Sequel: Second Chance
Status: Completed.

I'm with You


Another week passed with us constantly on the move. Anywhere we went seemed to be walker infested. It wasn't just a few walkers either, no, it had to be fucking hundreds of the damn things. That was the reason why we couldn't stay in one place very long. When we did stop, it was for food, water, and fuel; things that we were desperately needing, and not finding much of.

"Fuck!" I muttered, hitting the steering wheel hard. I was once again low on fuel, but that wasn't the problem. The car just began stopping in the middle of the road. For the past few days it would do that, and today was the last day I was dealing with it.

"Car problems again?" Glenn asked as soon as I got out of my beautiful, black Camaro that I was going to leave behind.

"Yes," I muttered before digging through my stuff, taking out what I needed.

Everyone else was now pulled over on the side of the road too, but farther up the road from where I was with Glenn, Maggie, Beth, and Hershel's car behind me. I grabbed my bags of clothing since it was really the only useful stuff I had other than my blankets and pillow. One crutch didn't seem very useful to me, nor did empty boxes and bags with mostly trash. All the food and water I use to have was long gone, I just never threw out anything from my car. The little bit of medicine I had wasn't useful for anything, so it could stay too.

"What's goin' on?" Rick asked as I met him halfway between the gap of the cars. Glenn was already back in his car, ready to leave.

"Ain't drivin' that damn thing anymore," I told him before heading to the car he drove.

Rick followed me back to the car. I got in the backseat next to Carl, placing my bags, pillow, and blankets beside me or on my lap. I was a bit pissed off that I had to leave my car behind, but knew it was something that had to be done. A car that didn't always work was pointless.

I opened one of my bags and found my broken necklace. I've been so busy lately that I haven't had time to fix it. I held it close to my face to see where it was broke at. Part of the chain broke apart, which meant I needed a new chain or somehow fix. I went for the latter since I didn't have a new chain for the pendant to be on. Luckily the piece that broke was just pulled apart. I managed to connect it back together and pinch it hard so it closed enough to not fall apart. I then clasped it back around my neck, smiling when the pendant was laying against my chest. I knew I had to be careful with it on since it would break apart easily. It would work for now until I found a new chain to put the pendant on.

Not long after my car broke down did we find a town. It was a really small town that only had a post office, gas station, small grocery store, and a small cafe, which were all close together. Blink and you would probably miss the whole town. At least it wasn't overrun by hungry walkers.

"We gonna check these places out?" I asked Rick as he slowly drove past the gas station.

"Seems safe," he mumbled before pulling into the parking lot of the grocery store.

I stayed in the car with Carl and Lori, while Maggie, Glenn, and Daryl went with Rick inside. Checking out places wasn't something I was doing anymore. First off, I didn't even have a weapon, so fending for myself was out of the question. Rick tried to give me a knife, but I denied it. Daryl tried giving me my gun back multiple times, but I told him to keep it even though he had his own gun.

"Think we can stay here for awhile?" Carl asked quietly. I wasn't sure who he was asking, but I answered.

"Maybe, seems safe 'round here,"

Lori stayed quiet, not having a word to say like usual to either of us. She would talk to Carl, but usually when I wasn't around. I was beginning to get the feeling that she didn't like me for some reason, but doubted that was true. I knew she had a lot on her mind, especially about the baby. She only had a few more weeks to go until it would arrive.

Rick came back out and came straight to the car. He motioned for Carl and I, so we both got out. He did the same for T-Dog and Carol. I was wondering if something was wrong since Maggie, Glenn, and Daryl didn't come back out. I let out a sigh of relief when he told us to check out the store while the him and the others made sure the gas station and cafe were safe.

The four of us went into the store as Daryl, Maggie, and Glenn came out, nodding their heads to confirm that it was free of walkers. T-Dog and Carol both had knives on them just in case. We stayed together as we quickly went down the nearly empty aisles. It took us only five minutes to search for any supplies. All we found was a jar of peanut butter.

When we came back out, Rick split us up again. Carl and I went with him and Daryl to the cafe. Maggie and Glenn were already checking out the gas station, but he sent T and Carol to be back up. I was confused to why he split us up for when Daryl and him could easily scope out the place. I went along with it though.

We had to cross to the other side of the road to get to the cafe. The small brick building had a sign above the door that said Bobby's Cafe. How original. The glass door was still intact, but a couple of the windows were shattered. We went inside to find everything how it was left. Needless to say, it was really creepy. Nothing seemed to be moved since the world went to shit. A plate of spoiled food sat on the table that had a thin layer of dust. A clear glass was knocked over next to it, the liquid being long gone. Napkins littered the floor in some places, with a few forks and spoons on the ground. Otherwise the whole cafe seemed like nothing was out of place, almost like it was any ordinary day where you had some kind of warning and had to rush to get to safety.

We began searching for anything that could be ate. In the kitchen we found several cans of different fruits. Most of it was cans of mixed fruit, but there were still a few cans of diced pineapple, sliced peaches, and pears. Carl and I grabbed all the cans, fifteen to be exact, since we weren't holding anything. Everything else had went to waste. I was happy to leave the kitchen since it smelt so bad.

Carl and I sat all the cans on an empty table in the main area. Rick sent Carl to get the others, since we were staying in the cafe for awhile. I took a can of mixed fruit before sitting down in one of the booths. I let out a groan after realizing that I didn't have anything to open it with.

"Can one of you open this?!" I impatiently asked, waving the can above my head. Daryl went into the kitchen and came back moments later with a can opener. Of course we had one, but it was in one of the cars. I didn't even think to see if one was in the kitchen here. "Oh, thank you!"

I had already opened my can and was halfway done by the time everyone else came inside. The quietness was soon replaced with a lot of talking. Everyone took their seats at the tables or booths. I had my legs stretched across the booth I was sitting in, but Carl was sitting across from me. Rick was sitting alone at the table across from us. Hershel, Lori, and Carol sat around a table next to them. Maggie and Glenn were sitting in the booth behind us and across from Hershel's table. T-Dog and Beth were sitting at the table next to them. Daryl was sitting on the counter near the window where you paid for your food. Almost everyone was eating a can of some kind of fruit besides Rick and Daryl.

"Hey Rick, you can join us," I told him after realizing he was either upset about something or zoning out.

I really didn't expect him to move from the table to join us, but he did. He sat next to Carl which instantly made Carl happy. Carl began talking to him, while I finished eating my can of fruit. I was curious to know what was bugging Rick, but didn't want to ask in front of Carl.

"You gonna eat?" I asked Rick after Carl finished telling him some story. Rick shook his head before excusing himself from the table and going over to Daryl.

"Hey, Rick! Are we staying here?" Glenn called after him. Everyone turned their attention to Rick who just nodded before heading outside with Daryl.

Nobody else seemed to notice that Rick seemed to be distancing himself, but I didn't plan on saying anything. I started talking to Carl since he was still sitting across from me.
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thanks fienix66613 for the comment.