
Four: Juan (john)

I can't find The Cat. His name is Juan. I kind of miss him.
My assumption is he belongs to the bus driver.

Juan was sleeping in my purse.

I can see what Salia saw in Juan (I have decided that his American name is John). He is a very good listener.

We have stopped in Santa Maria finally. I say goodbye to the old man, the bus driver, and Juan. It has been an interesting four and a half hours in one vehicle with no one you know.

Juan has followed me off the bus.

Now I must find cat food.
I have no idea where to go, a hostel I suppose. I decide to go to a twenty-four hour grocer and buy some cigarettes and Tropicana orange juice. I look around for the cat food and decide to buy Iams, tried and true. I hope that the hostel will have a place resembling a cat litter box for Juan. I honestly don't feel like carrying around a five pound package of cat litter.
I then gather my cigarettes, OJ, and Iams cat food and head out for shelter.
It has started to rain again.