‹ Prequel: Just for a Moment
Sequel: Misplaced Words
Status: This story is complete but being revised. Part four is now in progress ♥

Dizzy Hurricane

To Die For

I bite my lip and giggle into Kellin’s hair, trying to mask my laughter as I hear Jack tell another lame joke. My chest was pressed again Kellin and his hand was placed on the small of my back. Without even looking at as Tania moans, I know that she is rolling her eyes with her hand on her belly. She looks like she about ready to pop any day now. Just two months she says almost every day now to anyone who will listen. She can barely keep the excitement out of her voice, even if she looks bored all the time. Of course these days she is less then amused with Jack’s pregnancy jokes. The rest of us all just wanted to focus on our placement exams or maybe that is just me. These exams are no joke. In May each of us will get placed in a summer internship working with the best and the brightest of in our career paths but where depends on our grades on the exams. Jack just keeps on going, keeping everyone nice and distracted. I guess Jack doesn’t care since he and Tania will be knee deep in dirty laundry, diapers and baby formula by then. No placement exams for them anyway.

I place my chin on Kellin’s shoulder and see the sun shining into the window. I think back to when I was laying on the sand on a private island with Kellin and suddenly wish I was back. I miss it being just the two of us with the sun kissing our skin and the water singing us to sleep on cool nights. How clear the stars looked as we gazed together and forgot everything, just living in the right there and then. It was perfect and extremely peaceful. No exams causing stress, no drama, no worries. Just my love and I with all the time in the world just for us, I sigh and he rubs my back. I know he is thinking about it too.

Of course, I know that spring will be here soon and just the thought makes butterflies fill my stomach. This spring is when the movie, that Zac and I played rather small roles in, comes out. Love and War, cheesy title but we played a couple who was trying to escape the war alive. I can’t wait to see myself on the big screen. I won’t be the only one seeing it either, so many people will see me. My name will be in the credits and everything! I feel the excitement filling my chest. I mean I have achieved a bit of fame since Emma’s campaign for me last summer. I have been on two talk shows and have had at least five articles too. That doesn’t make this any less exciting; this is mine all my own. Seriously, my stomach is tied in anxious knots; I hope the movie does well.

Kellin tightens his arm around my waist and chuckles as Jack continues his routine. I remember how at his wedding, the one he did for our sake since they eloped in August, Jack was so quiet and shy. Tania was a glow, her baby bump starting to show a bit, her mermaid dress further highlighting her beauty. That was an amazing day and since then Jack has been a different person. I mean he is outgoing, funny, extremely happy and just so lovable. Maybe he was all those things before but never to this degree. I wonder if it still kills Ally that she didn’t make him into this incredible man that he is today. Tania voice pulls me from my thought as she now chimes in with band member jokes which now have me and Roxy cracking up. This girl is the sweetest thing ever but two months left; her temper is getting short even with her beloved.

“Okay guys that is my cue to stop,” he laughs and kisses Tania, “I am sorry babe. No harm meant.”

“I know,” she coos at him while looking lovingly into his eyes.

The guys immediately begin to tease him about being whipped, as if they themselves were any better. Suddenly the door to Roxy’s place swings open and I know the tension will follow. I give Roxy a look and I see that she is already pissed. Entering in the apartment is Zac walking in with his new girlfriend, whose voice sounds like the chick from the Nanny. To add to her annoying voice there is the fact that Dana hates me. Even despite the matching ring set I wear with Kellin, she still swears that I am after Zac. I roll my eyes from my place between Kellin’s knees as she glares at me. Seriously, I am literally all over my husband right now and she still thinks I am here for her man.

I stare at her as she sits with him on the love seat closet to the door. I want to open my mouth and say: Get over yourself Dana, Zac maybe gorgeous, but as far as I am concerned no one has a single thing on my Kells. I hate that she is here; she makes the air feel heavy when she walks into a room. I mean Dana is not really nice to any of us but all of us just kind of swallow it because we adore Zac and since Zac hasn’t been with anyone since….well we are happy for him. She has a serious superiority complex, plus she and Roxy are always, I mean always, at odds. It’s like they declared war on each other. They are competing to see who the Alpha female and I think we are all rooting for Roxy. It’s not just that she is a monster to be around but she is changing Zac. He is acting like he is this hardcore bad boy, in fact just last week he got a motorcycle and starting buying cigarettes which I hope he isn’t really smoking.

“Hey guys,” Zac said with an edge to his voice, causing me again to wish Dana would just leave.

“Hey Zac,” everyone mumbles.

Zac looks at Dana expecting her to say hey to us, and as usual she stares at him. No words are said but you can see that eventually she gives in and waves weakly at us. That is enough to pacify Zac and bring a smile back to his face. Dana spots Naomi and is thrilled, the only other person she thinks is good enough for her time. Naomi isn’t paying her any mind to her, in fact ever since last week she hasn’t slept much and Vic keeps throwing worried looks her way. She hasn’t been eating as much either, maybe she is depressed. For some reason I know that this is connected to Ally. I happily excuse myself and pick up the phone to call her. It rings and rings and then a strange person picks up, and she is crying.

“Ally tired to hang herself…”

Oh, damn.
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Well, that's Ally for you, always being the center of the drama. Comment and let us know what you are thinking ♥

-Hana ♥