed over the counter and managed to lay in the spot behind the counter. Lori and Carl were closest to the wall and counter. Hershel, Carol, and Beth were next to them. I took the spot closest to the door. Rick, Daryl, and T-Dog were in the small room with the mailboxes, keeping watch outside.

A bag of food was being passed around which whatever we took would be our dinner. I took a chocolate candy bar before handing it to the other room for Rick, Daryl, and T-Dog. There was some small talk as we all ate whatever we took. Some were eating candy, others had a granola bar or bag of chips. It really wasn't much to eat, but nobody complained.

Everybody went to bed early except those on watch. I laid down in the small space I had, trying to get comfortable. It was the easiest task in the world, especially when you still had a hurt ankle. After laying on my back staring at the ceiling, I decided to take my boots off. Almost everyone was asleep by now except for me. As I was taking my boots off, a flashlight was shined over at me. I had to cover my eyes with my right hand to block the bright light.

"What ya doin'?" Daryl asked as his shined the flashlight towards my feet. I moved my hand since the light was no longer in my eyes.

"Really Daryl? What does it look like?" I asked him, wondering why it even mattered that I was taking my boots off.

The light was shining on my feet as I took my right boot off revealing my still swollen, black and blue ankle. It didn't look any worse from when I last took my boot off, which was a few days ago.

"Aren't ya s'pose to stay off that?" Daryl asked, motioning to my right foot.

"Yeah, but I'm not. It'll just take longer to heal. Not like it bothers me much anymore." I murmured before taking off the other boot.

"The hell happened to that foot?" Daryl questioned as he kept the flashlight on it.

My left foot had a shallow cut from being cut with my knife earlier. I had completely forgotten about it until now. The blood had stopped, but most of the left side of my foot was covered with dry blood.

"When did that happen?" Rick asked, looking at my foot also.

"Earlier today," I sighed. "Had my knife hidden in the side of my boot. Accidentally cut myself with it when it was there. I actually forgot all about it until now." I turned to see that all three of the men on watch were looking at my feet. "Aren't you guys suppose to be doing something?" I snapped, not liking that they were staring at my feet. I couldn't exactly help that I always managed to get hurt.

The flashlight was turned off and they went back to doing whatever. Sometimes I wasn't so sure if they stayed on watch all night. They had to be tired and fall asleep every once in awhile. Then again, Rick usually stayed on watch and he always had dark circles under his eyes from not sleeping. We all had them, but his was usually the worse. I knew he needed a break every now and then. I'd volunteer to do so tomorrow night, so he could get some sleep.

I laid back down before covering myself back up with the two blankets I always used. Today had wore me out and I needed the sleep, but sleep didn't exactly come easy living in this world.

The next morning I was being awaken by someone shaking me. I rolled over to my side and tried to ignore them.

"What?" I groaned loudly after being shaken a few more times. All I wanted to do was sleep. Was that too much to ask for?

"Ya goin' with us or stayin' here?" Daryl asked me. I knew he was referring to the search for somewhere safer and not actually leaving me here.

"I wanna sleep!" I muttered before covering my head with one of my blankets.

Nothing else was said and I heard footsteps step over me. It was most likely Maggie and Glenn going since they didn't yesterday.

"I'll stay and keep watch since everyone else is asleep." I heard T-Dog say from behind me, most likely to Rick.

It was quiet after I heard Daryl leave on his motorcycle and one of the cars leave. It wasn't long until I was out of it and back into my dreamland where everything was better.
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wow, I'm almost at 50 chapters already. :) comments?