Just Like Them All


"It gets lonely sometimes. I just feel better own my own."


I could feel the blood trying not to fall in my legs. My palms felt a but sweaty. I felt the urge to jump. But I'm not afraid of heights. I know im ok, I just want to be safe.
"What would happen if we fell?"
"We would probally die. I'm not a licensed doctor."
"But Mason, wouldn't you love to try?"
"Why of course, but that doesn't mean I want to. You're all I got Will."
"That sounded... Gay."
"Oh, well then fuck it, fall, who gives a shit." I said sarcastically
There was silence after the gay remark.
"Do you think he is ok?" Asked William
"Nah. But I still hope that he's alright."
There was more silence after the mention if family
"And yours?" I asked
"Maybe. But no."
I saw he was struck with sadness.
"Let's do a food run. We're almost out."
"The gas station?"
"Maybe the pub. I wanna get pissed."
"Drunk. Damn, where's your culture at?"
"Ha, dead."
He always brings up death, guess we cant ignore it.

"Ready to go?" Asked will
"Just about, I'm just grabbing so,e water."
"Why? We'll be right back."
"What if we get stuck?"
"It's right down the road, we'll be fine."
"Look, I want to bring it."
"Well if you do its less room for us to carry things back, and add in all that random shit you grab."
"It's helpful."
"You brought a chair back last week."
"It's a nice fuckin' chair!"
"You know what, fuck this, I'm going to a house, you can do whatever, I'll bring a talkie. I'll be back in sixty."

"You know, I guess we just don't get along a lot." I said, "I mean how hard can it be, not to be sexist but we're not gonna hold grudges, we'll just fight it out then everything will be ok."
She didn't anwser.
"And you just keep quite, alright, well I'm going to be taking these smokes and this box of gum. I also will be taking this." I held up a box of aspirin. William doesn't know I'm here. No one ever stops at this gas station. Not like anyone is around to try to find it. I said bye to Sandy. Maybe I should bring some string and a needle to reattach her lower jaw. Or I could just staple it back on. Not like she'd feel it, she's been dead since the first time I came in. She was behind the counter with a few friends, trying to grab me. I just shot them all, I didn't want to risk anything.

The fire was glowing, we don't know much about them yet, I want to test with them, William says it's a waste of time.
"So what'd you do today?" Will asked
"Not much, Just went to a house."
"Anything good?"
"A box of smokes for trade and some gum."
"Nice, any meds?"
"Yeah, some asprin. Did you find any goods?"
"I cleared the houses out in the first left dead end."
"Alright, well good job, I'll head up there soon and claim the goods."
There was a moment of silence
"I don't think that will be needed."
"Why not?"
"Well Mason, You and I clearly have different views and objectives. I think it is better if we head our separate ways, I want to check on my family." If I find them, dead or alive, I can come back here and join you again... Or kill you if you turned."
"I'll give you a pack of water, half the food, and which ever gun you want, either the shotgun or the .22 rifle. Or you can have everything you can carry from one of the houses."
He contemplated my offer for a little.
"I'll take your offer."
"But I want you out of here by tomorrow sundown. You are no longer living here, I do not need you. I want to use your room for experiments."
"Sounds like next time I see you, I'll have to kill you."
"What, you really think I'm going to die? Thanks, why don't you get the fuck out now!"

--- ---

I was better on my own.