‹ Prequel: Just for a Moment
Sequel: Misplaced Words
Status: This story is complete but being revised. Part four is now in progress ♥

Dizzy Hurricane

The End

We all sat in the IHop off of campus and it was empty except for the group, which I guess it not really that empty at all. I just sat and fidgeted with the ends of my blouse. I could feel that Ally was staring at me hopefully, just waiting. I guess that she wanted us to make up and move on. See, we had gotten into a huge fight earlier which of course I feel horrible for. I mean, she is recovering and all. I remember that I shook my head, and thought that I can be such an idiot sometimes. She really is trying; maybe it was my turn, I really could just try to be kinder. She reacted really well to the showcase, even said that she was remembering some stuff. I needed to get a grip, she is still Ally and I am still her older sister. I moved my plate around while the others munched on bread and laughed at whatever was being said. I was really not in the mood to laugh, I felt so horrible that I got into it with Ally. I knew that I just had to make it up to her.

“So Ally,” I cleared my throat, “what was your favorite part about the showcase?”

Kellin squeezed my hand; I could tell he was proud of the truly pathetic effort I was making. I squeezed his hand back and put on my best smile. Naomi, who was sitting right next to Ally, smiled a huge smile my way, her way of egging me on.

“Well,” Ally perked up right away, “I loved hearing everyone perform. I mean wow, Pierce the Veil is amazing, I have never heard anything so raw and passionate before. Sleeping with Sirens, you guys killed it and you;" she turned and look at me, "well you deserve an Oscar Ellz.”

I blushed, how many times had Ally said those very words to me? She was always my biggest cheerleader even when we were falling apart. Maybe this Ally isn't so different after all, I thought to myself.

“Thanks Alz,” I smiled genuinely at her.

“It’s true, I mean if I didn’t know better I would think you and Zac were really together. You guys have great chemistry.” She flipped her hair and smiled.

Kellin stiffened slightly at my side, Vic chuckled and nudged me. I rolled my eyes at them both, while blushing at the memory of what almost was. Okay, this could be harder than I thought. I mean I have to tell Ally, it's apart of her recovery.

“Well,” I giggled nervously and kicked my feet against the floor, “he was my first kiss. I don't know if you will remember this but you freaked out when you first saw him. Swooned, openly drooled and elbowed me for not telling you what a stud he was. I was embarrassed as usual because I didn't want to talk about it. I really wanted it to be no big deal but at one time I did have a small crush on him. Not significant enough for him to steal me away from Vic. Who then became my boyfriend before I fully realized my feeling for Kellin. I mean I thought my Kells was a cutie from the moment I saw him, but I could also tell he was used to female attention and to be honest, I thought that he was out of my league.” I laughed loudly at my own thought, “I guess I was wrong because I sucked him in, now there is no way out for him.”

That's when he had pulled me into and kissed me passionately.

“I always knew that I wanted her to be mine,” he held my chin in my hands and ran his fingers across my face. “I knew that I needed her from the moment she became my very best friend. I mean who doesn't want to marry their best friend?”

“You guys are so cute! I could just puke staring at you guys.” Ally had laughed cheerfully and for a moment I saw her, the Ally that I always knew and loved.

That's around the time when I heard the bell jingle over the door; someone pulled out a chair at the counter and started to order. I paid no mind to this person, I mean IHop is public. All I noticed when the person walked in was a flash of broad shoulder, a navy blue baseball cap and a black windbreaker. Maybe it was a Yankee cap? I wish I would have looked in that direction maybe, but anyway, I kept talking to Ally. We all just kept laughing at some jokes Jaime was cracking. It was a sweet way to end the year until everything went to hell. It came out of no where, the gunshots rang out in the small diner sized IHop. I just remember that we screamed, we ducked and then all I saw was the blood. So much blood.

I put the pen down my hands are shaking. I shouldn't be writing up a police report, people shouldn’t be crying and no one should be dead. But someone is and nothing will ever be the same.
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Short and a cliffhanger ;) Tune in to year four to know who is gone
