The Most Important Rule

Chapter Eight

I quickly realized my mistake.

These weren't vampires. They were werewolves. They had fangs and brilliant eyes just like vampires, but they were quite a bit hairier. Most of them had facial hair and sideburns and chest hair bursting out of the collars of their shirts. And, most characteristically of werewolves, they were traveling in a pack.

We were outnumbered seven-to-one.

Rule #12: Vampire hunters are trained specifically to kill vampires. It is not advised to hunt any werewolves.

I felt panic rise in my chest. There were seven werewolves standing in front of us. If they were vampires this would be a piece of cake for me. But I wasn’t trained to kill werewolves. Just like vampires, they can only be killed a few certain ways. Sure, I knew the basics, but I wasn’t experienced.

Rustan sensed my panic. "Chase?" he asked slowly.


“We're screwed, aren't we?"

"Yes, Rustan. Yes we are."

The apparent leader of this small pack - the alpha male - smirked. "You got tha' right, doll face," he said in a rough, English-accented voice, and the werewolves behind him laughed in unison.

I said before that werewolves only changed under the full moon. However, if someone had been a wolf for a long enough time, or if they were strong enough, they were capable of changing on their own whenever they desired. They were in their 'human' forms at the moment, but at any second they could turn into giant, brutal beasts.

Rustan spoke up. "What the hell do you want?" he demanded. His voice was as calm as ever, even though he was visibly defensive and angry.

The alpha bared his fangs - I realized that he was just smiling. "I want the girl, ye bloke. There ain't any justice for such a pretty face to be walkin' around the city at such a late hour. Bad things can happen, ye know."

I scoffed. As if I couldn't take care of myself.

The wolf heard me, and he turned to look at me. "I wouldn't be actin' so arrogant, miss," he commented. "Seeing as how you were about to get eatin' by this lard of a vampire o'er here."

Now it was Rustan's turn to scoff. "I wasn't going to eat her," he stated. "Her blood smells like shit anyway. You of all people should be able to smell that, at least."

"That's what you'd think," the werewolf replied. "But ye see, vampires have a bit of a different taste than us wolves. So although she may not be very tasty to you, her scent is sweet as a rose to us."

I grimaced. "Why does it matter?" I cut in, fighting the urge to gag. "Werewolves don't eat humans. You only attack if you're looking for a new pack member."

"Why do ye think we're here, love?" he asked, his smile growing broader by the minute. "We ain't got any females in this pack, and we've been dyin' to get some good fun around here. You seem like you'd be able to handle us."
Us. As in all seven of us.

"And I thought vampires were repulsive," I spat.

"Aww, now don't be that way," he whined, putting on a fake frown. "It's either join us, or be eaten by the vampire over here. Live or die. Your choice."

"For the last time," Rustan said slowly, clearly annoyed, "I'm not going to eat her. And she sure as hell isn't going to join your group of mutts." This seemed to piss the werewolves, for they all snarled. Rustan bared his fangs in reply.

"Fine then, have it your way," the alpha growled. "If you're not going to come to us willingly, we'll have it done by force. And we'll erase this bloke from the picture while we're at it."

Isn't it funny how evil minds work? Either you do what they say, or you die. Very unoriginal. Of course, Rustan nor I were about to succumb to the wolves' requests any time soon.

"Bring it," I said simply.

At that, all seven of the werewolves lunged for us. Rustan and I immediately sprang into action; I kicked one in the gut, causing him to double over, while hitting another one square in the jaw. Rustan was brutal: he was busy punching the living daylights out of one wolf, and when another tried to attack him he abruptly spun around and knocked him out.

But none of the werewolves were killed; we didn't have the weapons for that. Whenever I thought I had knocked one down, he was already back up on his feet, snarling and attacking me again.

However, I wasn't completely defenseless.

Rule #13: Never be unprepared.

I reached to the side of my belt - which I always wore, asleep or awake - and I pulled out a thin, silver dagger. The blade itself was rather slender, but this little knife could work wonders.

I slashed at an oncoming werewolf, slicing him across the chest. The werewolf howled in pain and retreated at once. I turned to fight the next one - two - three werewolves, and to each of them I inflicted a serious flesh wound with the knife. Two of them collapsed to the ground, gravely wounded, and the third fled before I could harm him further.

Three down, four to go.

I turned and saw Rustan as he continued fighting the other werewolves. He had taken down two already, and was well into the process of killing the third.

That only left the alpha male.

I finally noticed him: he was still standing where he was before, patiently watching the fight. It looked like he didn't want to break a nail or anything.

I smiled and held open my arms. "Well, do you still want me or not?" I taunted, daring him to attack me. The wolf's eyes widened in alarm, and before I could say anything else, he had spun on his heels and fled.

"Psh. Like I'd let you get away that easy," I muttered, and sprinted after him.


The man on the rooftop watched curiously as the vampire and the human fought off the werewolf.

He was surprised when he saw that not only were they putting up a good fight, but they were winning. And that girl was strong, despite the fact she was a human. It was interesting to watch her in the face of danger - she didn't even flinch when she faced an enemy. But what was the most surprising to him was the fact that the two were working as a team. A vampire and a human. Who would have guessed?

The man suddenly saw the alpha wolf run in the opposite direction - and the girl ran after him, the knife in her hand glinting in the moonlight. She didn't wait for her vampire to catch up or anything.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Stupid girl," he muttered to himself. She obviously didn't understand werewolves - when wolves hunted, they liked to lure their prey.

And this girl was most definitely being lured. Without a doubt, she was going to die.