Sequel: Second Chance
Status: Completed.

I'm with You


We went back to the storage units after hours of searching for food. We did manage to find two cans of peas and corn, otherwise we didn't get anything.

"We'll search again tomorrow." Rick told us as we waited for Daryl to open the gate up. The rest of the group wasn't aware that we were even back, which was the reason why nobody was opening the gate.

We pulled inside the perimeter of the gate while T-Dog hopped out of the car to close the gate. He was also going to kill the few walkers along the fence that Daryl didn't shoot moments ago. The rest of us stayed in the car while Rick parked it the way it was before we left. We were finally got out, Daryl motioned me over to his motorcycle. Maggie and Glenn were carrying the little food we found over to Lori, who was still by the fire. Rick went over that way to.

"Ya ain't leavin'," Daryl spoke as he began walking towards the storage unit he was staying in. He was staying in the farthest one away from the opposite side of everyone else.

"Who said I was?" I questioned as I followed him. I didn't know why I was even following him.

"Rick," Daryl answered, taking a look back at me.

"And if I did, why would it matter?" I asked, stopping in front of his storage unit.

Daryl slid the door open before looking at me. "They're all worried 'bout ya. Think ya bit or somethin'. Ya haven't been yaself."

"Really?" I crossed my arms over my chest before leaning against the outside of the storage unit. "How exactly have I not been myself, Daryl?"

"Ya haven't been doin' nothin'. Ya don' talk an' keep yaself away. Glenn's 'fraid ya changed." Daryl told me before placing his stuff down on the floor. He came back out and began walking towards the group, so I followed again like a lost puppy.

"So? Maybe I don't wanna be around people. Ever think of that? And I have changed, I changed a lot when I joined this damn group. This whole damn world has changed me! Dammit Daryl! Why does it fucking even matter to anyone?" I let out an annoyed groan as I waited for him to answer.

"Ya ain't changin' fer -" I cut Daryl off, shaking my head.

"You don't know me. I think I liked you much better when you hated me. Just fuck off and leave me alone. Mind your own business while your at it." I walked away from him, but he quickly caught up to me.

"I watched ya this mornin'. I see how ya are with them." Daryl nodded his head towards a few walkers that were pushing against the fence. "It ain't normal."

"You ain't normal," I replied lamely before striding over to where most of the group was sitting.

I got a few greetings when I sat down on a bucket. Lori passed a bowl to Rick before he was handing it to me. I shook my head no, explaining that I wasn't hungry. I began joining in on Maggie and Glenn's conversation since they were the ones I talked to the most today other than Daryl. Every now and then I would listen to the other conversations that were going around me. Daryl was staying away from the group, but keeping his eyes on me from a distance. After awhile, Rick went over to him and they began talking.

"Are you sure you're not hungry?" Lori asked quietly as she tried to give me a bowl of the left over tomato soup.

"No, I'm fine. I'll just eat in the morning." I told her before returning back to my conversation that I was having with Carl.

I stayed around the fire until dark. Lori, Carol, and Hershel went to sleep not long after the sunset. Last I had seen Rick and Daryl was when they headed towards the fence to kill walkers. T-Dog, Carl, Maggie, Glenn, Beth and I were sitting around the fire. Glenn was telling a scary story, trying to scare Carl. Beth seemed to be the one who was more afraid though. Carl was more interested in what happened next since that's what he kept asking every few minutes.

"Then what?" Carl asked for the hundredth time. I smirked a little, waiting for Glenn to finish the story.

"Well, what do you think?" Glenn asked Carl, getting a shrug in response.

"They all die." I smiled, knowing that's how most scary stories ended.

"Ah, you ruined it!" Glenn pouted, causing us to laugh.

"But how?" Carl asked right as Rick called out my name.

I took a look over to where the voice came from, barely making out the figure of Rick and Daryl from the light of the fire and moon. I got up and went over to them, not really caring about hearing the end of Glenn's story.

"Yeah?" I asked, wondering what Rick wanted me for.

"Do you plan on leaving tonight?" Rick asked, wanting an actual answer from me.

"Didn't plan on it." I answered him truthfully. I knew he wouldn't want one of my sarcastic responses or me answering a question with a question.

"Why is all your stuff in your car?" Rick asked, not quite believing what I said.

"Well, maybe because I'm paranoid. I had a bad feeling something was going to happen, and I wanted my stuff in my car in case I had to go." I let out a sigh. Maybe I was paranoid and over thinking everything. I couldn't help it though.

"What did ya think was gonna happen?" Daryl asked, butting into the conversation between Rick and I.

"Well, I was hoping that you'd get bit by a walker, but that didn't happen." I said sarcastically.

Rick took a hold of my wrist and pulled me with him away from Daryl. I was honestly amazed that Daryl didn't follow.

"What is this really about?" Rick asked once he knew nobody could hear us.

"Me being paranoid, I guess?" I shrugged. "I mean, I don't really trust you or anyone in this group. You could leave me behind again, possibly even kill me." I kept talking since Rick wasn't saying anything. "I mean, this morning everyone was quiet as hell. Just figured ya'll might be planning on doing something to me." I admitted before shrugging again.

"What?" Rick seemed confused. "We aren't going to leave you or kill you. Everybody was probably so quiet since they were tired and didn't know how to react to you, especially after last night." Rick told me.

"What do you mean 'after last night?'" I asked as I tried to remember what I did last night. The last thing I remembered was finishing the last book I had and falling asleep. Next I knew, it was morning.

"You were screaming most of the night. You don't remember that?" Rick questioned. I shook my head no, feeling a bit embarrassed. "You woke everyone up. We all thought that walkers got in and were getting you. We found you in your storage locker screaming in your sleep. Hershel woke you up and you began blaming him for the nightmare."

"I'm sorry," I spoke timidly. My face was probably as red as a tomato and I was glad that he couldn't see. "But I don't remember anything. I remember finishing the book I read and falling asleep. I woke up early this morning, but that's all I remember."

"You can stay with someone or someone can stay with you for the night." Rick suggested.

"No, I'll be fine. Is that all you wanted?" Rick shook his head, so I told him goodnight before walking away.

Tonight I wasn't going to sleep. I didn't want to repeat last night over, especially since I couldn't remember it. I felt really bad for waking everyone up in the middle of the night. I'm sure it pissed a few of them off, and even scared them.

I sat down on one of the buckets around the fire. Everyone else was now gone and the fire was slowly dying down. I didn't care though. I just didn't want to fall asleep.