‹ Prequel: Just for a Moment
Sequel: Misplaced Words
Status: This story is complete but being revised. Part four is now in progress ♥

Dizzy Hurricane

Good News

Paige and I stand at the front of the lunch line, debating whether we should pick the pizza over the spaghetti. We laugh at the annoyed lunch ladies, telling us to hurry up. I pick up a stray noodle and place it over my puckered lips, imitating a man with a mustache. Paige finds this hilarious and blindly knocks me into the person in back of me by pushing my shoulder. My faux mustache flies off of my face and I try to regain my posture after tripping over the student’s shoes. I start to laugh at how dumb Paige and I must look, and decide that I should apologize to the person. I turn around coming face to face with the person I’ve been dreading to see.

“M-Max,” I stutter, avoiding eye contact.

“Aaliyah,” he smiles, “this is like what, the third time you’ve bumped into me since we’ve known each other? It’s quite amusing. You’re such a clumsy girl around me.”

He pinches my cheek then moves past me to grab a lunch tray.

“Ha, that’s funny. Paige,” I whisper, “let’s go.”

“Leaving so soon? You didn’t even get your lunch,” he says, grabbing my wrist with his free hand. “We haven’t seen each other in months, let’s catch up a little.”

I wriggle my arm free and look at him disgusted.

“Leave me alone Max.”

“Fine, fine. I’ll let it pass, today. But we must talk soon. I really missed you,” he says, looking into my eyes.

I have the sudden urge the throw up.

“Yeah, I’m sure you did,” I snarl.

“Mm,” he chuckles, “you’re so cute when you’re mad.”

“What…is going on here?” Paige butts in.

“Nothing,” I say, making sure to give Max my dirtiest look.

I grab her arm and quickly walk away from the line. Before we get far though, Max shouts out, “How’s Jack, by the way?” I felt like hurting him in that moment - throwing his sadistic little butt down a flight of stairs. He’d probably like it though, that creep. I ignore him and rush to find a table. Although we didn’t grab our lunch she didn’t seem to be upset, I’m sure she understands. We slide into a table in the far left corner of the cafeteria, making sure to keep hidden.

“Alright,” she says, placing both of her hands on the table. “I need to know what is going on here.”

“Paige,” I sigh, “it’s a long story, I don’t know if you’re up for-”

“I am up for it. It’s you who isn’t.” She grabs one of my hands and holds it in hers, “I’ll be fine with the short version too, for now at least. What I’m picking up from your behavior is that you two may have an ugly past. Don’t let that stop you from being comfortable here.”

“You’re right,” I say with a small smile.

I start spilling out my history with Max to Paige, not surprised by her reaction. She wanted the full story, and I was going to give it to her. The school cafeteria may not be the most appropriate place for this, but it was urgent, so I’m just fine with it. By the time I’m done telling her everything, our lunch period has five minutes left, so we take advantage of the vending machines at the end of the corridor before making our way to study hall. When we get there we join Lacey at the beanbag area and take our history notebooks out.

At the end of the school day I decide to head straight home instead of hanging out with my friends. I don’t have work today, so I can just relax. As I’m riding the bus I do regret going straight home; it's Friday after all. What would I do at home alone that is better than hanging out with a few friends? I huff as I step into the elevator, headed towards a long boring night by myself. I really do wish that I was still at MJ academy, I can’t wait till next year when Tally is gone and I get to go back. What a happy time that will be! Until then though, I have to deal with managing a job, paying bills, going to school without my sister, and now having to avoid my jerk of an ex. Fun.

I let myself into the apartment, dropping my bag to the floor and going over to the kitchen to pour myself some orange juice. I slip my phone out of my pocket, shooting a text to a few of my friends back on campus. When I’m done with my drink I head into the shower and take my time to wash my hair and such. After drying up, I scurry into my room and change into my cozy “loner” pajamas. As I reach out for the giant stuffed rabbit that Lizzy gave me, I notice my fading scar and frown. What an ugly reminder of the mistakes I’ve made, even after the accident.

I grab the rabbit and turn my laptop on, ready to waste hours on the internet. Before logging on though, I decide to mend the tear I made in my friendship with Naomi. Last time I spoke to her was when she visited me two weeks ago. She’s tried texting me here and there, but I’ve always replied with “can’t talk right now, I’m busy.”

I consider hanging up as her phone rings on the other end, but she picks up before I have the chance to.

“Oh hey,” she says in a mock-cheery tone, “you’re not busy for once.”

“Look, before you-”

“I know,” she raises her voice to topple mine. I pause, confused. “Apology accepted no need to bring up our stupid fight.”

“No problem? Just like that?” I ask, biting my finger.

“Just like that.” She sighs, “At the end of the day, I won’t let an argument about a boy get in the way of bestie-ship.”

I roll my eyes in relief and laugh, so happy yet annoyed to hear her bubbly chatter.

“I’m so glad we were able to get over that. Now listen up, I’ve got some serious stuff to tell you-”

“I broke up with Reggie, by the way,” she cuts in.

I jerk my head back in astonishment, looking at my phone to see if it was actually Naomi I was talking to.

“You what?”

“I broke-”

“No I heard you,” I say, pushing away the laptop and standing up, “I just don’t believe it.”

“Well, believe it girl because we are overrrrr,” she drags on. “Now you don’t have to worry about me cheating, I can be one hundred percent Vic’s.”

I gulp and giggle nervously, realizing that the possibility of them dating is so real now.

“So, um, how did you guys break up? What happened exactly?” I make my way to the kitchen to pour myself some juice while listen to Naomi give me all the details of her break up. She admits that it was a mutual break, but she brought it to his attention first. Reggie was too busy giving other girls his attention, and she wasn’t interested in him anymore. She continues to tell me how that night she rushed to my sister’s room because she knew Vic would be there, since he told her about the study sessions they have. I frowned at that part, wishing I was there to spend time with my friends. I brush it off as she went on to say that she announced the break up to Vic, and apparently the other guests. “How did he react?”

“He looked relieved, confused, and troubled all at the same time. This was two days ago though. I think he’s over whatever he was feeling; he seems to be warming up to me greatly.”

I bite my lip, hating the fact that I could hear her smile through her words. So this confirms it, huh? No Vic for me. I clear my throat and use the best congratulatory voice I know, trying to cover my disappointment.

“That’s great Naomi, it really is.”

“Yeah, I know,” she sighs dreamily. “I don’t know if he’s forward enough to ask me out himself though. I’ve picked that up about him - he’s not the confident type.”

“Yes, I’m familiar with that about him,” I say through gritted teeth. Of course I noticed that, he’s my best friend after all. The way she said it irritates me, like-like she has a different understanding about him or something. Whatever it is, it’s bothering me. “Maybe he won’t ask you out, only time can tell.”

Hopefully enough time for him to get over her.

“Yeah, you’re right. I guess I’ll have to be the one to do the honors,” she laughs. “Now, what was it that you wanted to tell me?”

“Oh, I forgot. I’m sure it was nothing,” I lie, “but if it comes up again, I’ll be sure to call you back.”

“Great, well, it was nice talking to you Als. Oh! Maybe we could have a girl’s day next weekend. You, me, and maybe some of your friends from school. Or it could just be us. I prefer that. But whatever you want is fine with me.”

“Yeah, that sounds nice,” I agree, in sudden change of mood, “goodnight, I’ll text you tomorrow.”

“Kay kay, byeeee!” she shouts happily.


I hang up and immediately shuffle back to my bed and fall onto it. I guess it’s another night for Naomi to disregard my feelings for Vic. She couldn’t have possible thought that I got over him in two weeks. I guess that’s just what I’ll have to do. Or...I could grab his attention, in another way.
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