Sequel: Second Chance
Status: Completed.

I'm with You


Finding a place to stay wasn't that hard, in fact I was staying in the apartment building at the end of the same street, opposite side of the store. I had taken an apartment on the very top floor where I could see the storefront clearly. My luck didn't seem to be ending anytime soon today. Getting to the apartment and up all the stairs was easy. Not a single walker noticed me on the street, and none were in the halls of the apartments. Then it got better. This very apartment had supplies I could use. I found an empty backpack, two flashlights, batteries, aspirin, two unopened bottles of water, a bottle of vodka, and ten cans of chicken noodle soup. All of that was just in this apartment, who knew what I would find if I searched the others, something I was planning on doing tomorrow.

I sat on the couch that was turned so I could look out the window and keep watch on the store. I was on my second can of chicken noodle soup. I didn't care that it was cold, it was still good and my body was enjoying it. I opened one of the bottles of water, taking sips so I didn't drink it all at once. Only thing that could make this day better would be seeing Rick's group once again, but I'm sure that I'm not that lucky.

After two cans of chicken noodle soup, a can of peaches, half a bottle of water, and a few sips of vodka, I was ready to go to sleep. The door leading into the apartment was blocked by a small bookshelf, making it safe enough for me to actually sleep in the bed in the bedroom. I kicked my boots off before taking off my hoodie and falling backwards onto the bed. I pulled a blanket over me before snuggling into the unfamiliar bed. My eyes closed as I drifted off into dreamland.

Morning felt like it came too soon. I wanted to sleep more even though I got a good night's rest. I finally forced myself out of the nice, warm bed since I had things to do today. First on the list was to eat my breakfast which consisted of chicken noodle soup and peaches, not together of course.

With breakfast being over, I began getting ready for my quests of the day. I slipped my boots back on as well as my hoodie and leather jacket since it was cold. I got the backpack I found and placed the half empty bottle of water inside as well as a flashlight. I took my gun out of my hoodie pocket and placed it in there as well even though I didn't have bullets for it. The matches and my necklace stayed in my jeans pockets. My knife was in my hand, ready to stab anyone or anything that got in my path. My first order of business was to retrieve the rest of the canned goods from the store. Since I haven't seen anyone, it was safe to say that nobody was coming back for them, and if they did, they would be gone before they got back.

It took me ten minutes at least just to run to the store, grab all the cans, and run back to the apartments with a heavy backpack and my left with three plastic bags. It seemed a little too easy, but I didn't care. Having a flashlight made it easier to see, and the backpack held most of the canned goods. The cans were right where I left them, so of course it was easy to retrieve them. Guess I was used to something coming after me whenever I was in a store.

After placing the canned goods from the store into the apartment I was staying in, I headed back down to the first floor to check each apartment for supplies. My plan was to lightly knock on each door, if there was groaning or any noise behind it, then it was safe to say that I didn't need to check in there. Dealing with walkers in order to check an apartment for supplies wasn't on my list on things to do today. Dealing with walkers in general was never on my list of things to do. I had enough food for a couple of weeks, so getting supplies at the moment wasn't something I had to do.

It took three hours to search through the apartments on the floors below me. Half of them I heard movement inside, so I let them be. Wasn't risking my life for supplies today, especially since I found very few items in the apartments that didn't have movement. I had at least five flashlights now and a few more cans of food. I even took shampoo and conditioner from one bathroom just in case I actually got to shower soon. My dirty, tangled hair needed a good wash one of these days, hopefully sometime soon when it got a bit warmer.

I empty my bag in the apartment I was staying in before going to check the nine others on this floor. Movement came from three of them, so I skipped them. Three more were completely empty, so it was useless to search them. The last three had no movement, but used to be home to someone since stuff was actually in the apartments. After taking ten minutes to search each of them, I came back to my apartment with a can of peas and another flashlight.

The bookshelf was blocking the door as I began eating my lunch which consisted of beef stew and mixed fruit. My body was gaining back all the energy it needed in order to survive. My plan was to stay here as long as I could. While staying here, I was going to stay in this apartment and relax. There was nothing I needed right now, so no reason to leave the apartment. Everything would go as planned as long as my luck didn't run out anytime soon.
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I really just wanna keep writing, but not going to. I'm sorry if the filler chapters are getting a bit boring, but they are needed, especially since I wanna end this story on chapter 100. Also don't wanna rush into what I have planned. Any thoughts?