Sequel: Second Chance
Status: Completed.

I'm with You


Rick wrapped his arms around me and I realized that I was crying into his chest. I knew everyone was still watching me, but I didn't care. I could still feel the pain from being bitten, but knew no bite marks would be on me. It was just a nightmare, a terrifying one at that. I could hear footsteps shuffling around now, probably going back to what they were doing. I turned my head so it was laying against Rick's chest and I opened my eyes, letting more tears flow down my cheeks. The sun was higher up than it was before I accidentally fell asleep. I didn't know if I had woken everyone up or not, since I knew I was screaming.

After a few more minutes, I quit crying. I was still trembling and had a few stray tears fall down my cheeks. I let go of Rick and sat back down on the bucket. My elbows were resting on my knees as I leaned forward and put my head into my hands.

"The hell's wrong with 'er?" I heard Daryl ask Rick.

Daryl was the only one who wasn't standing around when I woke up. Either he was still sleeping or was killing the walkers along the fence. I was sure he had heard me though, since everyone else did. Maybe he was just ignoring it or had been standing off to the side.

"I dunno," Rick spoke quietly. I could hear him since he was still standing in front of me.

"Ya need'a keep 'er quiet," Daryl told him, like it was really Rick's problem in the first place.

Nobody said anything after that, but I could hear footsteps all around me. They were probably getting ready for breakfast. I didn't know though since my hands were covering my face. I was mostly just listening.

"Here, you need to eat something," Carol's voice came from the right of me.

I moved my head so I could look at her. She was sitting on the red bucket that was still against the white bucket I was sitting on. In her hand was one of the cans of peaches. I took it from her without saying a word. I used my fingers to grab one of the sliced peaches out since I didn't have a fork to stab it with.

Once I finished the can of peaches, I carefully sipped the juice from the can. I tossed the empty can down beside me before looking around me. Maggie was sitting to the left of me with Glenn next to her. They were talking to each other like always. Lori was on the other side of Carol, warming up their breakfast of tomato soup over the fire. Carl was sitting next to her, giving me a curious look. Beth was beside Carl with Hershel on her other side. They were both talking. T-Dog, Rick, and Daryl were nowhere around the fire.

"Feelin' better?" Carol quietly asked, causing my eyes to fall back on her. I gave her a small shrug since I didn't feel like speaking about it. She got the hint and began speaking to Lori about her baby.

I was still tired and wasn't going to go back to sleep anytime soon. The nightmare had taken even more energy out of me. I knew I would probably fall asleep again, but I needed to stay awake. Daryl was right about me needing to be quieter. This time I had been outside when I was screaming, meaning I probably caught the attention of all the nearby walkers. More would be lining the fence soon wanting to take a bite out of me.

I stood up knowing that I needed to do something or I would fall asleep again, and I couldn't let that happen. I got a few curious and worried glances as I picked up my knife and gun from the ground. I went over to my car, opened the door, and tossed the gun into the driver's seat since I didn't need it. I began walking towards the fence where a few walkers were lined up. I lazily stabbed the first one in the head hearing the crack of the skull. Blood squirted out on me as I took the knife out. The next walker I stabbed through the right eye. I scrunched up my face as I pulled out the knife and saw part of the eyeball on the blade. I slung it off before killing the last walker through the middle of its forehead, hearing the crack of the bone. I took the knife out and wiped the blade on my jeans, before walking back towards the group. I was too damn tired to even kill the walkers.

Nobody said anything to me as I sat back down on the bucket I was on not even ten minutes ago. T-Dog had joined the group now. They were eating and having a conversation going on that had no interest to me. Instead, I was leaning over running the tip of my knife over the ground. I looked up when I heard footsteps coming towards the group. I turned to see Rick. He gave me a slight nod before asking who was going on the food run today. It surprised me when almost the whole group volunteered. It was only Lori, Hershel, Beth, and I who didn't. Rick told them all to get ready before calling me over. I got up and put the knife next to the bucket on ground before going over to Rick. He lead me away from the group so he could talk to me.

"Are you alright?" he asked quietly. I just gave a shrug like I did earlier when Carol asked. Like Carol, Rick knew I didn't want to talk about it. "If you need anything, just let me know." I nodded before returning to the bucket and sitting down.

Lori, Hershel, and Beth were still sitting around the fire. Hershel and Lori were talking while Beth was singing quietly to herself. I brought my feet up onto the bucket, crossed my arms over my knees, and laid my head down on top of my arms as I listened to Beth's quiet singing. I closed my eyes knowing that I would fall asleep within a few minutes. I needed the sleep, and just hoped that I wouldn't have another nightmare.
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thanks avenged angel for commenting. My new story isn't up yet, but I promise it will be in a few days.
I would love to know what you think will happen next :)