Sequel: Welcome to Paradise

You're Already the Voice Inside My Head

I Walk A Lonely Road

“I walk a lonely road, the only one I’ve ever known”
I groan as Green Day blasts into my room, rolling over I turn off my alarm. It’s half seven and I’ve only got half an hour before I have to be in school, or hell as I call it these days. It didn’t always used to be like this, no I’ve never loved school but it didn’t used to be so bad. But once it got out that I’m gay everything just went downhill.
I shower, fix my hair and dress in a Green Day shirt and black jeans. I put my headphone in and start the walk to school, grabbing something to eat as I pass through the kitchen. I check the time seven forty five I’m going to be late, great just great.
By the time I arrive mostly every ones already in their classes so I can get through the halls with no issue but once I’m in class it’s a different story.
“What’s up Fag?” Spat Graeme, the schools resisted quarter-back and now my biggest bully.
“Fuck off” I mutter, taking a seat at the back of the room. He gives me a death glare but I zone out listening to my music.
“Gaskarth!” I’m snapped out of my day dream by my Teacher Mr Lees. He looks down at me his large glasses sliding off his nose.
“Yes Sir?”
“You are paying attention or just listening to music?” he asks, raising an eye brow.
“Listening to music” I mutter.
“Out” I throw my back over my shoulder and walk out into the hall way. That’s when I first it hear it, it’s faint only a whisper.
“Help” I turn around expecting someone to be behind me but the hall way is empty.
“Hello?” I call but there’s no answer. I assume I’m imaging things, too little sleep and head off to sit outside my next class.
“Aw did the little fag get in trouble? Listening to his shitty music” Graeme is standing above me.
“Oh fuck off, pick on someone your own size” I stand up but I only come up about as high as his shoulder.
“What would be the fun in that?” He shoves me hard to the side, I land on the floor. Then the voice is back but louder.
“Help” I snap around but again there’s no one there.
“Who the hell was that?” I snap angrily, obviously someone is trying to mess with my head.
“Hearing things are you fag?” Graeme laughs.
“Someone just said help” I mutter.
“We’re the only two here... Fag” he points around and he’s right, there is not a single other person in this hall way.
“Then how did I...” I’m slammed backward again, landing painfully on my left arm.
“Because you’re a useless waste of space who can’t do anything right” He walks into class and leaves me sitting on the floor. I sit up rubbing my head but now the voice is louder.
“Please help me” I run my fingers through my hair, I look around the room there really is only me so where is the voice coming from? I get up and stumble into the bathroom, I’m dizzy and there’s a large bruise forming on my left arm.
“Fuck” I mutter, splashing cold water in my face.
“Can anyone hear me?” it’s that voice again but I know it’s inside my head as there’s no where it can be coming from. Graeme was right I am hearing voices... I can hear you I think.
“Wait there’s someone there?” Oh shit, it heard me? How did he hear me it was just a thought...
I’m here I think again.
“You can hear me?” replies the voice.
Yes I can hear you, how did you get in my head?
“I’m not in your head, I’m in mine”
Are you telling me we’re telepathic?
“I guess so...”
Fuck that’s weird. I run my fingers through my hair again; my reflection in the mirror has gone even paler. How am I telepathic? That isn’t even a real thing!
How is this real?
“I don’t know...”
What’s your name?
“I don’t...I don’t remember”
Where are you?
“I...I don’t know, it’s dark I can’t see”
So who are you?
“Right now I’m just the voice inside your head”
Why me? Why am I the only person who can hear you?
“I don’t know, we’re obviously special”
I don’t believe in special.
“Well special boy what’s your name?”
“Can you help me Alex?”
How? I wait a minute but there’s no answer.

How? I try to scream inside my head but still there’s no answer from the other boy. This is the weirdest shit that’s ever happened to me but there’s a boy out there that needs my help, even if I don’t know how to or what his name is.
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Hi, this is the edited version! Hopefully there's no spelling mistakes this time :)