Sequel: Second Chance
Status: Completed.

I'm with You


A week passed and everything was as normal as it could be. No more nightmares were happening for me, and nobody was waking up in the middle of the night because of my screaming. Nobody ever brought up what it was even about. I was talking to Rick more and going on supply runs almost everyday. When I didn't go on a run, I was killing the walkers around the fence. I was still getting the thrill of killing the walkers, but shrugged it off as something I had to do in order to survive. We had hit the jackpot with finding food a few days ago. A house outside the town had a kitchen cabinet full of canned goods, bags of rice and pasta, boxes of cereal, bags of chips, and even some candy. It was like a break for everyone since we didn't need food runs for awhile. We still were killing the walkers along the fence though.

"Candy for breakfast again I see," Hershel gave me a smile as I took a bite from the chocolate bar.

"Well it's delicious," I smiled back, not caring if I had chocolate covering my teeth.

"Carl thinks he can do the same thing," Lori laughed a little and shook her head at me. I grinned at her before looking at Carl who was eating from a box of cereal since he wasn't allowed candy for breakfast.

We were all talking and laughing as we ate different things around the fire. It went me, Maggie, Glenn, T-Dog, Beth, Hershel, Lori, Carl, Rick, Daryl, and Carol. Maggie and Glenn were mostly talking to each other. T-Dog had a conversation going with Carol. Beth was talking to Carl, while Hershel and Lori talked. Rick was talking to Daryl and T-Dog. I was also having a conversation with Carol and Maggie. It was pretty funny since everyone was talking over each other to hear the person or people they were talking to. I could barely make out what was being said to me, even though Carol and Maggie were both sitting next to me.

Daryl, Rick, and T-Dog left after they finished eating to kill the walkers along the fence. Maggie, Carol and I began discussing who would win in a fight between the three men. Glenn was listening and joining in when he tried to make a point when saying Rick would win. The three of us laughed at him and told him that Daryl would definitely win between the three. Glenn managed to get Hershel, Beth, Lori, and Carl into our conversation as well. Hershel was the only one who said T-Dog had a chance at winning. Beth, Lori, and Carl all said Rick. We began arguing on why we thought each person would win. We managed to get it down to only Rick and Daryl since everyone agreed that T-Dog wasn't really the fighting type unless he had to.

"Rick's too nice to win," I laughed, getting agreements from Maggie and Carol.

"He was a sheriff though," Lori chimed in with Carl agreeing with her.

"Daryl's a redneck who doesn't really take shit from no one," I explained. "You piss him off enough, and he'd definitely win."

"Maybe we should tell them to fight," Glenn jokingly said causing us to all look at each other at the idea.

The three men came back over and we quickly changed the conversation about the weather. It was cold outside and there was a skimmer of snow on the ground from the little bit of snow that fell over the night. We were all smirking and looking at each other when Daryl, T-Dog, and Rick took back their places. We got some odd looks from them, but played it off as nothing.

"Definitely Daryl," I said before getting up and walking towards my car. The three men were all confused and Daryl asked what I was talking about. Footsteps quickly were scrambling to get away from them since nobody wanted to explain that we were talking about them. I chuckled knowing that I made everything awkward.

I was sitting in my car when Daryl came up to me. I knew he wanted to know what I was talking about since everyone else had left, or pretended that they didn't know. I was honesty amazed that Carl didn't say anything, but Lori might have bribed him with candy to keep him quiet.

"The hell was that 'bout?" Daryl questioned as he leaned against the hood of my car, right in front of the opened car door.

"Oh, nothing," I smiled. He knew I was lying and was waiting for me to tell him the truth.

"Ya gonna tell me?" Daryl asked impatiently as he stared at me.

"All I can say is that I said you would win," I told him, hoping that would confuse him more, and it did.

"Win what?" he asked as he walked around the car door so that he was standing in front of me.

"Well, we had a discussion on who would win in a fight with Rick and T. I said you would," I shrugged, hoping that it wasn't a big deal to him.

"Ya thought I'd win?" Daryl asked while looking at me as if I were insane.

"Well yeah, I wasn't the only one," I told him. "Almost everyone thought that would Rick would win."

"Well it ain't gonna happen, so you'll never know," Daryl said a little too harshly before walking away.

"Take a chill pill," I muttered before getting out of my car and closing the door. "Not like any of us would think that would happen."

I went to the hood of my car and began doodling with my finger in the little bit of snow that covered the hood. I drew a snowman and smiled at my lovely creation. I decided to make it more realistic by drawing a zombie snowman next to it.

"Perfect," I mumbled to myself before walking away from my car.
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thanks for the comment whatshername924

sorry for more fillers and a small time gap. Don't worry, something will happen soon.