Sequel: Second Chance
Status: Completed.

I'm with You


Rick and I had to kill five more walkers before getting to the back of the house where Beth was. T-Dog and Carol were killing off walkers that were getting close to them with knives. Beth was standing with Carl,Lori, and Hershel behind them. Rick and I quickly joined them, killing off the small herd of walkers. Daryl came rushing out of the house with Maggie and Glenn close behind him. Beth's scream had waken everyone up in the house and probably bringing more walkers. It only took a couple of minutes for the seven of us to kill the walkers.

I was looking at all the dead bodies in disgust, while everyone else began comprehending what happened. There were brains and blood covering the ground all around us. It was the most gruesome site I had seen so far. I wiped at my forehead when I felt blood, from one of the walker's I killed, began to trickle down.

"They came from nowhere." Beth quickly explained, even though it was pretty obvious.

"We should get moving, more are probably comin' this way." Rick told us without a second thought.

We all began heading inside and began packing our stuff up. Rick and Daryl were keeping watch while we did so. We had kept most of our stuff in the cars just in case something like this happened, so there wasn't all that much to pack.

I got to the little girl's bedroom before getting my bag and throwing my stuff in it. It really wasn't my stuff, but stuff I had found in the house. I found a bag in the closest so I took it before throwing in one of the teddy bears and heading to the teenager's room that had clothing in my size. I knew I should take more clothing for extras, even though I had been wearing the same clothes since I changed when we first got here. It seemed pointless to me to constantly change clothes. What was the point if they would just get dirty again? It probably also had to due with fact that I wore the same clothes for months.

I quickly went downstairs after realizing that I was the only one still upstairs. I met Daryl midway down the stairs. He was going up to get his stuff now since everyone else was outside. I went to my Camaro and put my bags in the passenger seat. I got in the driver's seat and started the car. All I had to do now was wait until everyone was ready to leave.

The first place we found was a gas station. We stopped to search for food since we had only enough left to last a few days, maybe a week if everyone ate once a day excluding Lori and Carl. I knew if we did find any food, it wouldn't be much. It was obvious that the place had been ransacked. The glass doors and every window were shattered. Tiny pieces of glass were on the cement ground outside the door and windows. It was most likely like that on the other side too. Just from the car I could see that it was almost empty inside.

I went in with Daryl and Rick. Maggie and Glenn were keeping a lookout by the cars since we weren't that far from the house we were just in. We weren't even sure if this was a safe thing to do. Walkers could have walked right in and still be inside. More walkers could even be following us.

Daryl went in first with his crossbow up, ready to shoot. Rick went in after Daryl, having his knife up ready to stab the first walker he saw. I went behind Rick with my slightly smaller knife up and ready to kill anything that touched me. My other hand had a flashlight that I was shining around the small convenient store. So far it was empty from walkers and food. Only random knickknacks were on the shelves.

Rick began moving his hands indicating for us to each search an aisle. Daryl went down the first isle, Rick the middle, and I took the farthest one in the back near the freezers. I wasn't finding anything down this aisle at all. I got to the corner when there was a loud whistle that came from outside, alerting us that walkers were coming this way. I took a glance at Rick, waiting for him to tell us what to do next.

"Nothin' here, let's go." Rick told us before he began walking back down the aisle to leave the store.

I began making my way back down the aisle from the way I came. Rick was already out of the store while Daryl went behind the checkout counter to quickly search it. We both ran out of the store when we heard gunshots from outside. Gunshots meant only one thing; there were many walkers close by.

We got outside and I let out a gasp of horror at all of the walkers that were coming our way. There were at least a hundred of them. Rick, Maggie, and Glenn were shooting the ones that were getting close. T-Dog was shooting from the truck while everyone else stayed in the cars where it was safer. Daryl shot a few arrows into the walker's skulls, while I stayed standing there watching.

"We gotta go now!" Rick shouted once he saw we were outside.

The four of them quickly got in their cars, or in Daryl's case, on a motorcycle. As I began jogging my way to my car, I realized that it was not going to be a simple task to get in my car. Lucky for me, my car was the very last one out of the line of vehicles and the first one that the walkers were getting to. There were already four walkers surrounding the car. One by the driver's side and three by the back. I didn't have my gun, so I couldn't shoot them. I knew that I needed a plan quick since Daryl was leaving with the other cars in tow. Once again they weren't helping me at all and it was pissing me off.
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it was weird writing this chapter. I'm use to writing it on quotev then posting it on here. On quotev I can keep track of the words unlike on here. oh well. comments?

Also, I need some stories to read. If you have one that you think I might be interested in, just leave me a comment on my profile.